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SSBCrackTGC 118 Cut Off Percentage

TGC 118 Cut Off Percentage

TGC 118 Cut Off Percentage

Indian Army has published the list of shortlisted candidates for TGC 118 course based on TGC 118 cut off percentage. SSB interviews for TGC 118 course will start soon after this month, candidates are shortlisted based on their percentage in engineering, again the aggregate percentage up to 6th semester is considered to shortlist candidates.

TGC 118 Cut Off Percentage

Indian Army has raised the cut off marks of TGC entry from 63% to 65%. Last time the cut off marks for SSC-tech and TGC were 63% and this time they have increased it by 2%, so the cut off marks for TGC 118 is 65%.

Like always, there are very less chances of publishing another list for TGC 118. So the final cut off for TGC 118 would be 65% only.

I have 65% but my name is not mentioned on the list ?

Hope you have applied only once, if you have applied for TGC 118 twice, it will directly lead to cancellation. Else, we suggest you to contact TGC concerned department of Indian Army.

Will there is any other List for TGC 118?

If we see the trend, there are very less chances of getting another list of shortlisted candidates for TGC 118.
If you have any questions and thoughts, do write them in the comment box below.

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  1. this time its 65% is the cut off for all..i.e for appearing candidate,its upto 6th semester and for graduated candidate its 65% upto last semester

  2. Hello Sir,
    Today I had received my interview call letter for SSB. The reason for writing you this mail is that I want some information
    1)How can I see my online submitted form again? because unfortunately the mail sent by you is deleted from side by mistake. I check it through site also but not able to find any link related to that. So it will be good if you can provide me any link related to that or if possible my online submitted form.
    2)I haven’t sent any print out because when registering it is stated that do not send any printout to DTE.
    My details as on SSB form are:
    307 Roll NO-524021

    Also i tried to call you on 0532-2424815 but unfortunately didn’t succeed.
    Waiting for your reply.

  3. additional list n every list of only tgc 118 appears on ssb crack…why it doesnt appear in indian army website…i open 5 times a day joinindianarmy.nic.in..n nothing else is seen abt tgc 118 except other entries updates

  4. i had applied for tgc 118 course but i have lost my roll no. and now there are three persons with the same name in the list .what can i do now?

  5. hello sir i am rajkamal tripathi i have 65% cut off till 6th sem. still my name is not in the list.please suggest me,what should i do?

  6. My name is sourav singh anand and roll no. 505682. i have an aggregate of 67.4% ,but my name is not in the merit list,,please help and suggest m

  7. bhai mazak hai kya har ar percent ike yar seedha hai pehlehe bata do we wnt apply nly.and 1 ore thing there are many applicants who have applied wid out sending there documents still get a name in the merit list either u dnt mention any criteria o stick to that .and 1 more question to army admin sir do tell me what is the authenticity whether a person who fills the form online with an agree of 79% ang he doesnt sends his document still gets short listed.like this there could be many fakes ,how can u then short list people .this in not true .rest i cant help it but just give a thought to this

  8. Guys, instead of waiting for ideas from ssbcrack.com publishers, try calling/mailing Recruitment Directorate since they must be as cluelss as we are!

  9. Academic % doesn’t mean that a person is a true aspirant. So army should consider those who are real aspirants. Even for standard improvement cutoff fixing is an unfair method because different universities have different grading pattern. Also due to some mishap candidates may fail to secure required cutoff %. So army can conduct written test for tech entry also like cdse for standard improvement. Otherwise this % cutoff system will curb many aspirant’s dream to join Indian defense forces who have real OLQ’s and who are real aspirants.

  10. Hi Admin, I have 66.3% aggregate in B.tech.I applied only once but still my name is not in the list.Some of people is saying that the cutoff is 65% till 6th semester.But none of notification for TGC says the same.
    Please suggest on this.

  11. ————————TGC 118 name List problem————-
    Hello admin…I have 66.54 % aggregate but my name in not mention in TGC 118 list .I twice applied for TGC 118
    sir please inform to department of Indian Army.From last 3 month i prepared for TGC 118
    My roll no …561090 and 504470 my mail id [email protected]

  12. i have 1st and 2nd semester together and it can’t be registered like that so my aggregate become less than 65% why is it like that?!

  13. My Btech aggregate is 77% and i have applied only once but still i dont find my name.Admin please lead us in a constructive way please.

  14. I sent mail to the designated office explaining the problem. I suggest you guys do the same so that they realise that mine isn’t an one-off issue and there are thousands others.Mail them at: [email protected]

  15. sir my b.tech percent upto 6 sem. is 70 ..i have filled the form once and fully correct..my roll no. is not in list..please sir guide.me what to do..

  16. Friends this time the cut off is “aggregate of all sem together” since they have not mentioned anything like upto 6th sem this time as they have done in TGC-117 and SSc(T)-41.

  17. i got 67 % in b.tech. …….i apply once but my name was not there .what is this please help me regarding this…where i have to contact can u have number

  18. The cut-off for TGC 118 is the same as SSC 41. I was shortlisted for SSC 41 bot not for 118! And I am guessing that it was due to the fact that my form was submitted twice and that too owing to problems in filling up the form of TGC 118 which am certain was faced by many candidates other than me as well. But i sent only one form to the Directorate but still my form was rejected. So, just because the website didnt function properly, I might be robbed off a chance to attend the SSBs. Kindly advise me on steps that I can take in case something can be done. Have glim hopes though.

    • this time time they have shortlisted only about half of the previous one TGC 117!! there are many candidates who are real defense aspirants waiting outside who couldn’t achieve the cutoff because of some reason. but these are all in the game and we have to accept it 🙁

      • Accept to karna hi padega mere bhai par bada dukh hota hai yar, 2 attempt me jo seekha hai analyze kiya hai usko apply karne ka mauka hi nahi mil raha hai dost. 🙁

  19. They will never release a second list as they are not short of candidates. We will have to accept this fact.

    Best luck to all those who still have the opportunity. Just go for it, tomorrow it may become 70…..

    • For TGC 117, the Army had short-listed around 33000 odd candidates, but its roughly half that number for TGC 118. But for the same cut off as 117, one can only expect the pool of candidates to get larger. So I think the only logical explanation is that the forms were rejected due to submission of forms twice, atleast that is what I think got me rejected. Am sure you remember having problems while taking print out of the form for 118. I wasn’t able to so i went forward and filled the form again and the website told me i had already been registered but i still didnt have a clue on how to get a print out. But then we got this link to take print outs and that is when i realised that my form was submitted twice. And hence for the directorate’s ill functioning website, I might have to wait for some more time to attend a SSB!

      • When u tried to refill the application for the second time and submit, the system didn’t accept your application, which means you’ve submitted only once. Only when there is more than one application stored in their database, it will be considered duplication. I really doubt the way the ‘joinindianarmy.nic’ is working.

    • brother, We might just as well wait for other entries. It’s hard to get issues resolved with the Recruitment Directorate.

  20. I HAVE 72%.. MY NAME IS TWICE IN LIST WHEN I CHECKED EARLIER..BUT, I UPDATED ONLY ONCE WHEN THEY ASKED FOR updating OF MY ENGINEERING MARKS.. now my name is not there,what i have to do sir,,,plzz sugg me…..

  21. i applied twice as my name at first got some problem is there any way to contact the centre if means provide the contact ways sir

    • many of us are on the same boat then. bro, hope our issues are resolved. Do try calling the recruitment directorate office. Am planning to do it today itself.


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