
Indian Coast Guard Organization Structure

By Tashi Mishra

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Indian Coast Guard Structure

The Indian Coast Guard organization is headed by the Director General (DG ICG) who is located at Coast Guard Headquarters (CGHQ), New Delhi. At CGHQ, he is assisted by four Deputy Director Generals of the rank of Inspector General, and other senior officers heading various staff divisions. The ICG as of now is headed by a naval officer of the rank of Vice Admiral on deputation to the Coast Guard as a direct entry Coast Guard Officer is yet to reach the age/service to become equivalent to Vice Admiral as it is the youngest of all the all Armed Forces started in the 70’s. For effective command and control, the Maritime Zones of India are divided into five Coast Guard Regions, namely, North-West, West, East, North-East and Andaman & Nicobar, with the respective Regional Headquarters located at Gandhinagar, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Port Blair.

Indian Coast Guard Organization Structure

Indian Coast Guard Organization Structure

The Coast Guard Regions are commanded by Officers of the rank of Inspector General. The regions are further divided into twelve Coast Guard ‘Districts’, one each for the nine coastal states on the mainland, two in the Andaman ad Nicobar Region, and one at Kavaratti in the Lakshadweep and Minicoy Islands.  Each Coast Guard District comprises of one or more Coast Guard Stations.  In addition, there are Coast Guard Air Stations (CGAS) and Air Enclaves (CGAE) for air operations from various locations along the coastline.

  1. North-West Region: The Regional Headquarters (North-West) at Gandhinagar exclusively covers the strategically important maritime state of Gujarat.  The state has its District Headquarters at Porbandar.  This District, commissioned in 1984, is supported by stations at Veraval, Mundra, Okha and Jakhau.  Dornier aircraft and Advanced Light Helicopters operating from Porandar, provide air-support to this region.
  2. Western Region: Apart from Gujarat, the rest of the western seaboard is the responsibility of the Regional Headquarters (West) at Mumbai.  In this region, the Maharashtra coast is a major hub of economic activity.  The area is also sensitive due to location of off-shore oil platforms, and nuclear energy establishments.  Fishing activities in this area extend beyond the traditional fishing grounds, which increased the scope of ICG operations.  Maharashtra has its District Headquarters at Mumbai, and is supported by a helicopter squadron.  The District Headquarters at Goa was commissioned in 1994.  It is home to the first helicopter squadron the Coast Guard (CGAS 800).  The State of Karnataka has its District Headquarters at New Mangalore.  This Headquarters, commissioned in 1990, is engaged in regulating maritime activities along the Karnataka coast.  Kerala has its District Headquarters at Kochi, and the Lakshadweep is monitored and administered by the District Headquarters at Kavaratti. It is close to the Sea Lanes of Communication (SLOCs) followed by a large number of oil tankers, and is therefore a high risk area in terms of oil pollution.  Air support is provided by Dornier aircraft based at Kochi.
  3. North-East Region: The Regional Headquarters (North-East) is located at Kolkata. The entire coast line from Sunderbans to Gopalpur comes under the jurisdiction of the Commander, Region (North-East). There are two District Headquarers, situated at Haldia and Paradip respectively, besides CG Station and one Air Station. Dornier and Helicopter are operated from CGAE, Kolkata for air support to this Region.
  4. Eastern Region: The Regional Headquarters (East) is located at Chennai. The entire coast line from Puvar to Ichchapuram comes under the jurisdiction of the Commander, Region (East). There are two District Headquarters (Chennai & Visakhapatnam), six Coast Guard Stations (Tuticorin, Mandapam, Puducheri, Kakinada, Chennai and Visakhapatnam), one Air Station and one Air Enclave on the eastern seaboard of India.
  5. Andaman and Nicobar Region: The Regional Headquarters (Andaman & Nicobar) is located at Port Blair. District Headquarters No.9 at Diglipur & District Headquarters No.10 at Campbell Bay functions under RHQ(A&N). Smaller stations include Hutbay, Mayabander and Kamorta. There is an air enclave also existing at Port Blair to provide air cover to this Region.
    Indian Coast Guard Organization Structure
By the end of 2012, the Indian Coast Guard is on track to operate:
  • 42 Coast Guard Stations
  • 5 Coast Guard Air Stations
  • 10 Coast Guard Air Enclaves
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Tashi Mishra

An ardent follower of Military, football. Loves to read. Writer by choice, computer professional by chance! And Dil toh fauji hai jee!!

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