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GuestGuest InterviewIn Conversation with Rahul Recommended for Indian Air Force and Army

In Conversation with Rahul Recommended for Indian Air Force and Army

We got an opportunity to ask Rahul about his SSB Interview experiences which may help other aspirants to prepare themselves for the SSB Interview. Rahul has got recommended for Air Force through NDA and Army through TES entry. Apart from that Rahul has written excellent articles for SSBCrack to help other defence aspirants. We wish him more success in future.

SSBCrack.com: Congratulations for clearing SSB interview and thank you for giving us your time?
Rahul: I thank SSBcrack a lot as it has been a great part of my success.  It is my pleasure being connected with you for more than a year now. My preparation of Psychology Tests was possible because of the TATs & WATs slideshows available on this website. It has motivated me a lot to go hard in next attempt by reading the success stories of candidates, the improvement they made & the differences in their performance that made it possible to stand out of the queue. I thank SSBcrack for giving me the opportunity to write my experience, I wish my effort contributes in success of the readers.
SSBCrack.com: Total four attempts and two times recommend. How was the whole experience?
Rahul: Being four times to SSBs, it’s an unforgettable journey for me. Every time I went for an attempt, I tried taking it as a fresh start. For the first time, being a fresher, I had hardly an idea of all what SSB is going to be, but the 5 day experience was enough to tell me about the procedure of all the activities in SSB. Although I was not able to make it in first attempt, I came back, that I will improve in next one. But it was a real shock when I got screened out in the next attempt. I am sharing here with everybody, the reason of my being screen out. I was so rigid with my story in the PPDT discussion; even I made myself the leader by nominating myself for telling the group story. This way, I was out. Next time, my 3rd attempt, I devoted a lot in improving, by doing self-introspection, kept the mistakes of my previous attempts in mind & the ways to improve them. This way I was able to clear SSB in my 3rd and last chance for NDA. The fourth attempt, smoothest interview ever. I did no preparation, just went there to enjoy yet another 5 days, but performed as I did in my successful attempt. This way, cleared SSB twice, back to back.
IAF Aviators


SSBCrack.com: Who motivated you for Indian Defence forces and since when you are attracted towards it?
Rahul: It is my childhood dream to be a pilot. I have a fascination for this profession. My approach was very clear for being this, I took subjects accordingly, started preparing for NDA exam when I was in class 12th, cleared it. Going to NDA was the only option I decided for myself. I was motivated myself & decided to join Indian Air Force in class 11th because this way I will be able to fulfil my dream as well as do a job in public welfare that is full of opportunities, adventure and yes, a job that earns you respect in society.
SSBCrack.com: Tell us something about your SSB Interview preparations?
Rahul: I will like to tell, that SSB is not any written exam, in which you may learn some questions and clear it. SSB is a personality test, in which the assessors test you according to your job suitability for the Indian Armed Forces. If your personality fits into their standards, they will pass you; else, it is an indication for you, that there is another job in which you will excel better. My actual preparation started after my second attempt. I read newspaper every morning while travelling to my college; this schedule lasted for two months. Moreover, in my free time, I used to think, for what all were my mistakes and what could be the solution to improve them. I talked to my successful friends regularly, discussed particularly about each activity, and concluded, what should be the best way to do that. I talked to my parents, my teachers and people around me, to get a feedback of my personality, what they like and what they think is the area of improvement in my personality. When I went for my 3rd attempt, I was very clear with what kind of person I am. Anyone preparing for SSB should know everything about his behaviour, his thoughts, his likes and dislikes, in nut shell, he should know himself.
SSBCrack.com: Since you were not able to make it in first two attempts, what was different in your last two attempts?
Rahul: I improved a lot after my failures. I will say my failures were the real motivator for me. I performed the most natural way I could. In the course of 5 days, I was myself and was performing according my own thoughts and ideas. I performed according to the instructions of the assessors. In psychology tests, I wrote the first thought that came to my mind, be it good or bad. In GTO I was performing with my group, there was no lag in the performance of my group and me. We all were real helpers of each other, gave ideas humbly, gave other equal chances. In Personal Interview, I said everything truly, as it was, no modification of things related to me, maintained a nice conversation, as the person already had a rough idea of my personality, with my PIQ being in his hand. So anything wrong, or any lie, would have gone against me. In my successful attempts, I had a lot of confidence and a belief that nobody knows me better than myself, and what I know about me, I can say it. This thing really helped me being natural there.
SSBCrack.com: Do you think a serious preparation is required to clear SSB Interview?
Rahul: As such, there is no preparation required for SSB. But yes, you must know yourself as you are; you must be acceptable for the things happening around you. You should have a knowledge of latest happenings in our country and around the world, this requires to be aware via TV, newspaper etc. You will have to be truthful and natural in all the tests, because, all the assessors will be assessing you in their ways, but their observations about your personality should match. SSB is really easy for you, if you are natural there and it is going to be a nightmare, if you are copying someone’s ideas, following someone’s previous performance.
SSBCrack.com: Being a recommended person, you must know the code to crack SSB interview. Would you like to tell us what that is?
Rahul: The only thing I can say, to clear SSB is about being natural and true. You must adhere to the instructions given by the assessors, because the way to perform in the activity, is already told by him/her, you just need to do it according to your thoughts and ideas. The way to perform any activity is the same, but the outcome is going to differ person to person. It may happen that you will be doing the things right, but you feel the other candidate is better, don’t do this. Just be yourself there.
SSBCrack.com: Why do you want to join Army/Air Force, what was your answer?
Rahul: In AFSB interview, I said being a pilot is my childhood dream, I want to fulfil it. Indian Air Force can give me an opportunity to fly and I am ready to work for this prestigious organisation.
In SSB interview, I said, Air force is my first priority, if in case, I don’t get a chance to join IAF, I will join Army through TES entry. I think I am comfortable with science subject and I can do well in engineering. As far as Army is concerned, I think Army life is really full of honour, in which we have infinite opportunities, to work in the areas of our interests.
SSBCrack.com: What kind of questions you have faced during Personal interviews?
Rahul: Personal Interview, started with my education from class 8th up to present date, the subjects that I took, the percentage I got in each class, the subject that I liked and dislike, the reason for so, the teachers I liked and I disliked, the friends that I made, opinions about friends. Moving on, the questions changed about my family, my parents education, their present occupation, the kind of relationship I share with them, whom do I like more and why. Then the interview went on to my friends and people around me, the kind of activities I am involved in. My hobbies, my interests, my achievements, my failures, my future prospects, etc. Personal interview is all related to your PIQ. Interviewer told me to tell one domestic and one international current event, in which India is being benefited. This way, interview, on an average lasted for 40 minutes.
SSBCrack.com: Do you think SSB coaching helps aspirants to clear SSB, have you ever taken any professional coaching or guidance?
Rahul: SSB coaching tells you the general idea about the procedure of 5 day course. It is just to tell you, what all activities are going to happen, also some general solution to them. SSB coaching solely cannot bring you success if you don’t perform it in your own way. Nobody can bring you success except you yourself. It can help you the most if you are a fresher, because, it makes you aware of the procedures, but you will have to perform there, with your own ideas. My first attempt was enough to tell me about the procedure, and then only improvement could bring me success. I talked to successful candidates and took guidance from them as how they performed. I decided on how I could do that activity the best way, I performed accordingly and succeeded. I read the eBook available on SSBCrack, as to how psychologists concludes our responses, tried writing story the most natural way.
SSBCrack.com: What you would be if not an officer in Indian Air Force or Army?
Rahul: With my first unsuccessful attempt, I had to continue my education, so I decided to take up Engineering as my backup plan. But I was very clear with my idea, that even after engineering, I will join defence. So, I have never imagined myself in any profession other than defence.
SSBCrack.com: What is your message for repeaters and fresher for SSB interview?
Rahul: For fresher, I will say, it is your golden chance, as assessor’s expectations less than that from repeaters. They think you to be unaware of the procedure, so they are a bit lenient assessing you. Before going for SSB, you should be aware of SSB interview, you may take coaching or guidance from someone already aware of it. It’s better to go prepared in your first attempt.
For repeaters, you are already aware of the activities and your own performance, improving is the only thing that can bring you success. You were in a group with successful candidates, so you must be aware, of all what different way, he performed from you. I don’t advice copying their way, but understand their performance that impressed the assessors, and do that in your own way. Psychology, is the most important thing in SSB, so be true and natural there. In personal interview, don’t say anything that is not related to you, don’t try to impress the interviewer, but say the truth, he will be impressed automatically.
SSBCrack.com: Army or Air Force and why?
Rahul: My first priority is Air Force as I want to fulfil my childhood dream. Also, I think, I will be happier in Air Force, as it will be a satisfaction for me, for what I decided, I did it. I think I will be able to work to the best of my capabilities, ‘driving’ being my hobby.  Clearing PABT test is enough to tell me, I have aptitude to fly; remaining is the training for being an aviator. Also, my parents want me to continue my profession in aviation following my father.
SSBCrack: Thank you for speaking to SSBCrack.com
Rahul: It has been really a wonderful conversation with you. I thank SSBCrack, it made my dream come true. I am really thankful for this opportunity to tell my ideas to aspirants. Also, I want to be connected to SSBCrack throughout my life. I really appreciate the efforts of creator of SSBCrack, for doing a noble job of showing the right path to aspirants who want to work for their country. I will keep writing for SSBCrack, if I get an opportunity in future, after talking to the successful candidates in my academy, so that I can give more and more ideas to clear SSB. Thank you, thanks a lot.
The Editorial Team at SSBCrack consists of professional writers, journalists and defence aspirants.

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