A big ghost that haunts us in every exam General Knowledge! In written exams we are already scared of it and then in interview also it appears! This article is going to solve all the doubts you have regarding the big question, is GK that important in SSB? There are candidates who are literally like encyclopedia and then too they don’t get recommended and then there are candidates who know not a single thing related to GK still they get through. Confusing, isn’t it?
What is the syllabus of GK for SSB?
The syllabus of GK for SSB is very wide and very narrow! Its simple GK in SSB can be anything. It could be something related to the current events and happenings, to something related to your basic subjects of graduation. It could be anything related to the job you are doing or anything related to the city you are living. Thus GK in SSB can be something related to you, to your country, your world! Some candidates have even been asked very out of the box questions.
How can I prepare it?
Now after reading the syllabus of GK for SSB do you think you can ever prepare it in a day? No! It takes time; you need to be observant enough to notice small things around you. It has to come in your habit. It is not exactly a subject which you can master. In fact you can’t ever master the GK for SSB, but you can do your best by trying to know the maximum around you. Suppose happens to be a surprise test in your class. Who will pass and who will fail? The one who has studied regularly will pass. Same is the case with preparation of GK.
Now the Big Question
Having read the syllabus of GK and the strategy of preparation for it, now ask yourself a question, isn’t GK important? Yes in a way it is because GK for SSB contains everything related to you and your surroundings, so as an observant person you are expected to know atleast something about the surrounding. There must be one more question popping up in your mind that then how the people who knew nothing of the current events pass, well you yourself know the answer, current events as such are not important, but the GK of SSB has much more than current events. It could be that they knew those parts well.
News, recent procurements and other things are not of utmost importance. SSB is a personality test and not a test of Current Affairs. Yet we ask you to read newspaper and books because they give an upper hand in the Group Discussion and lecturette. GD is everything about knowledge, the more you know the more relevant you’ll speak and more marks you’ll get. Thus knowing stuff related to the events and happening of national and international importance will help you in GD, lecturette and even in the Personal Interview it’ll help you if you are asked any such question.
Conclusion: GK holds a fairly good amount of importance in SSB. Why not go prepared if you have time, resource and amenities, after all it is a job which everybody dreams of, so why not go with full preparations.
2 thoughts on “Is General Knowledge Important for SSB?”
I think that having a right attitude is more important. According to my experience, In my interview G.T.O called me said that you are not having a good GK, why is that so? I replied politely that sir I cant cram G.K. for S.S.B which I would forget after the interview. Listening this, G.T.O was impressed… 🙂 I got Recommended too… So Guys you should have a right attitude. Things like GK are there only to judge your attitude.
I would suggest be honest and don’t guess answer if you are not aware of . Say I don’t know straight forward. After all it’s all your personalities that matter.
I think that having a right attitude is more important. According to my experience, In my interview G.T.O called me said that you are not having a good GK, why is that so? I replied politely that sir I cant cram G.K. for S.S.B which I would forget after the interview. Listening this, G.T.O was impressed… 🙂 I got Recommended too… So Guys you should have a right attitude. Things like GK are there only to judge your attitude.
I would suggest be honest and don’t guess answer if you are not aware of . Say I don’t know straight forward. After all it’s all your personalities that matter.