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SSBCrackStress Free Living Is the Key to Success

Stress Free Living Is the Key to Success

Stress Free Living Is the Key to Success

Stress management is a great technique which if learned by the individual enhances the efficiency and get wanted results. A little bit of stress is necessary for everyone and if you don’t feel it there is something wrong with you, but it should be in limit. Excessive stress is not at all good for health and have fatal effects on the body and mind. For defence aspirants as I have already told earlier in other articles that proper coordination between the two will only get you through, you need to be alert that you are not working or living under stress. The excess effect of stress could be depression and later the end result is death. 


Managing stress is not at all difficult. Follow these 6 simple mantras and live happily to move towards your goals:
  • Change the conditions: Life is not always the way we wanted. Everyone dreams big and thinks of a good life but get only a portion of it. Good and bad move together, so everything is not in our hand. Knowing this we should not be demotivated but should form the priority list and complete our work whole heartedly with our full calibre. Results will just follow you. Also interpersonal skills needs to be developed and you should balance your work life.
  • Think open heartedly: Values are integral part of your personality and they should not be changed for whatever you get. They are given to you by your parents and needs to be kept intact. Remember you should see the bigger picture foe each and every situation and not the small gains. Think big and get big is the key here.
    Indian Air Force Pilot
  • Change the situations: Time is the essential commodity and we should spend it wisely as whatever is lost will never be back to us. Also we should be ready to analyse the situations that fall our way , should ask for help if it could not be tackled lonely and help others when they need us.
  • Take time for relaxation and fun: Do spare time for whatever you like. Regular routine make life monotonous and its difficult to tackle situations because our heart and mind stops working. When you enjoy your leisure time in your own way you tend to come out of situations and become stress free. Spending time with family, friends and loved ones also help a lot in reducing stress level in body.
  • Healthy living makes you stress free: Life is the most precious commodity. If it is with you, only then you can enjoy other things. Keeping yourself fit is thus important which could be achieved through regular exercise, yoga, meditation. These numerous scientific exercises regulate your body functionalities and you tend to stay away from diseases.
  • Accept, whatever cannot be changed: Do not try to regulate everything. Change is part of life and don’t try to modify others behaviour, habits. Few things are not in your hand and learn to accept them as whatever and however they are. This will reduce your mental stress because it will avoid unnecessary thinking process and you will enjoy the real essence of living accommodating everyone along with you.
Yes…. it’s that simple to follow these mantras and force you energy towards positivity and do creative working. So why you are still stressed.

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jayendra Jayendra Singh, Editorial Team

Jayendra is pursuing MBA from IIM Ranchi and is a die heart counsellor for defence aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to who can make use of his experience in this field.

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Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Pratap Singh is an Alumnus of IIM Ranchi, specialized in Human Resource and is a die heart counsellor, advisor and mentor for defense aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.

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