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ScreeningBreaking the Labyrinth of SSB Screening Test

Breaking the Labyrinth of SSB Screening Test

Wear an appropriate dress, neither too formal nor too casual, but a decent one, (Girls avoid makeup and boys Spikes and other hairstyles) be simple and sober.

Screening in SSB is a very important and peculiar exercise. You can say that it’s simply difficult! This is so because your entry and further assessment depend on your performance in the screening. That is if you get through the screening then only you will be qualified to stay for further days and for further assessment.

Breaking the Labyrinth of Screening Test

I have seen people working hard for their GTO’s, Psychological, Interview etc. but they pay little attention to the preparation of screening tests. As mentioned earlier, it’s important to qualify for this test hence you need to be well prepared for this test. Here I’ll be discussing the Screening test i.e. OIR & PPDT.   OIR (Officer’s Intelligence Rating Test) is a fairly simple test in which you are supposed to answer questions of verbal and nonverbal reasoning within a set time span. The number of questions ranges from 30-60 & accordingly time is given. You can practice questions on:  

  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Sentence completion
  • Analogies (Verbal & Non-verbal)
  • Cubes & Dices
  • Series completion etc.
Breaking the Labyrinth of Screening Test

One best book for preparing Reasoning or OIR and PPDT book by SSBCrack. This book will be beneficial for preparing to reason for any exam. Next comes the PPDT (Picture Perception& Description Test). In this, a hazy picture is shown and candidates are required to write the characters they see, their mood, age & sex and develop a story around the picture. They are also supposed to write the action of their story.

The total time given is 4 minutes. This process is followed by the discussion in which all the group members are made to sit in a semi-circle in front of three assessors of the board and one by one tell their story, then a time of around 2 minutes is given to arrive at a common story and elect a member from the group to say the story in front of assessors. OIR is easy and most candidates pass in it its PPDT which becomes the cause of rejection. So here are few common mistakes and tips to do well in PPDT.

oir test and ppdt

Mistakes Normally Done During Screening

  • Many candidates find PPDT a very confusing exercise. It is indeed pressurizing because the group consists of a large number of candidates (16-18) and also there are three assessors present so many candidates can’t utter a word.
  • Some candidates speak their story well but don’t take part in the discussion.
  • Whereas some candidates dominate the discussion and do not let others speak.
  • Too many hand gestures & shouting are a big turn off.
TAT ebook part 1 ssbcrack 324x324 1

Winning in the PPDT

  • Wear an appropriate dress, neither too formal nor too casual, but a decent one, (Girls avoid makeup and boys Spikes and other hairstyles) be simple and sober.
  • When done with writing a break of five minutes is given, keep on repeating your story in your mind and think how you will speak in front of everybody.
  • Beat the nervousness, others are humans they won’t eat you or harm you, be calm and composed, eat a mint and offer the same to your group mates (will help in Discussion 😉 )
  • While narrating your story speak firmly and in a good tone, look only at the other candidates and never towards the assessors. Try practicing at home in front of mirror or family.
  • Stick to English and English only.
  • In discussion try to initiate the discussion, if you couldn’t then try being in the first three speakers.
  • In discussion speak in an audible way, when a fish market is being created DO NOT SPEAK A WORD. Speak only when others listening, you are there for a discussion and not an argument.
  • If you find somebody else’s story better then definitely support it by saying that ‘I think chest Number __ story is good and most relevant to the picture’.
  • Don’t try to become the dada of the group, you are not supposed to dominate others, let everybody speak and never on any cost stand up or lean forward as if you are going to fight in a discussion. Maintain a calm posture and give logical reasons for your arguments.
  • Ask politely to others that you want to give the group story, if somebody you don’t like gives the group story then no need to make a fuss. Let him/her speak. You may sit quietly and look unaffected.
  • If nobody is agreeing with you on any of your suggestions then too don’t appear disturbed or affected you must accept other people’s views with an open heart.
  • Most Important- It is just a test and not a war & you have gone there to become officer so behave like one!!

Keeping the above tips and tricks in mind I am sure you’ll definitely be able to break the maze of screening. Prepare well, be real and do well.  

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Tashi Mishra
Tashi Mishrahttps://www.ssbcrack.com/
An ardent follower of Military, football. Loves to read. Writer by choice, computer professional by chance! And Dil toh fauji hai jee!!

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