
Indian Air Force Training Institutes

By Tashi Mishra

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Before getting commissioned as officer every Cadet undergoes training in the required branch. The main training institute is the Air Force Academy, which is situated in Dundigal. Followed by the Initial Training in AFA, candidates may require undergoing specialized Branch training. In some cases like for NDA, the training is first done in for a period of three years in NDA, Khadakwasla and then they are required to take flying training at AFA. Sometimes the in-service officers are also required to undergo training for advanced work they also have to spend some time in the specific training institute to achieve this.

Here are the training Institutes of the IAF

  1. Air Force Technical College: On completion of 22 weeks of initial training conducted at Air Force Academy. Thereafter, the remaining 52 weeks of training of engineering Officers is conducted at Air Force Technical College   (AFTC), Bangalore. The training at AFTC is divided into two terms of 24 weeks each separated by a term break. The training includes work in electronic and propulsion labs, specialization involving visits to R & D establishments, aviation, electronic industries and front line field units to facilitate assimilation. A balance is maintained between theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience on simulated as well as actual equipment to augment the technical skills.
    Indian Air Force Training Institutes
  2. Air Force Administrative College: Air Force Administrative College (AFAC), located at Coimbatore, is one of the oldest training establishments of the Indian Air Force. It has been set up exclusively for conducting training programs for in-service officers of the Air Force, Navy and Army as well as officers of friendly foreign countries. Various courses conducted for in service officers are:
    • Basic Air Staff Course : Officers (BASCO)
    • Intermediate Air Staff Course : Officers (ISCO)
    • Basic Professional Knowledge Course : Officers (BPKC)
    • Advances Professional Knowledge Course : Officers (APKC)
    • Para Legal Course
    • Besides these, this College is a premier institute for conducting Meteorology branch related courses:-
      • Initial Forecasters’ Course (IFC)
      • Advanced Met Courses for Met Tradesmen (SNCOs)
      • 2nd Stage Training of GDOC (Met)
  3. Flying Training Establishments: The Indian Air Force has Flying Training Establishments (FTE) exclusively set up to train you to take off as a pilot. Each establishment is a mark of your progression, from basic to more complex levels of flying. On completion of training, you are awarded your Wings at a Combined Graduation Parade held at the Air Force Academy.
  • Following are the Flying Training Establishments:
    • Air Force Academy (Dundigal) – Stage I flying training (six months) along with Joint service training
    • Hakimpet (Secunderabad)
    • Transport Training Wing, Yelahanka (Bangalore)
    • Bidar (Karnataka)

Thus, after basic Flying training (Stage I) at AFA, and trifurcation into Fighter, Transport and helicopter stream, a pilot would undergo further training as follows:

    • Stage II – Advanced stage     Stage III – Specialisation
      •  Fighter stream
        • Stage II – Hakimpet – 24 Weeks
        • Stage III – Bidar – 24 Weeks
      • Transport Stream
        • Stage II & III – Yelahanka – 48 Weeks

Tashi Mishra

An ardent follower of Military, football. Loves to read. Writer by choice, computer professional by chance! And Dil toh fauji hai jee!!

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