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Question PaperAFCATAFCAT 1 2014 Question Paper with Answer

AFCAT 1 2014 Question Paper with Answer

Indian Air Force has conducted AFCAT 1 2014 successfully on 23 Feb 2014. Many aspirants from different parts of the country wrote AFCAT 1 2014 exam. Here we are trying to collect AFCAT 1 2014 question paper with correct answers. All question collected here from AFCAT 1 2014 question paper are memory based, we would like to thank our fans from Facebook page for making this possible.



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AFCAT 1 2014 Question Paper with Answers

You may find some questions are incomplete and in unorganized manner, please bear with us till we collect all questions from AFCAT 1 2014 and structure them in well-organized manner. The format of the questions is random and you may find questions in random fashion.

AFCAT 1 2014 Question Paper with Answer

And then Gandhi came. He was like a powerful current of fresh air that made us stretch ourselves and take deep breaths, like a beam of light that pierced the darkness and removed the scales from our eyes, like a whirlwind that upset many things but most of all the working of people’s minds. He did not descend from the top; he seemed to emerge from the millions of India, speaking their language and incessantly drawing attention to them and their appalling condition. Get off the backs of these peasants and workers, he told us, all of you who live by their exploitation; get rid of the system that produces this poverty and misery.

Q1. Gandhi came like a powerful current of fresh air and —
(a) awakened us to the plight of the masses in the grip of oppressors
 (b) made us patriotic
(c) emboldened us to attack and destroy the oppressors
(d) praised our culture
Q2. The rise of Gandhi–
(a) shocked people (b) made India powerful
 (c) made the condemnation of the exploiter final (d) made women feel secure
Q3. Gandhi fought the–
(a) rich (b) oppressor (c) apathetic masses (d) unjust system
Q4. The conspicuous role of Gandhi is that of a–
(a) father (b) reformer (c) teacher (d) liberator
Q5-10. Select the most appropriate word from the options against each number :-
Those living in the slums are 5 and tough because they are totally 6 to the vagaries and
hardships of life. The rising sun 7 the day and the setting sun closes the day for them. It is like
a drama where the curtain 8 up in the morning and comes down in the evening. They don’t 9
hypertension and heart attacks because there is, after all 10 to worry about.
Q5. (a) Poor (b) Sick (c) Hardy (d) Weak
Q6. (a) Dependent (b) Independent (c) Exposed (d) Tried
Q7. (a) Heralds (b) Herald (c) Bring (d) Brings
Q8. (a) Hangs (b) Hand (c) Goes (d) Shines
Q9. (a) Know (b) Get (c) Think (d) Have
Q10. (a) Everything (b) Something (c) Somewhere (d) Nothing
Q11-12. Choose the word which is nearest in meaning to the given word :-
(a) Passenger (b) Law-breaker (c) Protector (d) Comrade
(a) Common (b) Social (c) Plain (d) Atrocious
Q13-15. Choose the word which is nearly opposite in meaning to the given word:-
 (a) Oblivion (b) Objectivity (c) Aversion (d) Defeat
 (a) Tamed (b) Harmonious (c) Domestic (d) Silent
 (a) Apology (b) Eulogy (c) Enjoyment (d) Reservation
Q16-20. Choose the word that best defines the given phrase:-
Q16. ‘Able to use both hands alike’
 (a) Dexterous (b) Ambidextrous (c) Skilful (d) Expert
Q17. ‘A written account of the life of an individual’
 (a) Autobiography (b) Epigraph (c) Biography (d) Novel
Q18. ‘The identification of a disease by its symptoms’
 (a) Prescription (b) Prognosis (c) Diagnosis (d) Biopsy
Q19. ‘Prolonged inability to sleep’
(a) Amnesia (b) Utopia (c) Nausea (d) Insomnia
Q20. ‘A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge’
 (a) Verbose (b) Pedantic (c) Ornate (d) Pompous
Q21-25. Choose the correctly spelt word:-
Q21. The school alumni gathering put us in a ______ mood.
 (a) Remniscent (b) Reminisent (c) Reminiscent (d) Reminicent
Q22. ‘God is Dead’ is a ___________ statement.
 (a) Blasphemus (b) Blaphemous (c) Blasphemous (d) Blosphemos
Q23. The threat of an epidemic caused great alarm and _______.
 (a) Trepidation (b) Terpidation (c) Trepidition (d) Trepidattion
Q24. The din caused by the children howling is enough to ____ the dead.
 (a) Ressurect (b) Resurrect (c) Resurect (d) Resurecct
Q25. Can you ___ the car into that parking spot?
 (a) Manuer (b) Manever (c) Manoeuvre (d) Manuver
Q26-47. Choose most appropriate answer
Q26. Who was the Governor-General of India during the ‘Sepoy Mutiny’?
 (a) Lord Dalhousie (b) Lord Harding (c) Lord Canning (d) Lord Lytton.
Q27. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
(a) Goa attained full statehood in 1987
(b) Diu is an island in the Gulf of Khambhat
(c) Daman & Diu were separated from Goa by the 56th
of India
(d) Dadar & Nagar Haveli were under French colonial rule till 1954.
Q28. On which river is Washington DC situated?
(a) Potomac (b) Irrawaddy (c) Mississippi (d) Hudson
Q29. When body is accelerated–
(a) Its velocity never changes (b) Its speed will always changes
(c) Its direction always changes (d) Its speed may or may not change
Q30. Which of the following is not an agency of UN?
(a) World Bank (b) International Atomic Energy Agency
(c) Universal Postal Union (d) None of the above
Q31. Which kind of missile is BRAHMOS?
(a) Medium range ballistic missile (b) Supersonic cruise missile
(c) Short range tactical missile (d) Ultrasonic cruise missile
Q32. Which of the following is not a unit of energy?
(a) Calorie (b) Joule (c) electron volt (d) Watt
Q33. Who among the following has been called the ‘Napoleon of India’?
(a) Ashoka (b) Samudragupta (c) Chandragupta (d) Harshavardhana
Q34. Who is known as the ‘Grand Old Man of India’?
(a) Dadabhai Naoroji (b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
 (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) A.O. Hume
Q35. Which amongst the following has the power to regulate the right of citizenship in India?
(a) Union Cabinet (b) Parliament
 (c) Supreme Court (d) Law Commission
Q36. The Baglihar Hydroelectric power project in J & K is built across the river.–.
 (a) Beas (b) Chenab (c) Jhelum (d) Sutlej
Q37. Which Indian sportsperson was appointed as ‘Messenger of Peace’ in 2001 by the UN?
 (a) Prakash Padukone (b) Vishwanathan Anand
 (c) Sachin Tendulkar (d) Vijay Amritraj
Q38. Indian Women’s hockey team secured which of the following position in Asian Champions
Trophy 2013?
 (a) First (b) Second (c) Third (d) Fourth
Q39. Which is the longest bone in the human body?
(a) Fibula (b) Radius (c) Stapes (d) Femur
Q40. A US team of scientists has found that the mechanism responsible for the ageing process
is located —
 (a) Inside the face (b) Inside the skin
 (c) Inside the brain (d) Inside the heart
Q41. The outer most layer of the Sun is known as—
 (a) Corona (b) Photosphere (c) Chromosphere (d) Granule
Q42. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore was founded by—
(a) CV Raman (b) Jamsetji Tata
(c) Vikram Sarabhai (d) None of the above
Q43. Which among the following is not a gallantry medal?
 (a) Ashok Chakra (b) Arjuna Award  (c) Param Vir Chakra (d) Shaurya Chakra
Q44. Which one of the following pairs of water bodies are connected by the Suez Canal?
(a) Indian Ocean- Pacific Ocean (b) Mediterranean sea- Black Sea
(c) Mediterranean Sea-Red Sea (d) Atlantic Ocean- Pacific Ocean
Q45. Kalhana’s ‘Rajatarangini’ is a history of–
(a) Kashmir (b) Harsha’s reign
(c) Rajasthan (d) Chandragupta’s reign
Q46. The Constitution of India was promulgated on January 26, 1950 because–
(a) This day was being celebrated as the Independence Day since 1929
(b) This was desired by the farmers of India
(c) The British did not want to leave India earlier than this date
(d) It was an auspicious day
Q47. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(a) Indonesia – Jakarta (b) Maldives – Male
(c) North Korea – Seoul (d) Zimbabwe – Hararea
We are updating all the questions, if you remember few questions from AFCAT 1 2014, do post them below in the comment box.
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  1. Results for afcat 1/2014 are out..but login not yet working so marks cant be known yet..but cut off is 127 and results are out as list of successful candidates which can be download from official site..

  2. Q5-10. Select the most appropriate word from the options against each number :-
    Those living in the slums are 5 and tough because they are totally 6 to the vagaries and
    hardships of life. The rising sun 7 the day and the setting sun closes the day for them. It is like
    a drama where the curtain 8 up in the morning and comes down in the evening. They don’t 9
    hypertension and heart attacks because there is, after all 10 to worry about.
    Q5. (a) Poor (b) Sick (c) Hardy (d) Weak
    Q6. (a) Dependent (b) Independent (c) Exposed (d) Tried
    Q7. (a) Heralds (b) Herald (c) Bring (d) Brings
    Q8. (a) Hangs (b) Hand (c) Goes (d) Shines
    Q9. (a) Know (b) Get (c) Think (d) Have
    Q10. (a) Everything (b) Something (c) Somewhere (d) Nothing

    Answers: a,c,a,c,b,d

  3. Those living in the slums are “HARDY” and tough because they are totally “DEPENDENT” to the vagaries and
    hardships of life. The rising sun “BRINGS” the day and the setting sun closes the day for them. It is like
    a drama where the curtain “GOES” up in the morning and comes down in the evening. They don’t “KNOW”
    hypertension and heart attacks because there is, after all “NOTHING” to worry about.

  4. how many question of non-verbal(diagram) questions were there in AFCAT 1/2014?

    please post diagram questions and their answers.

  5. AFCAT 2014

    Slum people are 66hardy and tough. They do not 67get hypertension and heart attacks. There is 68nothing to 69exposed. Every day is like a drama stage curtain 70goes up with sunrise and comes down with sunset.

    1. Who is the nepolian of india ——-samudragupt .

    2. Longest bone of body ———– femur .

    3. Old man of india ——– dada bhai naroji .

    4. Wrong pair — north korea– siyol .

    5. Which is not related to energy —— electron volt .

    6. Why we iplement our constitution 26 jan 1950——- because we already celebrate this day since 26 jan 1929.

    7. Balgiyar project—————-chhinav river .

    8. Which is not related to UN ————–IAEA .

    9. Not a gallentry award—————–arjun award .

    10. Outer layar of sun ———– corona .

    11. Who was lord during mutiny———— lord cunning .

    12. Shuez canal ——– med sea with red sea .

    13. Rajtaringini related to ———-Kashmir .

    14. Which is odd from rice gram wheat musturd———musturd and may be rice too

    15. Acceleration ——–speed will change

    16. Hockey team place in asia cup——– third

    17. Brahmos missile————- supersonic

    18. Washington dc ===== patomac

    19. Iisc bangalore========jamshed ji tata

    20. Un peace messenger in 2001====== vijay raj

    21. Who regulate citizenship of india===== parliament or supreme court

    22. Which body part is responsible for ageing process===== brain or heart’

    23. Diu is island and in gulf of kambhat==== may be wrong because diu is connected to main land and daman in gulf of khambat

    24. Sleeping disorder===== insomnia .

    25. Symptoms of deseas====== diagnosis .

    26. Book Written by self========= autobiografy .

    27. Cark parking==== manouvering .

    28. Transaggressor====== law breaker .

    29. Synonym of egregious .

    30. He who use both hand===== ambidextrous .

    31. Who write in self style======= ornate .

    32. Ghandhi fought for===== unjust system .

    33. Ghandhi made india powerful .

    34. ghandhi awakned us……………………….

    35. Ghandhi consipious role

    36. God is dead this sentance is =======basomphlis( spelling not sure) .

    37. Conatamination food;;;;;; infection body .

    38. Pestiside plant;;;;;;;;;;;; vaccination body .

    39. Sanitation .

    40. K.

    41. Student .

    mathe answers
    42. 4 .

    43. 7.5(but answer was not there so all option wrong) .

    44. 10 days .

    45. 100/9 percent .

    46. 25.

    47. 420 .

    48. 750 .

    49. 1525(ans none of them) .

    50. 800 .

    51. 16 years .

    52. 11250.

    53. 51&34 .

    54. Find odd tsangpo,hazaribag,kanha,bandipur

    55. Correct spelling of reminiscent

    56. N and C( in reasoning series) .

    57. Funk vitamin ;;;;;;;;;;; madam curie radium or radioactivity

    58. Rain patter ;;;;;;; may be door bang

    59. Necromancy ghosts’’’’’’’’ may be sorcery spirits

    60. Calumny;;;;;;; may be euology

    61. Cocophony harmonious

    Only wrong statement

    62. Ramesh is boy ramesh is tall so all boys are tall .

    63. All books read. Some pecils are book.sall pencils are clever.so all clever can read..

    64. Liar are thives. Some thieves are criminals.so all liars are crimanls..

    65. Mother said that i will not give u sweet because he cares,sweet is not good for her child and she has authority too to decide what her child should eat
    ….ectasy pleasent


  6. 1)In 8 years, a sum of amount gets triple, then how much times it will become after 20 years? and 2) In a bag there are total 220 coins of 25paise, 50 paise and 1 rupee, if no of coins of 1Rs is thrice the no of coins of 25 paise and the total amount of rupee in the bag is 160, then how many coins of 50 paise are there in the bag?

    hi friends please slove dis problem i didnt knw hw slove dis problem plse reply dis

    • 1.lets do it simply this way by using common sense,suppose the sum is Rs 10,as given in questn it triples in 3 yrs so its becomes 30 but 30 is the total amt so d intrst is Rs 20 .In 8 yrs intrst is Rs 20 so in 20 yrs it would be 20/8 * 20=50.now the total amt is 50+10 ie 60.60/10= 6 times ans

    • in 1st one ans is 8 …..and 2nd one ans is 60…..bcz in 20(8+8+4) its mean 3+3+2(1.5)=8…….
      in 2nd 60 coin of 50 paise =30 rs+120 (1 rs coin)+ 40(25 paise )coin =220
      30rs (60 coin of 50 paise )=120 rs (120 coin of 1 rs)+10rs(40 coin of 25 paise)=160 rs

  7. In 8 years, a sum of amount gets triple, then how much times it will become after 20 years?

    ans-let 1 rupee is amount so next 8 year it will become 3 rupees and for next 8 year it will become 6 rupees so 16 year is finish,now 4 years left so it will become half.6+6 ka half=9 times

  8. I have recently attended the Afcat exam Paper on 2014 and I would like to share my Experience with you all.The paper had current affairs which I found it difficult because of less preparation. We can master current affairs by reading newspapers and little bit of history and geography.Next is english Which had moderate difficulty . The words were like synonym of Egregious,Trepidation,maneuver , cacophonous,etc… And aptitude please do not waste time reading mensuration,heights and distance, and so many unrelated topics.Its not at all required. The only topics they ask frequently are 1. quadratic equations,Ratio and proportion,%,profit and loss, simple interest,lcm, and some questions on inflation. Ex .If the cost price of article is 50 . The inflation rises by 3005 what is the new price?

  9. A number is added with 10 and the sum is multiplied by7, the product is divided by 5 and 5 is subtracted from the quotient. then the remainder is one-half of 88. What is the no???

  10. Necromancy : Ghosts


    A. Romance : Stories B. Magic : Amulets C. Alchemy : Gold D. Sorcery : Spirits

    Answer: D . Sorcery : Spirits

  11. This is Comprehension passage asked in AFCAT 1 2014.

    then Gandhi came. He was like a powerful current of fresh air that made us stretch

    ourselves and take deep breaths; like a beam of light that pierced the darkness and

    removed the scales from our eyes; like a whirlwind that upset many things, but most of

    all the working of people’s minds. He did not descend from the top; he seemed to emerge

    from the millions of India, speaking their language and incessantly drawing attention to

    them and their appalling condition. Get off the backs of these peasants and workers, he

    told us, all you who live by their exploitation; get rid of the system that produces this

    poverty and misery.

    • Questions are…….

      1. Gandhi came like a powerful current of fresh air and –

      (A) awakened us to the plight of the masses in the grip of the oppressors

      (B)made us patriotic

      (C) emboldened us to attack and destroy the oppressors

      (D)praised our culture

      Ans.- (A)

      2. The rise of Gandhi –

      (A) shocked people

      (B) made India powerful

      (C) made the condemnation of the exploiter final –

      (D) made women feel secure


      3. Gandhi fought the-

      (A) rich

      (B) oppressor

      (C) apathetic masses

      (D) unjust system


      4. The conspicious role of Gandhi is that of a-

      (A) father

      (B) reformer

      (C) teacher

      (D) liberator


    • Arey babaa, if speed reduces it is known as deceleration Which is nothing but “negative of acceleration”, so in this case the answer is SPEED ALWAYS CHANGES…

      • in const. speed circular motion only direction changes that is also acceleration so speed may or may not change .(only direction change also called acceleration,bcz acce. is a vector quantity

        • just consider this practical logic brother, u r riding ur bike, to reach the destination faster u r hitting ur accelerator (which is nothing but u r accelerating), now just tell what happens? if u accelerate did u see any drop in speed in ur speedometer??

        • Trivias:
          1.)Displacement(Vector)= Change in position of a body in a certain direction.
          2.) Distance(Scalar)= Path traveled by the body between initial and final Positions.

          Brother…, Of course Acceleration is a vector quantity.. obviously For Acceleration direction will be taken into consideration but it remains constant….,

          For Eg:
          1.) We define the bus moving as speed of a bus not as the velocity of a bus, cuz here the direction of the bus changes, thus we eliminate direction and speed by default is scalar and hence here you mention the term speed for the bus moving..

          2.) Whereas For a ray of light, it travels in straight path alone(Here the direction is fixed and you cant eliminate it which explains Velocity is Vector in nature), thats why we call it as Velocity of light i.e 3*10 ^8 m/s, its not mentioned as speed of light..

          If this is the thing.., how can you say that for an accelerating body direction changes??

          After all Acceleration is Nothing but Rate of change in Velocity with respect to time(m/s^2) and Velocity is change in displacement with respect to time(m/s)..
          Even velocity is dependent on displacement alone not distance..

          It is the term ‘speed’ which only can be defined through Distance. Speed= Distance travelled / Time taken.. Both Velocity and Acceleration is defined through Displacement alone and this thing easily eliminates the option direction changes for an accelerating body..

          For this question in AFCAT question paper, the exact answer has to be VELOCITY always changes postively.., but unfortunately that option was not given..

    • all my fellow brothers here ,this question has been well set by board .speed changes .may or may not change ,velocity changes each have there frame of reference.lets seee wat they have in their mind.
      general speed changes
      circle-may or may not change
      vector-velocity changes

  12. “If a body is accelerated what happens?? Ans: Speed Increases” as written above is not correct because acceleration is a vector quantity so the ans should be Velocity Changes
    and on 26 Jan 1929 flag hosting in Lahore INC Conferrence was done , and Gandhiji and Nheruji addressed that this day will be Commemorate as Republic day Of India , in this conference Nheru Ji was Declared New President Of INC.

  13. rice will be the odd one among wheat musturd gram rice
    reason1 rice being a khariff crop and rest are rabi crops
    reason2 rice is major source of carbohydrates and rest gives protein and fats

  14. rice wheat gram musturd
    here will be the odd one because of the two reasons
    wheat gram musturd are rabi crops and rice being a khariff crop also those 3 are protien rich but rice is source of carbohydrates

  15. ecstacy:pleasant
    Q. Mother to her child, “i will not give you chocolate at any cost, as it is not good for your teeth”
    statement 1: Mother cares for her child
    statement 2: chocolate is not good for teeth
    statement 3: mother has all authority on giving something to her child.

  16. most layer of sun ..? photosphere refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun becoz The Sun’s radius is measured from its center to the edge of the photosphere. The photosphere is the last visible layer as those above it are too cool or too thin to radiate sufficient light to be visible to the naked eye[43] in the presence of the brilliant light from the photosphere. rest i dont know what is correct answer

  17. 1.nercomancy : ghost = sorcey:spirits

    2.A shopkeeper uses a fake weight of 900 gm as 1 kg, so what is his gain percentage? ans; 100/9 %

  18. which is not unit of energy :watt
    who connect suez canal:Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea
    why republic day is celebrated from 26 jan 1950;bcz we started celebrating from 26 jan 1929
    which is not a UN body;
    who has right for right of citizenship;supreme court
    us research causing of aging;;;;;


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