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SSBCrackIndian Army Air Force and Navy Selection Process

Indian Army Air Force and Navy Selection Process

Indian Army Air Force and Navy Selection Process

The selection procedure in the Indian Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Air Force) is very elaborate and is done over five days. Three different assessors namely the Interviewing Officer, Group Testing Officer and the Psychologist test the same candidate from three different perspectives and arrive at their respective decision.


Normally, candidates are made to report in the afternoon and are picked up from the railway station. They are given briefing by the duty GTO covering the testing schedule, dos and don’ts etc. After that the candidates are asked to fill up a Personal Information Questionnaire.

Day 1

Candidates are put through a screening test which comprises of Intellgence Tests followed by a Picture Perception and Discussion Test. Based on the performance in these tests, some of the candidates are retained for stage 2 testing and others are allowed to return home the same day.

Indian Army Air Force and Navy Selection Process

Day 2

The screened in candidates are put through Psychological tests which comprises of Word Association Test, Thematic Apperception Test and Situation Reaction Test. Also, the candidates are asked to describe themselves. On completion, the personal interviews start.

Day 3

Candidates go through group testing on day 3 and 4. They are divided into groups depending upon the number of screed in candidates. Thereafter, Group Discussion, Group Planning Exercise, Progressive Group Task, Group Obstacle race, Half-Group Task and Lecturrette are conducted. On the completion of the GTO testing, Personal Interviews are done.

Day 4

The remaining tasks of the Group Testing are done like Individual obstacle, Command Task and Final Group Task are conducted. On the completion of the GTO testing, Personal Interviews of remaining candidates are done.

Day 5

It is the conference day wherein each candidate is called in one by one and the final decision is arrived at. The results are announced by afternoon and the candidates who are not recommended are allowed to leave.


Successful candidates are put through medicals which usually take five days to complete. Those who fail in the medicals are allowed to appeal to the nearest military hospital within 45 days.

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