
An Introduction to MiG-21 Part-1

By SSBCrack

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 An Introduction to MiG-21 Part-1

Hello to all the SSBCrack  readers! SSBCrack editorial team brings you a special report on MiG-21 as a tribute to Squadron leader Bansi, and his co-Pilot, who we lost last week in a MiG-21 Accident in J&K. And not only him, it’s a tribute to all those brave pilots, officers and soldiers who sacrificed their lives to save others! A tribute to all those who didn’t eject out and stayed till last second in their aircraft so that they can take it away from densely populated areas and can save thousands of lives! Here’s our first part where we are going to introduce you with MiG 21!

Mikoyan Gurevich 21 is first supersonic fighter jet which Indian bought from Soviet Union in 1963. In past 60 years this second generation fighter air craft has played its role well! Talking about the operational history, it was back bone of Indian Air force in 1971 Indo Pak war as well as Kargil war! When India took action against Bangladesh, Pakistan intruded up to Ambala and then, it was MiG-21 only, which without warning, without being seen or detected, at a very low level, dropped bombs on their runways, destroying them, weakening them and eventually making them surrender. In Kargil war too, it framed a mighty picture to not only Pak but also to other neighboring Countries!

 An Introduction to MiG-21 Part-1
No fighter pilot of Indian Air force goes without being trained on MiG-21. It is one of the most widely used air craft of India. It is not only affordable, but also the maintenance is said to be cheaper comparatively to other air crafts, though not easy! 
MiG-21 has been technically upgraded to MiG-21 Bison. It can evade radar. It is capable of ground attack as well as air defense. It comes with a special helmet, which enables the pilot to see wider without moving head. It also comes with technique where whichever direction the pilot’s head will see, the radar and missiles will see the same direction. MiG-21 Radar can auto lock even the heavy objects from a large distance without the person/pilot even being known! It’s interesting to know that MiG’s constitute over 75% of IAF’s combat fleet! 
Here was an introduction to MiG-21 and how it has been a helping hand to IAF and country’s security!  Especially in the history, when we and even our neighboring countries had no other air craft equal to this! Our next part on MiG-21 will come soon, “MiG-21- The flying coffin.”
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Sugandha+Sharma About Sugandha Sharma

She is a 21 years old defense aspirant from Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. She has completed her graduation in B.Sc, Clinical nutrition and pursuing Post graduation. She holds confidence in herself and clarity in her thoughts for her commission.


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1 thought on “An Introduction to MiG-21 Part-1”

  1. The anticipation I had while reading the title had gone while reading the content. Not much happy to say that this article is not upto the mark. Mig 21 Bison can ‘evade radar:, yes; but the word “Radar jamming” could have made a difference. Same in the case of that ‘special helmet’ and its unneccessery follow-up lines. Instead, “Helmet Mounded Display(HMD)” could have been a better addition to this article. And although the upgraded Mig might had never been to direct combat, It had been to joint exercises like “Cope India” and “Red Flag”. I hope you shall include the outcomes of these exercises in the upcoming parts along with the most important aircraft features and its advantages and limitations. Good day.


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