
Indian Military Academy Training Video

By SSBCrack

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Training at Indian Military Academy

The aim of service training at Indian Military Academy is to prepare a Gentleman Cadet for command of an infantry platoon in war and peace. The emphasis is to train them to become competent junior leaders. The training enables a trainee to assume command of men in battle, obtain standards of physical fitness and drill higher than a soldier recruits and acquire basic knowledge of tactics and its applications as a platoon commander.
A challenging obstacle course, individual physical efficiency tests, endurance marches, battle efficiency tests, expertise in swimming and equitation training endeavors that a young officer leaving the academy is physically fit and mentally robust, and leads his men by personal example. The large spectrum of games at the Academy enable Gentlemen Cadets to learn those played by Indian troops and pursue individual games of their choice.

Indian Military Academy Training Video

Risk, chance, fortune and luck are the hallmarks of successful leaders. These aspects being inherent in adventure activity, the Academy takes keen interest to encourage and provide opportunity to all Gentlemen Cadets to pursue at least one adventure sport. The range of activity spans from white-water rafting, canoeing, kayaking, para jumping, micro light flying, rock climbing, trekking, and mountaineering to desert safaris.

Indian Military Academy Training Video

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