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CoachingNDA Coaching Classes Lucknow, Step2Defence Academy

NDA Coaching Classes Lucknow, Step2Defence Academy

Step 2 Defence Academy is the only Institution in India, NDA written coaching are structured in a unique way. Syllabus are followed as per the UPSC Board, Step 2 Defence Academy provides self-prepared study material to bring out the best result from candidate. Step 2 Defence believe that trainers are the main back bone for the organization and for the candidates hence academy has well trained and experienced faculty. Followed by individualistic requirement to bring about the maximum in potential candidate. The classes are conducted six hours every day followed by tests on every Monday. During the training program we measure each and every candidate on their performance levels being achieved by each and every candidate.

Experienced and Motivated staff runs the classes. Sundays will be also working day. A fully-air-conditioned 4000 sq. feet indoor coaching facility will provide comfortable and peaceful environment to fulfill your long-standing desire of joining the Armed Forces. (As seats are limited, students are advised to get their seats booked in advance).
NDA Coaching Classes Lucknow
Program & Duration Of NDA Coaching
Each batch last for full two month. No holidays are observed but it is a whole day course. Timings: Morning 8 am to 12 noon & Evening 3 pm to 6 pm Weekly Tests, Notes issued, Experienced and motivated staff, Full syllabus covered, Sunday also working days, You would enjoy yourself by learning.
The paper pattern we give is the same as the one you face in the NDA examinations. The tests are taken within the coaching span to help the candidates improve on their shortcomings.

Contact Details
RK Plaza Nawal Kishore Road, Opp To Leela Theater,
Hazratganj Lucknow – 226001
MOB: 8960802000
E-MAIL: [email protected]

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