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SSBCrackImportance of Half-Group Task

Importance of Half-Group Task

Importance of Half-Group Task
Half Group Task also know as HGT is conducted after the PGT. HGT is similar to PGT, but the difference is that the group is divided into two sets.  i.e. If your group contains totally 10 persons, then it is divided into 5 of two groups. Like this the GTO will see the performance of the candidates in close. The rules are same for this like PGT. It is also a leaderless exercise .

Rules of Half Group Task

Colour Rule:  The obstacles are painted in three colors namely
    • White
    • Black
    • Red 
Each one describes one rule.                            
  • White: – Both the candidate and the helping materials can touch the obstacle at this region.
  • Black: – Only the candidate can touch the obstacle in this region and not the helping materials.
  • Red   : – Both the candidate and helping material should not touch the obstacles.
Out of Bound Rule
These areas include the mud surfaces inside the task area and some color codes as described above.
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    Importance of Half-Group Task

    Importance of Half-Group Task

    The HGT can be considered as the most important task of GTO Outdoor tasks. After the GD and PGT, some of the candidates might have assumed the role of a leader and some of the candidates may not have been able to express themselves or put forth their views because of the presence of brilliant candidates in his group. After the PGT and GD, the GTO might have formed an assessment about each candidate and he observes every candidate minutely in HGT  to conclude or to change his former assessment. 

    As the number of candidates is reduced to half, GTO can minutely observe the leadership qualities of every candidate. Also in HGT, every candidate has a wider opportunity to show his various character traits and leadership qualities if in case he failed to do so in PGT. So you must give importance to HGT as this test will mark your leadership qualities. After the HGT, the GTO will form a clear cut assessment about every candidate and he assesses the candidates further in the following tests to confirm his earlier findings.

    Tips to Tackle Half-Group Task

    1. Never look at the G.T.O while doing the tasks.
    2. Give a good idea to the group if you don’t know any idea just helps the idea givers truthfully.
    3. Never violate the rules it is the basis of G.T.O tasks, and in case if you violate the rule, just repeat the task.
    4. Be an active participant in the team by giving your full cooperation.
    5. Be positive in your views i.e. take consideration about other member ideas if it is finer than yours.
    6. It is for you to become the leader of the Group .An avenue for leadership is opened to you and you must make use of it. Practical intelligence ,dashing spirit, sociability, dominating nature and of course your personal magnetism will make you the leader.
    7. Always have a gentle smile at your face throughout the GTO Tasks which shows that you are confident.
    8. Be gentle and polite while behaving with other group members
    9. If you have no idea of tackling the obstacle ,be a faithful follower and if your group is caught in an obstacle, make use of the Golden opportunity and explain a constructive plan to negotiate the obstacle. Remember ,never try to impose yourself to the group. Let the group be depended on you.
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    Para Aneesh Jaganath, Editorial Team

    A student from Kerala. Aspires to join Indian Army SF through NDA. Has a desire to join Indian Army from childhood. Mail us to join our editorial team now.
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