Determination, hard work, patience, Self confidence etc these are not only words which we use in WAT and TAT but these are the actual mantras of success. I think without these things it’s difficult to achieve anything. Anything means everything. So this is my request to all of u to develop these things in you and you’ll definitely be there where ever you want.
So let’s begin with my valuable experience i.e my previous attempts. Some feel shy of telling their attempts because they consider them as a bad experience. The reason behind is they don’t learn from their experience and I m not taunting anybody but I am telling u that pls try to learn from your past experience and introspect yourself. So let’s begin my roller coaster ride. I started my journey in 2012 with TGC-115 and dere I got screened out and this is not it. In next 4 attempts the result was same ie in SSC-39,TGC-116, SSC-40, TGC-117. Then comes the day when I got screened in Bhopal in July 2013 in SSC-41 , almost after a year. But I had no regrets about the year in fact I was happy that I got screened in. Now from dere onwards I was shifted to conference out lot and I was out for 5 times continuously from SSC-41, TGC-118, SSC-42, Navy PC(EDU), TGC-119.
Now comes my 11th attempt and this was special because this time it was CDS entry (OTA). The pros of cds entry is that the candidates are less as comparatively to other entries, so chances are more but u need to perform as per their standards. I reported their in Bhopal on 8th may . Total 60 candidates came there.(Advantage). So they took us to the SSB center. They showed us our lines allotted us rooms and called us at 4 pm for the documentation. So they checked the documents and after that one officer came their and briefed us about the next 5 days, then we were asked to report at 6 next day. I made some friends on first day. So I just shared rooms with them.
Day 1 :- OIR and PPDT
One of the most important day. Here anything can happen. They gave us OIR and it was simple just try to solve some verbal and non verbal questions at home and you will be able to solve it. Then comes PPDT they showed us a hazy picture and in that two persons were there in a jungle . So I made a story on Archeological theme, I narrated well but many people in discussion were sticked to adventure camp so I moved with them and concluded it with that theme. Then after lunch, results were out and out of 60, 30 were screened in. So they gave us new chest no and mine was 27 lucky 9.
Day 2 :- Psychological test

Its not that simple. So practice the TAT , WAT and SRT at home. Don’t write pre conceived stories because they will defiantly catch this. So write the stories around a theme which they show you there . In WAT write some observational sentences and in SRT there is a practice book in so download it and practice it and prepare a SD according to your life don’t copy it from any site or from ur friend’s book.
After this test I was the first person whose interview they had already scheduled. So I was nervous because I had to go to Commandant of Bhopal (Major General). But I calm my mind and went inside the room and answered him confidently and if u don’t know the answer just say sorry don’t give your college guessing fundas. This will make a bad image of yours in IO’s mind.
Day:-3 and 4 GTO
We were 10 candidates in the group. We started our day with GD. Be calm in GD, listen to others and give your valuable knowledge and try not to make fish market . Our topics were “Reason for road accidents and reason for migration” then comes PGT, HGT, FGT in all these try to help others so that your group will complete the task . No words for snake race , do whatever you want . GPE , try to make a practical solution and while making think that can you actually do it or not in real life ???and then discuss it calmly. IO, depends on your stamina and I did 13 …….lecturette I got Judicial system, read newspaper and magazine to collect information. In Command Task try to analyze your task and then do it.
Day :- 5 Conference
This time I waited for 3 or 4 minutes outside the room then they called me. I wished them and they asked me about my experience and then they asked me that for instance here you fell short of one mark then how you will convince us. I analyzed this question and told them my strengths and told them what I have improved during my journey and then they asked about any suggestion . I said no and came out of the room.
Out of 30, 4 got recommended. I cleared my medicals and now waiting for the merit….All the best to all J
About Akash Sharma: Akash with his strong motivation and hardwork cleared the SSB interview and Medicals from Bhopal in his 11th attempt.
Hey buddy congratz
But is this ssb was of cds1 2014 or someother… I m still awaiting my call letter
Congratulations Sir for getting recommended. Do tell Simran Sir to share his story also, it would be of great help. How do i know him, I was also there when you guys got recommended. We had our reporting on 10th may (OTA 100th Course).
Hey ratan, i was there too on 10th may reporting. Remember me(jordan)
Simran sir would be great help