After around two years EKT is back! Engineering Knowledge Test is a test for the engineering graduates who apply for the Technical Branches in the Indian Air Force. This time with the announcement of AFCAT 2 2014, IAF also announced an EKT will be conducted immediately after the written exam of AFCAT. This EKT will be of 30 minutes duration.
You can apply as an engineer in IAF for the technical branch. For this you have to clear a written test, which is the AFCAT exam and the SSB interview. Now for the technical branch however apart from the AFCAT exam you also have to clear the EKT to get a call for the SSB Interview. As an engineer you can apply for the Aeronautical Engineer (Electronics) branch or Aeronautical Engineer (mechanical) branch. You have to necessarily be an engineering graduate for applying for the same.
- EKT Engineering Knowledge Test Syllabus 2014
- What is Engineering Knowledge Test EKT
- Tips for Engineering Knowledge Test
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I completeed with ECE in 2014.and which post Iam elgible
Can I apply for ekt exam in 3rd year of engineering?
Sir i have put technical branch as my first preference and ground duty as second if am unable to clear ekt although afcat is clear. Then what happens?
hi..i am applying for technical(electronic) branch of btech is electrical and electronics.could you please provide me some materials for its prepration. thnx..
Which subject did you choose for EKT while filling the form ?
hi..i have taken electrical and electronics as i belong to eee branch