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SSBCrackIndian Airforce’s Growth Plans

Indian Airforce’s Growth Plans

Indian  Airforce’s Growth Plans

The Indian Air Force is on its way to be a mighty power with induction of new planes, helicopters, transport planes and flight trainer jets. As a part of modernization, the IAF would acquire 350 – 400 aircraft in the current 12th plan. The MMRCA(Medium multirole combat aircraft ) will be finalized in the fiscal year of 2013 -14 .In the just ended 10 th plan , more than 66 % of the 325 contracts of the IAF was  bagged by Indian firms.


indian air force

IAF Acquisitions

  • The biggest upgrade will be the deal to buy  126 MMRCA .Cost negotiations with French Dassault Aviation for Rafale fighter planes are progressing in the right direction and IAF expects the deal to be signed by the end of 2013.
  • One of the procurement in the priority list would be  the deal to buy 22 attack helicopters from Boeing  and signing of contract  for 15 heavy lift helicopters ,apart from 6 Airbus -330 mid –air refuellers.
  • The avro  small transport aircraft , MIG -21 are slated to be phased out.
  • The Mi-8 copters of the IAF are scheduled to be replaced by Mi 17 V5 copters.
  • The cheetah helicopters are to be replaced by Light utility Helicopters.
  • The C-17 Globe master transporter will join IAF from June onward.
  • IAF will order 37 additional Pilatus Trainer Aircraft from PILATUS aircraft company , over the 75 trainers the IAF has already contracted.
  • The IAF has already disbanded its aerobatic flying team Suryakiran as it is not in a position to spare its trainer aircraft for display flying. IAF is now in the process of having its all new  aerobatic team consisting of Advanced Jet Trainers(AJT)Hawks.
  • In addition to this ,the IAF is straining a lot to keep it tactically fit for taking on China and Pakistan on the same time. IAF plans to induct ASTRA AIR TO AIR INTERCEPTOR MISSILES for Sukhoi 30 Mki, LCA Tejas and MIG 29.This missile is capable of intercepting and destroying enemy aircraft at a supersonic speed and is capable of bearing a pay load of 15 Kg.
  • IAF has placed orders worth 1,295  crores  for the Brahmos Supersonic missiles. BRAHMOS will be extremely helpful for the IAF to destroy enemy aircraft and ground based Air Defense systems at a supersonic speed.

Para Aneesh Jaganath, Editorial Team

A student from Kerala. Aspires to join Indian Army SF through NDA. Has a desire to join Indian Army from childhood.

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