If you are a defense aspirant then you must be aware about the strength of the defense system of India. One of mostimportant strengths is missiles. If you have applied for technical branch then this article is going to be useful for you. In general also this article will help you in your written exams and Interviews at SSB’s. Here we’ll be covering information collected from different sources about the missiles used in Indian defense.
- Surface-to-Surface Missile
- Surface-to-Air Missile
- Surface-to-Sea(Coast) Missile
- Air-to-Air Missile
- Air-to-Surface Missile
- Sea-to-Sea Missile
- Sea-to-Surface(Coast) Missile
- Anti-Tank Missile
Ballistic and Cruise Missile
Ballistic Missile
Missiles of India
Name of the Missile
Missile class/type
Special Features
Agni Series
Surface to Surface Missiles
Agni-IV/ Agni-II Prime: MRBM
Agni-V: ICBM
Agni-IV is a two-stage missile powered by solid propellant. It is 20 meters tall and has a launch weight of 17 tonnes.
A new missile Agni-V with 5,000 km range and MIRV (Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicles) is being developed and was tested on 19 April 2012
Dhanush(Sanskrit: Bow)
Ship to Surface Missile
Dhanush is a naval variant of the Prithvi missile
Subsonic Cruise Missile
Nirbhay is an all-weather low-cost medium-range cruise missile with stealth and high accuracy. The missile will have a range of 750km. The surface version of Nirbhay missile was test fired for the first time on 12th March 2013 from the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur in Balasore district of Odisha
Brahmos I
Supersonic Cruise Missile
Range < 300kms. It follows low trajectory and is difficult to detect by enemies and is accurate. RAMJET Engine.
Brahmos II
Hypersonic Cruise Missile
SRAMJET Engine and includes all the features of Brahmos-I
Sagarika (missile)[Meaning: Survival)
SLBM (Sub Marine Launched Ballistic Missile)
It is under K-15 programs. Has second strike capability. This is a submarine launched missile and is likely to be included in INS Arihanth.
Surface to Surface missileTBM
Hyper sonic Missile
Has Inbuilt Stealth Technology
Air to Air
Nag has ‘fire and forget’ and ‘top attack’ capability. Carrying an eight-kg warhead, it has an infra-red seeker and can destroy enemy tanks four km away.
Surface to Air
The Akash missile can be launched from static or mobile platforms providing flexible deployment. The system can handle multiple targets and destroy manoeuvring targets such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), fighter aircraft, cruise missiles and missiles launched from helicopters
Surface to Air ballistic missile
Designed to be used against low-level (sea skimming) targets at short range, the system has been developed to defend naval vessels against missiles and also as a short range surface to air missile on land.
Surface to Surface TBM
The missile is of particular interest to the United States (and potential buyers) in that has the capability of maneuvering in flight so as to follow one of several different pre-programmed trajectories
Prahar Missile
Air defence missile TBM
Range < 150kms.
AWACS Missile
Air Defence missile
AWACS is simply Radar placed in an Aircraft. It increases the Radar observability and itself is not weapon
Air to Air Missile
It is a Beyond Visual Range Missile which means they are fire-and-forget kind. There is no fixed target for such missiles.
Surface to Air
A variant of NAG Missile to be launched from Helicopter is being developed under the Project named HELINA (Helicopter launched Nag). It will be structurally different from the Nag.

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