Hello! I am penning down this article for all our super courageous to-be soldiers! What is the limit of trying for the forces, for the SSB? Two, three, ten, twenty actually it is the age which decides the limit. Many of us have tried for twice, thrice and some even for 15-18 times yet not succeeded. Then comes a time when everybody around you starts telling that you need to focus on other things hence you should stop trying in the forces and concentrate on other things, you are also tired of trying again and again, not getting recommended and meeting the same fate every time, so you decide to stop going for the SSB Interviews. This happens to many of us, we decide that okay I am done with it, now let go of the piled up SSB’s, I’m not going to go for them. So far so good, but have you thought and pondered upon how will you feel ten years down the line?
You’ll feel like an opportunity was there, knocking on your door, but all you did was walked past it. This one piled up SSB which you decided not to give will come haunting back and make you feel that may be, may be if I had tried once more I might have succeeded. So the mantra I want to tell you is that never stop trying, never stop going for the SSB’s until your age constraints you to. You might have failed ‘n’ number of times but not going for the (n+1) th number of time will always make you feel bad, give a feeling of dissatisfaction which you won’t be able to overcome. It is indeed difficult to handle rejection so many times, par ‘girte hain shehsawar he maidaane jung mein’.
SSB is not about being somebody and adapting to become someone. It’s about showing the qualities. Each one of us has those qualities, some are able to show it and some are not. Now many a times we think that they are looking for the OLQ’s which can’t be developed, it is wither there or not, then how can we go again and again with the same personality and expect to get selected when we were rejected earlier. The reason is simple sometimes you are able to project the OLQ’s and sometimes you are not. The time when you can project it consistently is the time you get selected.
A friend of mine once said that try as much as you can so that you don’t have any regrets later because regret is a very bad feeling. Hence put in all your efforts and rise once again to try again. Somebody said to me once that ‘if one rejection can affect you so much then maybe they are right when they are not selecting you’. So don’t prove them right. This is the time opportunity is knocking at your gateway don’t let it go. Collect yourself, go again, improve, introspect and succeed and even if you don’t make it you’ll always have the contentment that you tried to your best. Don’t let negative thoughts surround you, don’t let negative people affect your mind, build a semi-permeable wall around you which will allow only those things to reach you and affect you which you want. An officer is all about determination and by trying definitely you are proving your blood!
‘Standing at the foot boys, gazing at the sky.
How will you reach up boys, if you’ll never try’
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yeh, we ill try (n+1) times
I want to know marks obtained in the written exam will also consider for merit list??
I needed it very badly… Thank u so much
I needed it , thanks bro
Wonderfully written lines definetely by some hardcore repeater like me (17 attempts). I agree to this line of thought if all of a sudden we stop trying then what about our previous hard work , everything goes in vain. Each failure gives us so much of learning which we can apply in other fields of our life.
I remember some lines by one of a great martyr – ” some goals r so worthy that it is even glorious to fail “.