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SSBCrackAFCAT 2 2013 Written Results Are Out Now

AFCAT 2 2013 Written Results Are Out Now

AFCAT 2 2013 Written Results Are Out Now

So aspirants time to give a break to your thumping heartbeats as the results of AFCAT 2/2013 are out. The Cut-off has been declared as 116 marks out of 300 marks. So those of you who have secured above 116 will be getting a call for AFSB. There are two ways to check your results, there is a general pdf file which contains roll no’s of successful candidates. This file contains the roll number only; you can check your marks and select the interview date and venue by logging in to your account.


AFCAT 2 2013 Written Results

How to check your result AFCAT 2 2013 Written Result

  1. Visit the official website of Airforce i.e. http://careerairforce.nic.in/, there a fresh notification has been released which is pdf format containing the roll no’s of the successful candidates.
  2. You can check you roll number to be assured whether you got in or not, but you’ll not get to know the marks unless you Log in.
  3. To log into your already created account on the website, go the candidate login section just below the notification area.
  4. As soon as you’ll click on that a new webpage will open, you can enter your email, password and the given security text to log into your account.
  5. If you have forgotten your password, go to the forgot password section, follow the instructions and you’ll get a fresh password on your email.
  6. When you log in, you can see whether you have been selected or not, in the application status area, and can view your marks by clicking the view marks option.
  7. Successful candidates can choose their AFSB interview date and venue as per their convenience.

Review of the AFCAT 2 2013 Written Results

Considering the tougher level of the paper it was expected that the cutoff might go down, but so down was certainly not expected. The cut-off this time is the lowest cut-off in the AFCAT history, lucky for many of us who got in. IAF has certainly raised the bar by raising the level of the question paper, but the intake remains the same considering the lower cut-offs.
Good luck to those who made it, be careful while choosing your date and venue of AFSB interview, since it’s on you to choose so make sure it doesn’t coincides with any other exam/interview which you might have in future. Those of you who didn’t make it, hard luck this time, but prepare hard for the next time, you’ll sure make it after all “Girte hain shehsawar hi maidaine jung mein”.

Check AFCAT 02 2013 Written Test Result 

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  1. i got more dan 200 in the last 2 afcats and dis tym i got 146 ……wtf………i was damn sure dis tym also i will get more dan 200……something was wrong in d checkin…..those who could not make it to the list should definitely appeal afcatcell regarding dis…….

  2. RTI is last option we will adopt…its my request to all we should go to recruitment office of air force together at least talk with them face to face….we all select date and time and tell our cell numbers to everyone so that we all remain in touch….its difficult i knw but its not as diifficult when we see next 6 months for afcat…lets unite together pending all other works for one day…what all of u say??? reply fast….

  3. Very much irritated by calling AFCAT Cell…. No one is answering a
    single call and not even replying to mail. Can we ask for xerox of our
    checked OMR sheet with question paper through RTI (Right To

        • I mailed them and got a reply. I’m losing 24 marks but I’m still clearing it. I support a revision, but no, am not filing a RTI. But there are other guys in this forum thinking about it. Get in touch with them. All the best.

          • Ok. 4 of my friends from here are also applying for it. We will wait for there reply till tomorrow and a day after tomorrow we will apply for RTI… I will message you the procedure…. Atleast we can give a try… Let’s see…

          • i also support you guys in RTI option.

            let me know should we file a combined one or individual ones and the procedures for that.

            one more think to ponder about is, once we get the required details via RTI and it confirms that we have lost marks due to fault at the AFCAT process, then what can be done??will we get extra opportunity..

            I am sure we will be prove ourselves correct but other than that what is the outcome of filing RTI??

          • I also don’t know the procedure… Me and my friends will find it out today and will also ask for the option of combine one but i guess that will be difficult as we all live in different states… Still we will try our level best to find out the best option and will message you and Mandeep Singh…

            When we will prove that we have lost marks due to fault at the AFCAT process no one will come to us for giving us opportunity. We only have to ask for extra opportunity to AFCAT Cell as it was there mistake.

            RTI is not a simple thing. We are asking for Our OMR Sheets, Answer Key which they set and also xerox copy of Question Paper which IAF never allowed to come out. So it is going to be a bit tough. If you are applying for it then be aware of this fact that you are not going to get it easily…

          • That wud be under many terms and condition dey won’t reveal thier checking pattern they can only tell u abt total attmpts ,wronga ans and correct ans..still try for filing a RTI may be your prb get sort out

          • I have met one colonel…. He said as defence ministry doesn’t come under RTI they will not going to entertain you…

          • I post them a letter asking for xerox copies of my answer shhet, question paper and answer key set by them using RTI… as 30 days are not complete, i am waiting for there reply to come….

          • okay very well. i am sure there is some mistake from their side but it’s very wierd since some of my friends got as expected some got 30 – 40 marks less , me too got around 40 marks less than what i expected. I hope you get some positive reply from them.

  4. Hi everyone! I am totally stunned with the results because i am giving AFCAT exam since it’s starting and i have managed to get cleared everytime. But this time i have missed it, and got 113 marks only. I was expecting very much higher than this. I suspect issues with checking of OMR sheets, electronic checking of these OMR sheets might have gone wrong as we have observed many technical errors in past by IAF and Indian army. I think again we are victims of some faulty adopted methods 🙁

  5. please friends unite together there is some mistake in afcat results….keep calling afcat cell and keep mailing them…chup ni bethna..

  6. i contacted via afcat cell e-mail,the authority replied with mail saying u attemted 69 questions and 27 are wrong so only 99 marks are given
    ,but what shit is this that many people got 99 marks exactly inspite of attempting different questions

  7. no one is picking phone over there…but they replied to e-mail saying….. “we will revert back to u in couple of days”….!!! this means they got the information…:)

  8. ma name is not in list but after login i came to know that i secured 162 ,so i m not feeling that i need to contact them for further clarification jss going through the procedure. Jai Hind

  9. Friends I am in your circle… expecting around 150 got 105…. Can’t believe on it… I am going to call AFCAT cell… hope you guys too. don’t forget that today is saturday so call before 1pm and if they will not answer your call don’t loose hopes. we will call them again on monday and will continue till we get satisfactory answer… I really need your support friends….

  10. I managed to clear the exam alright but even am getting 25-30 short than what I expected and know a whole lot of other people whose marks have docked by more than 60! I think a revision is on the cards.

    • same here…….cleared it but surely a drop of 25-30 marks from expectations………lets see if their is any shock in our way………lets hope for the best…….

  11. same here expecting 160+ and get only 108 can’t be possible

    In afcat 2 2012 result were declared wrong and were correct later something is wrong

  12. 011-26160286, 26160289 AFCAT cell contact no.s….please try regularly and make them think about this issue..!! i need ur support frnds… if they receive around 100 calls then they may take this seriously…n be logical while interacting with the AFCAT cell…!! may god bless us…!

    • so frnd…. let make them realise this by putting forward our queries..! contact ur frnds wid same kind of problem n make sure everyone try continuously to contact them…n raise our issue with huge support..!! pls

  13. someone expecting 140 got 170..this clearly indicates something is gone wrong while evaluating the OMR sheets….!! what u say frnds….??

    • absolutely correct..i attempted almost 80 questions.. and got only 96..if u talk of common sense also then also 96 wont come..how can u expect one to write exam..attempt 80 questions and do more than 60 % questions wrong..results are absolutely wrong

  14. more than 20 guys in my circle facing same problem…!! unexpected result….! we must raise this issue in front of AFCAT cell… so frnds please try to contact them thru any means, e-mail, call, letter anything…

  15. Friends need your support..

    i am totally surprised my marks has been shown as 96 (totally surprised). Even though after cross checking the answers of already discussed questions here on website i was expecting the marks to be around 170+ after removing negative marks. i can expect difference of 2-3 marks here and there but not so less that i cant even make the cut-off marks which is just 116.

    i think this time again some errors re there in results like last year it happened in AFCAT-2 2012..

    what do u think friends..if any of you have also faced such surprising results then please post in comments so that we can we can let Indian air force officials know of the mistake.

    • i didnt write afcat 2012. no knowledge abt dat thing. Bt if dat happened den surely dey vl address our query. i got 81 (i was expecting 150). surely der may be some glitch technically. need some way to contact dem.

    • i feel you bro. Try mailing them or even calling if you manage to get a contact no. But as with the problems with TGC-118, it’s best if you reach the office of Recruitment Directorate.

  16. we must contact the AFCAT cell….n put our queries in front of
    them….!! performance of so many candidates can’t change so
    drastically…!! what u say frnds…?

          • it was over the mail..they said they will check my roll number and revert back in two days…this morning received the reply saying i attempted 76 quetions and 33 is wrong, hence i have got 96.

            i am pretty sure i have not done 33 wrong questions..i went through all the questions discussed here on the websites. seems the answer key itself is wrong which was used for paper correction.

            have requested them to verify the answers & if possible release the questions with answer key , so that others also get benefitted

          • if any of you also have some updates please mention here, so that we can all jointly put our case/concerns in front of AFCAT cell.

          • they had replied the same to me as well over the mail, and then in response they just told me you had attempted 76 questions and 33 were wrong. i am cent percent sure that i have not done 33 questions wrong.

            i have again requested them to provide the answer key used for correction and question paper so that everybody can verify the results. i am sure the answer key used for correction may be having some glitch as there is a huge difference between the estimated and obtained results by majority of candidates.

            I request you all to please mail your queries to AFCAT cell or call them. Also provide your comments for whatever responses you are getting from AFCAT cell.

          • they mailed me in the same way!

            55 attempted and 15 is wrong! but, I m also not very sure with my 15 wrong questions

          • mail afcat cell regarding the problem directly.tell them to provide omr copy with question paper and answer key,i know answer key is wrong

          • same here bro they replied u did 69 question and 27 are wrong,i replied them to provide answer key with omr sheet and question paper to satisfy our result

        • me too..i will also post the updates with anything that is discussed over the call, so that others can also benefit from the same..

          eagerly waiting for tomorrow’s morning.

  17. totally stunned….!! 179, 174…in the last two AFCAT n this time 112..!! i admit paper was lil’ tough…but not this much that the performance of whole aspirants drop down to a cut off of 116..!!


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