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SSBCrack18 SSB Allahabad Experience By Nitish Nalawade

18 SSB Allahabad Experience By Nitish Nalawade

Nitish Nalawade Recommended in 8th Attempt
Recently I was recommended for IMA 135 course and completed my Medicals. This is brief information about the experience. I was called to report on 14th March 2013 at Allahabad at 1 pm. I reached there in morning and then got a dormitory at Allahabad Station itself.

This was my 8th Attempt so it was a bit of regular thing for me. Then I reached the MCO office and we were all received by the Army Person. After reaching the centre, we were allocated chest numbers. As I had appeared from 18 and 14 SSB before, I got 18 SSB. My Chest number there was 3. On the next day we had OIR and PPDT. The discussion was nice and as ours was a repeaters batch, we all did cooperate. Few friends started my deciding to go ahead with my story.

SSB Interview at Allahabad
Nitish Nalawade Recommended in 8th Attempt 

Then after discussion, our result was announced. And from 47people 22 were screened in. As very less people had reported, we had only 22 screened in. 5 more from 14 SSB joined us and we were 27. Then After new chest number allotment, my chest no. was 11. We had 2 groups of repeaters and a batch of freshers.

Then on that day, we filled all forms. Next day was our Psychological Test. I did all of them swiftly. I was able to complete 40 SRTs and wrote fairly well stories. As the 11 picture in TAT was the same as my 12th story, I had to write the last story on the spot. But I took care not to contradict myself anywhere.
On the next day was our GTO. I did fairly well in GDs and in Group Planning Exercise, the group nominated me to give the solution. I did Okay in PGT and HGT. In my command task, the GTO gave me a tough obstacle, And I was only able to give the idea in 15 mins and did not formulate it. Then immediately after GTO, I had my interview. The IO asked me about myself. He asked more about my organizing skills and my hobbies. He asked me two technical questions. I was not able to answer both.

Then on Next day we finished our remaining GTO tasks. In my conference, I was asked about my stay and my performance. I gave an accurate description of what I felt, and also answered the two questions, I wasn’t able to answer in my interview. When results were announced, I did not expect myself to be recommended as the candidate before me was already a recommended one. But I was surprised to hear myself being called. It was the best feeling; hear your name being called. And after so many attempts, I finally succeeded.   My medicals were normal and I was declared Fit. Our medicals were done in 4 days.

Now I am waiting for my Merit List. All I can say is that always keep a hope and never under estimate yourself. And try harder as if it is your last attempt and you will succeed.

SSB+Allahabad Author:  Nitish Nalawade
I am Nitish Nalawade a student from Ruparel College, Mumbai. I had previously attended 6 SSB interview. twice I was screened out at Varanasi and 4 Times I was conference Out twice at Allahabad and Twice at Mysore.
The Editorial Team at SSBCrack consists of professional writers, journalists and defence aspirants.

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  1. My DOB is 01/10/1988. I am a 2011 b.tech passout, I want to join army and I got call for TGC 117 course (bhopal).This is my first attempt. I want to know that how much attempts are left for me befor being overaged ?

    • Honestly.. I did all study from net. Coz I ordered SSB book from upkar’s and it was delivered late. But I feel Ukpkar’s SSB what ? Ho? Why? is worth a look. Its just that book gives you idea of wht to prepare but you have to ultimately prepare your own points. this is just my feeling.
      Best of Luck..

  2. hi nitish.firstly congratulation at ur success.. i too was in the same group with chest no.18..if i rem. correctly then i called u for my command task..i want to know did all 5 recommended candidate cleared medical or not?


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