In group obstacle race, the groups of candidates have to cross the obstacles while carrying a snake shaped load with them. The most important aspects that are seen through this activity are:
- Your ability to grasp the rules and conditions of tackling the obstacles.
- Your ability to plan and organize.
- Your ability to coordinate with the group.
- Your physical fitness and stamina.
- Physical and mental robustness.
- The qualities that emerge from this task are: Effective Intelligence, Reasoning ability, Organizing ability, Cooperation, Sense of Responsibility, Self Confidence, Initiative, Speed of decision making, courage, determination and stamina.
- Be enthusiastic towards the task. Keep cheering your teammates.
- If you are slim and fit, take the initiative and help other heavier and weaker members through the obstacles.
- Take responsibility of the snake, carry it through the obstacles.
- Do not be selfish. Help each other and move forward as a team.
- Do keep cheering the team mates, particularly the weaker ones.
- Do not keep looking at the GTO.
- Do not touch the red color and never change the channel.
- Make sure at least three members are holding the snake throughout. Do not drop the snake on the ground.
- If your group has violated any rule, admit and do as asked by the GTO as the penalty.
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