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PsychologySelf DescriptionTips for Self Description

Tips for Self Description

Self description is the last test in psychology after TAT, WAT and SRT. This test aims to find the personality of the candidate and to crosscheck with candidate’s responses in WAT, TAT and SRT. The response sheet of self description is also send to the interviewer. The interviewer will cross examine the candidate’s reply with his personality. It is very important to perform well in self description as it will increase your chances in the interview and eventually in recommendations.

How to prepare for self description

Self description is nothing but a presentation of one’s personality his mind. If a person knows himself well, he’ll perform better in the test.
  • As it is like a released question paper, ask you parents, friends, teachers about you and write it in a paragraph.
  • Try to write the correct information about you.
  • Try to work on your weakness. Since the interviewer may ask you in the personal interview that what are the things you are doing to overcome your weaknesses.
  • Do not bluff and try to show your real personality.
  • Think about the strengths and the weaknesses of your parents and your friends.
    Tips for Self Description

Questions to be asked in self description

  1. Write about your strength and weaknesses?
    • The answer totally depends upon your personality and presentation of one’s personality in his mind. If one will have a good understanding about his personality, he will definitely perform better. The most important thing for a personality test to be remembered is one should have a good introspection of his/her personality to know and understand your strength and weakness much better. When you are writing your strengths make sure you are mentioning all the strengths which you think is most comparable to officer like qualities. Coming to your weakness, mention the weakness on which you are working on. If you have some weakness that you think can be an impediment in your selection, work on it. Try to talk to your parents, friends, and teachers and find out more about your weaknesses and make them in your strengths.
  2. What your friends say about you?
    • Now if you’ve friends you must have like them for most of their qualities and dislike them for their mistakes. The same thing goes with your friends. Try to write the positive traits of your personality. To elaborate more, you can give examples – How they helped in winning your battles of personal failures to convert them into success? Why do you like them? How you help them in achieving their aims. I would suggest that if you think that you are friendly in nature then you must remember names of all the people in your group and their likes and dislikes. Give examples how you help during their problem, during their ups and downs.
  3. What your parents say about you?
  4. What your teachers say about you?
  5. What kind of person you want to be?
I hope this article will help you in understanding interview self description much better.
Best of luck!

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  1. How can they judge our personality though our description? What should i write down ? Whatever i have are bad habbit and a lot of weakness .help how can i recover / improve my personLity ?

    • the mind set to say you are having weakness it self is is a positive personality trait of yourself………so try to find out these kinds of positives in your self and…….work on your weaknesses


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