
The Winning Conference

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The Winning Conference

Some memories are so fond… Some moments are so magical. It’s that feeling when each answer of yours in a do or die interview is bang on! I entered with a confident stance; greet the conference members and wait- wearing a bright smile.

SSB Interview Conference Experience

The Winning Conference At Conference Hall 

  • President: please have a seat
  • Me: (take the seat- conscious not to fidget. then look expectedly ahead)
  • Vice president: so, Tanesha! What do you do? (Pleasant, encouraging smile)
  • Me: (half stunned) Sir, I graduated this year with a degree in Economics from Delhi University- Miranda House College. At present I’m preparing for MBA entrance- CAT and am taking coaching for the same.
  • VP: But, you’re an Economics graduate. Why didn’t you pursue Masters in the subject from DU. After all it is so prestigious.
  • Me: Yes, sir. I’m aware of that and, I wrote the entrance for MA in Eco from Delhi School of Economics but I could not clear it.
  • VP: (intimidating posture) why not? When engineers and others with non-Economics background can clear it, why not you?
  • Me: (confidently) yes sir. Perhaps they prepare for the exam very well and coach themselves for it- given the competitiveness. In my case sir, I had not studied for the same. Perhaps I was more interested in cracking the SSB. (Approving nods among members)
  • VP: So, how did you prepare for the SSB?
  • Me: sir, I spoke with people. Read blogs. Visited SSBCrack.com.
  • VP: (cutting me) (skeptical tone) Why that site? Do you think it’s a reliable source for information?
  • Me: Yes absolutely it is sir. It even provides pictorial descriptions of some GTO tasks and is quite insightful.
  • VP: Ok, in your defense of the website, to what extent is it true?
  • Me: considerably true.
  • VP: Percentage?
  • Me: 90%
  • VP: OK….. So tell me about your extracurricular at college Tanesha.
  • Me: Sir, I was the vice president of the women development cell at my college. Also I was an editor for the college magazine.
  • VP: (raising eyebrows) why were you just a vice president and why didn’t you stand for president’s post?
  • Me: sir, I was part of the organization for only a year and moreover, I did contest for the elections for president but couldn’t make it.
  • VP: Why not?
  • Me: sir, I feel my contender had an upper hand over me -given that she was a student of the teacher in-charge and had worked to the extent of overshadowing me at a major event.
  • VP: Which was?
  • Me: sir, the ‘certificate course on Women and Laws in India’ was the event and I don’t know exactly. Admittedly, I did not rise up to the occasion to take the responsibility I was supposed to boot; this girl was enterprising enough to take all credit to herself.
  • VP: so, being the Vice President, there must have been events that you conducted and would fondly remember.  How did you not feel like continuing your role in the future?
  • Me: sir, as I said I had no choice but to leave after I could not make it to the president’s post. I was not on good terms with the new comer- our ideologies were different. Also, I realize in retrospect that I was not responsible enough on my part.
  • VP: (wicked smile) did you congratulate her on her win?
  • Me: (confidently) yes sir in fact I went up to her and signed the WDC register.
  • VP: So Tanesha, you’re a blogger!
  • Me: (bright smile) yes sir!
  • VP: what do you right about?
  • Me: sir, there’s no specific genre that I restrict myself to, but I have an inclination towards life philosophy and current affairs.
  • VP: what was your most recent post about?
  • Me: sir, the one on ‘Impact of US espionage on India’.
  • VP: but China also does it!
  • Me: yes sir. I’m aware of that issue in fact I remember reading an article in ‘the Economist’ that a Chinese cellular manufacturing company ‘Huawei’ is allegedly involved in such activities. Though the brand is not very popular in India.
  • VP: So what is the solution?
  • Me: sir, this is intolerable from a moral point of view. There must be diplomatic talks and deliberations to get this to a stop.
  • VP: yes, like at UN level.
  • Me: yes sir!
  • VP: OK, so Tanesha tell me one incident in your life that you found difficult to tackle and how did you face it?
  • Me: (hate clenches) Yes sir, there are various incidents – eg. Most recently when I’d gone for recruitment for voluntary organization make a Difference; there was a group task where in the group mates were to come to a consensus.
  • VP: Not that kind of difficulty. Something which you’ve faced in your life.
  • Me: (deep breath) yes, sir. There was a problem when me and a fellow volunteer at WDC – had a fall out over. I don’t know what… (Elusive)
  • VP: C’mon, you would know!
  • Me: sir, we had differences of opinion and we used to be very good friends before we went cold towards each other. That was a difficult situation because we were part of the same ‘college group’. With such attitudes we realized that it is not a healthy relation. Eventually, things have come to be fine between us.
  • VP: she made the effort or you?
  • Me: (smiling) sir, it was mutual.
  • VP: Alright Tanesha, how was your stay here?
  • Me: sir, it was memorable. (Fondly)
  • VP: any suggestions.
  • Me: answered in interview. 
  • VP: Thank you.
  • Me: Thank you.

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conference+at+ssb+interview About Author: Ttanesha Chaudhary

I’m a graduate in Economics (Hons) from Miranda House Delhi University. I love to blog and I am currently preparing for the Delhi Marathon.
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