Indian army has started publishing the TGC 119 interview dates and centre allotment list. TGC 119 course is for male engineering graduates, this course is going to commence in July 2014. Though it is open for engineering graduates but not all students can apply for it. There are some eligibility conditions like cut off marks and eligible branches.
TGC 119 Cut Off Marks
Indian army has not changed the TGC 119 cut off marks and kept is same like before i.e. 64% up to 6th semester. One who has got an aggregate of 64% from 1st to 6th semester and has applied successfully, can find his name in the allotment list. It is a kind of relief for aspirants that Indian army has not raised the bar in terms of cut off this time.
TGC 119 Eligible Branches
- Civil
- Mechanical
- Electrical/Electrical and Electronics
- Automobile/Workshop Technology
- Aeronautical/Aviation/Aerospace/Ballistics/Avionics
- Computer Sc and Engineering/Computer Technology/Info Tech / M.Sc Computer Sc
- Electronics and Telecom/Telecommunication/Electronics and Communication /Satellite Communication
- Electronics/Opto Electronics/Fiber Optics/Micro Electronics and Microwave
- Electronics and Instrumentation/Instrumentation
- Architecture/Building Construction Technology
- Food Tech/Bio Tech/Bio Medical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Metallurgy and Explosives/Metallurgical Engineering
- Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering/Industrial Engineering and Management/Production
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hey frnds my aggregate is is there any chance of getting shortlisted for tgc
i am unable to submit my form, gives an message saying check the entries but all the details where filled..someone help me….please
my % till 6th sem is 63.63. plzz tell me i got interview call latter for tgc 119. plzzzzzz tell meeeeeee
Where to find TGC 119 ssb interview dates?
there r nearly 33000 names in selected list ….how to find my name
& when is SSB
just open .pdf file of shortlisted candidates and press ‘ctrl+F’ and then type your name and press Enter.
After few seconds your name will showing if shortlisted.
Guys where is the list of AEC?
u should chk out d list of tgc 19…(cut off list)
i vishal singh have 75% agg. In elect. And telecomm. Branch But not short listed can any one help me about this?
army must have thought u r a bit too brilliant for getting a ssb call,may be they would directly send u a joining letter….75%chances r there
i was not known about this provision, can you share the detail of this new recruitment process, so that i will score 90% in last semester to get directly recruited as chief 🙂
Lolzzzzzzzzz 😀 … the discussion made my day guys.. really 😀 😀
it’s not good,,u r treating the discussion as if u r not serious about the armed forces….lol nikhil
waw,,,dat’s the spirit,,,this NEVER SAY DIE is an officer like quality indeed…congrats….U MAY SCORE 95% and then contack the ADG,New Delhi-110066….INDIA will be benifitted from ur intelligence, as the youngest chief in history…..
Marks can never tell a person’s capabilities, either in entrance, short
listing, SSB, or life.How can anyone relate any OLQ’s to a persons
marks.This cut off makes no sense and a lotta guys are not able to apply
for it.
I would request the admin to review this query by starting a poll or
something like that and we can then take up this issue with the Defence
HQ like we did it for IT and EEE branches eligibility.The Cut off should
be removed so that all Engineers can apply and the best would be
selected through SSB.
I totally concur with this statement made by you. We all are in engineering institutes and we know about the harsh realities of how the distribution system of marks are and it is entirely different among the different boards across the country ,but that’s a different story. Some people study to get good grades, some people study for their own interest. One can never judge a person by the marks he/she has gained.The Army are looking for defense aspirants across the country,but there are some people who apply for ssb for the lure of money. This is wrong its simple logic there are more percentage of people who would work in a corporate sector rather than to serve in the army. I guess one should have the passion, the fire inside to do unimaginable things in life. I read in one of the articles that the army looks for an “ordinary individual who can do extraordinary things” ..But with this cut off marks thing I guess this concept can be dropped as only the ordinary people who can score 64% + can do extraordinary things. If getting marks is so important then why care about the OLQ’s,these qualities can’t be enhanced just by getting good grades. And for the students studying in the final year they still have two more semesters to increase the average. I wouldn’t be suprised to know that from the next TGC entry the cut off would rise to 70% but being an engineering student we can tell that what kind of people will fulfill that criteria. This topic is debateable but I would rather agree that every engineer should be given a chance.
yea,,government would collect the funds required to give ta/da to such high no. of candidates from u…..+cost of their breakfast,lunch dinner too,,,, FIRST THINK ,THEN POST COMMENTS DEAR WARRIOR
@ dn – buddy i dont want to start a new topic discussing whose got the funds, n where the funds r being used.
@ Anant – thanks bud, i hope all the others think alike
@vicky-buddy, may be u should read my points a few more times so dat,u can realise wat u suggest as an impractical topic,,,,,my 2 nd point(not for exceptional einsteins),,less than 64% shows lack of aptitude wen it comes to engineers….