CDS exam is conducted by UPSC and it has three question papers. Each paper consist of 100 marks. Now many candidates are asking about the cut off mark of CDS II 2013 and also they want to know about sectional cut off mark in CDSE II 2013. Yes there will be a sectional cut off for each paper. UPSC has started publishing the cut off for the examinations they have conducted.
CDS 2012 2013 Official Cut Off Marks
UPSC has published the cut off marks and sectional cut off mark of each section. Â Below you can find the official cut of mark of CDSE 2 2012 declared by UPSC. From this you can get some idea on how much the sectional cut off for CDS 2 2013 could be. Below you can find marks of the last candidate qualified in written part of examination and that of finally recommended candidate as well.
CDS 2 2013 Sectional Cut Off Marks
As you can see the sectional cut off was 12 for CDS 2 2012. For CDS 2 2013 you can expect almost the same cut off. So candidates need to score at least 12 marks in each section of CDS 2 2013 exam to clear the written test.
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How to calculate the cds cutt off 300 or 200 hundred
Is der any chance
Hi Guys, Don’t rely on answer given by several sites. I found great discrepancy in it. So please wait for answer which will be announce soon by UPSC.
helo everyone..can anyone have CDS notes plzplzplzplzplzplzplz send me.i want it urgently…god bless those who send me.
id= [email protected]
can anybody tell me what is the minimum marks to qualify in maths exam in IMA. (CDS)
Hi !! the minimum qualifying mark was 12 last year.
will it be the same for this year also (2014).because i have done extremely well in English and good in maths. but poor in GK.
Final 266 marks for AFA is total from 600 (written + ssb) or only of CDSE(300)…
Its will b tough to get 266 out of 300 dnt u think?
am getting 43 in eng and 32 in gk.. will i get OTA?
In final result..marks of last recommended candidate marks.
Marks are of ssb ?
Or marks of ssb + written?
Or written only..?
Please clarify..
Is there cut off for each subject., I mean if i give 20 right gk answers, 60 english and 70 in maths, will i qualify for SSB?
Can I speak in Hindi in SSB Interview? Language used in Interview?
GK 30, English 27, Maths 16 Total 73 what are my chance in IMA .
and tell me about how much marks will getting for IMA and AFA?? plz reply fast
what does 114 marks for IMA means… 114/300 or 114/200 ??? plz answer asap !!
Eng-42 mat-40 and gk- 21…. total-103 what are my chances
What is sectional cutoff,.. can anyone explain me.
sectional cutoff 12 hai. u can check it on
any one please tell me…. i was born on 21/09/1991 am i eligible for cds 1 2014
yes dear u r eligible
sir ji please clear my doubt……76 is overall cut off for OTA(MEN) or SCETIONAL CUTOFF
overall cutoff. sectional cutoff is 12
Eng – 42.. mat- 40 and gk- 21.. what are my chances
I am getting 154 out of 300 in cds 2 2013…n there are some wrong answers so I do think I ll touch 160 out of 300…so I jus wanna ask that whether I do hav any chance for afa??…and one more the last column 266 marks are for ssb?..I mean is it 266 out of 300(ssb)..or 266 out of 600(cds2 written and ssb..300+ 300)????
yes and yes
yes and yes
be prepare for afa 100%. 266 is out of 600.
m getting 60 marks in english,40 in maths n 28 in gk………wat r my chances????
fail h tu to yaar…….sorry no chances
Hey Friends, please tell me if I’m clear for AFA or not…….!!?!?
My numbers:–
i am scoring 80 marks! what are my chances for an OTA call? please reply anyone cz i am very much tensed
good chance bro
thanks man! i just hope everything goes smoothly 🙂
62 marks math
40 marks english
12 marks g.k
total 114… what are my chances for NA??
good chance
but yeah, you might fall short on the sectional cut-off front for gk, best wishes though!
nahi abhi nhi but wanted to know will i get a call.
Hello sir i got 34 marks in English, 17 marks in GK and 48 marks in Maths, total 99 marks. Shall i get call letter?
Please sir help me.
seems bleak brother
If each paper of CDSE consists of 120 questions of 100 marks, then does that mean every correct answer will contain 5/6 marks? Please tell me someone.
easiest way of calculation:
each correct answer award 0.83 mark and for each wrong answer subtract 0.27
or another confusing complex yet good enough way of calculation if u have aversion towards decimals…
Number of Attempted Answer = number of correct answer + number of wrong answer.
Example: Out of 120 question in English say I have attempted 90 questions, of which say some 75 questions may be right + say 15 questions may be wrong ( 75 right + 15 wrong = 90 attempted) .
Number of correct answers X 3 marks = marks for correct answers (say “A”)
Allot 3 marks for each correct answer
Number of Wrong answers X 1 mark = Marks for wrong answers (say “B”)
Allot 1 mark for each wrong answer
Total number of marks= 120 questions X 3 marks each = 360 marks
Obtained marks in English paper (say “C”) out of 360 = Marks for Correct answers – Marks for wrong answers.
now convert this mark for 360 to mark for 100.
Marks for Correct answer “A” = 75 correct answers X 3 mark = 225
Marks for Wrong answer “B” = 15 wrong answers X 1 mark = 15
Obtained Marks “C” = “A” – “B” = 225 – 15 = 210 out of 360
now convert this score for 100 marks – (210/360) X (100) = 58.33 is your score for 100
Like wise calculate for English, General Knowledge and Mathematics (each for 100) and then add all the three marks to get total mark for 300 and that’s your final score.
In case of OTA candidate, Calculate for English and General Knowledge alone (each for 100) and then add both the marks to get total mark for 200 and that’s your final score.
This is only one method (but there can be other easy or less complicated ways to calculate)
yeah, there are definitely other easy and less complicated ways to calculate 😛
yes, it is nice method to calculate marks
i am getting 134 marks ,will i get ssbcall in cds 2
result aa gya kya cds 2nd 2013 ka