
How withdrawal of NATO from Afghanistan will Affect India

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How withdrawal of NATO from Afghanistan will Affect India

International affairs are very important in SSB as it affect India and its security. Withdrawal of NATO forces from Afghanistan in 2014 is one of the matters India is observing closely.


NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan will affect India the most as India has pledged assistance to Afghanistan about $2 billion and is the 5th largest bilateral donor to the country. India has not indulged himself in the war against Taliban and Al-Qaeda as it can cause threat to India’s safety and protection. India has building dams, college, schools, roads and building in Afghanistan. Beside that India built the new parliament of Afghanistan and furthermore India has given scholarships to students and providing training to soldiers as well. India has also taken Charbar port from Iran as Gwadar port has been taken by China from Afghanistan.
India has been cautious in Defense cooperation as it can be a threat to India from Taliban but focused on training of Police.     

How withdrawal of NATO from Afghanistan will Affect India

Challenges for India post withdrawal of NATO from Afghanistan .

  1. After the withdrawal of NATO, Taliban will be rejuvenated under the control of ISI of Pakistan.
  2. Second challenge will be from Pakistan which has continued to back Taliban and Anti–Indian actors.
  3. Third is the remerging power of Taliban forces in Afghanistan.

India’s stake 

India is adopting a low key role in the last few years, India’s help in reconstruction and development have well received and by the people. India’s small-budget interventions in Pashtu areas have been well appreciated by the population in areas infested by the militants, which has even forced the Taliban to grudgingly acknowledge India’s constructive role. The partnership agreement between the two countries allows India to strengthen linkages in the security sector too. The common Afghan is keen that India continues to play a bigger role in stabilizing Afghanistan. In contrast, Pakistan has lost credibility among the Afghans, who consider it as a country which does not have anything positive to offer, and can only export terrorism and destabilize the situation further. 

Economic Stability

India-Afghanistan economic stability is one of that affect India-Afghanistan relationship. Free Trade Agreement with Afghanistan can be one of the options. The recent investment summit on Afghanistan is a good beginning that must be sustained. Afghanistan is in urgent need of measures to boost its revenue generating capacity. India can contribute in the field of agriculture, building infrastructure (railroads, highways, processing plants, etc.), which could spur long-term economic growth and create jobs, and building of institutions that will stabilize the process of democratization. 

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anurag+new Anurag Joshi, Editorial Team

Anurag Joshi is a defence aspirants, he has completed B.tech Graduate with Electronics subjects. He lives in Vasundhara, Ghaziabad. His area of interest are aligns sports, general awareness and social reforms. Mail us to join our editorial team now.
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