
SSB Interview Screening Tests And What Does It Demand?

By SSBCrack

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tips for screening test

SSB (Services Selection Board) consist of two stages, the first are Screening and next stage is Conference. Screening Test again consist of two rounds Verbal/Non-Verbal Tests and PPDT.

What is screening Test in SSB?

Screening test basically checks for your verbal & non-verbal skills, your confidence level and your attitude (positive or negative). Screening test is not that difficult but the competition level makes it so.
Group Discussion During PPDT

 What do the selectors look for in screening test?

  • Verbal / Non Verbal tests score must be Above Average
  • Picture perception test depending upon the age, a sensible and a positive story
  • Story Telling: Ability to express himself in front of audience with confidence and clarity.
  • At Group Discussion: Ability to put forward his arguments in a convincing and a polite manner.

Intelligence Test: 

Well it start from the verbal & non-verbal test which is a written test also called as OIR (officer’s intelligence rate), try to attempt all the question as there is no negative marking. Difficulty level of this test is average and can be cleared easily.

Picture Perception Test:

Next and the most important test is picture perception test which will check how good your attitude is.
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Group Discussion:

The last but not the least is group discussion where they will check for your confidence level and how good you are in front of audience (as you are going to be selected as an officer so you should have these abilities). 

Why candidates gets Rejected at this stage?

  • Not adhering to any of the above requirement during the test.
  • Not being able to speak well.
  • Nervousness.
  • Stage fear.
  • Inability to express in English/ Hindi.
  • Negative Story
  • Dumbfounded-ness in Group Discussions
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What is your experience of Screening test? share your valuable tips in the comment box below.
 This post is contributed by NavalJourney.com
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