Hi friends myself Diwakar Sharma from Bangalore, if there is will they is way for your destination. Friends I believe that our destination is based on our hardwork “Dream is not what we see in sleep. But dream is which does not let us sleep till we achieve it”. I was reported to Allahabad SSB on 02 January 2014 and it was ultimately experience for me because it was mine last attempt for SSB. And I make up my mind that this is mines last chance and I was aware that I will not get the same chance in coming future so, I prepared accordingly.
And then I stated preparing for Battle 1 that is screening mentally. The screening is same thing which is helping the assessor weather you are fit to join prestige’s organization
They was 2 booklet (Verbal and non-verbal) give to us solve with 25 mints each booklets consisting of 50 question.
After that we have given 15 mints brake so that they can prepare for next test that is PPDT (Picture perception and description test)
Then we all calledby our NCO and JCO for test
Then they flash 1 picture, according to picture we have write few details like Mood, sex and age and action ( what is happing in picture) for this 1 mint is give write and followed by story for 4 mint.
Then they took our answer sheet and send out from the hall for brake of ½ or 1 hour.
Then, they have divided the students into batches of 18. And one by one each group were called and 30 sec. given for go through, what we have written in sheet later one by one we started narrating our story.
Narrating of story play important role for your selection for next stage, I request you to kindly practice will in advance before you enter that hall and speak with confidence.
At 12:00 pm result was out and out of 76 candidates 30 candidates was retain for battle 2 and I was one among them.
Moreover, I believe group studies and self analysis play important role in correcting my mistake in psychologies.
I know that no story is correct or wrong but when we discuss the same story with group of friends we can make few good story and correct our general mistake which we commits during writing and It help us build our imagination power to thing and understand the picture.
SRT – I was wrote 39 SRT out of 60 situation. This time I was pretty slow in writing the sentence because I was reading and understand then, I was given my responses.
It does not matter how much you have wrote in SRT but is matter how good you can write, by reading understanding the situation.
Self description test- I prepared will in advance for SD.
Always be in a group rather apart from group. During my GD I have spoken for 3 to 4 times but I make sure that whenever I spoke other should listen and I can contribute valuable point in GD.
Whenever you are doing any task in GTO ground make sure that you should have eye on what is happing around you. Take suggestion, Ides even though you have capable to complete the whole task by yourself.
During your GTO your GTO sir may be pressure you during your command task. But you should maintain you cool and relax attitude and keep smiling. This what I did during my command task.
If you don’t any idea then try help other. You should know that all the aspirant undergoing for SSB are like you have same potential like you So, never command them or control them, just help them during a task.
I would recommend if have 2 to 3 mock interviews with your friend, which will really help you to understand you and your mistake.
Or, you can write each and every interview question with answer and analysis it. This is what I did for my Interview.
My conference was long. Ultimate i was satisfied with my conference; this is what happed with me for first time.
At last was waiting for mine result, I was really nervous because it was mine last attempt and that particular day I cannot forget movement reset mine life.
Ultimately 2 people got recommend and I was second person in that.
It was really high point of mine life and after this I am not expect anything in mine life.

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Hi diwakr .. can u giv ua mail id? i am a repetr too and need sm help and clarifications… nt too much.. if u cn pl. [email protected]
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