Indian Navy Notification 2013, applications are invited from unmarried male candidates for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in Executive Branch (General Services/Hydro Cadre) and Technical Branches of the Indian Navy for Dec 2013 Course at Indian Naval Academy (INA) Ezhimala, Kerala. Candidates to fulfill conditions of nationality as laid down by the Government of India.
Eligibility Criteria
Ser No
Entry (Branch/Cadre)
Born between
(both dates inclusive)
Technical (General Service)
19½ to 25 years
Branch (‘E’ & ‘L’)
02 Jan 1989 to
01 Jul 1994
Submarine Specialisation
19½ to 25 years
02 Jan1989 to
01 Jul 1994
Executive (GS)/Hydro Cadre
19½ to 25 years
02 Jan1989 to
01 Jul 1994
Educational Qualification:
Ser No
Eligible streams of BE/B. Tech.
Engineering (E) Branch
(i) Mechanical (ii) Marine (iii) Automotive Branch (iv) Mechtronics (v) Industrial & Production (vi) Metallurgy (vii) Aeronautical /Aerospace
(viii) B.Sc Marine Engg
Electrical (L) Branch
(i) Electrical (ii) Electronics (iii) Tele Branch Communication (iv) Instrumentation (v) Instrumentation and Control (vi) Electronics and instrumentation
(vii) Electronics and Communication
(viii) Power Engineering (ix) Control System Engineering (x) Power Electronics
Engineering Branch
Electrical Branch
‘Electrical’ or ‘Electronics’ or
‘Control’ or ‘Telecommunication’ or
Executive (GS/Hydro Cadre)
BE/B. Tech (Any discipline)
Also Apply: TGC-118 Notification
How to Apply
- Candidates are to submit application in ‘e-application’ (Online) for this entry.
- The candidates desirous of applying online (e-application) can do so from 28 Mar 13.
- Click on the ‘Officer Entry’ button under the option ‘Apply Online’ on the Home Page.
- Fill the online registration form.
- Before clicking the Submit button it should be checked whether all the details entered in the form is correct as you will not be able to make any corrections after saving the record.
- After submitting the form, a ‘Application Number’ will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen.
- This Application Number will automatically appear on the print out of the form.
- Print two copies of the online Application Form having the system generated Application Number.
- One copy of this Application Form is to be duly signed and mailed(posted) to Post Box No. 04, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 011 along with the following documents:- Self attested photograph, Attested photo copies of 10th &12th class certificates along with Mark Sheets, other educational certificates and mark sheets of all semester/years.
- Applications to be sent by ordinary post only.
- Speed Post, Courier and Registered Post will not be accepted. (f) A superscription is to be made on envelope: ONLINE APPLICATION NO. __________ APPLICATION FOR SSC GS(X)/HYDRO CADRE/TECHNICAL BRANCH (E/L/SM) – DEC 2013 COURSE Qualification _______ Percentage _____%.NCC ‘C’ Yes/No.
Apply Now
For more details Read Official Notification
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yeah,,,evn i havn’t get my admit card for pc(naic) and ssc(piolet) jun 2013…agree with u nav sharma…
will u please let me know that are Applied electronics and instrumentation engineers eligible?
Everytime i’m filling the form, it is saying duplicate record…..infact i’ve not filled the form atleast once… is that possible ??? Any suggestions admin ???
sir,the online link for GS(X) technical dec 2013 course is not showing and there last date for applying is 13 april,even indian navy is not picking my call and not replying of my query through mail….please sir advice from where i have to fill the form for GS(X).On indian navy website online advertisement and details of post is shown but when we click on click here option under officer entry there is not any link available.plz advice sir as soon as possible.
can any1 gv me the link 4 online application… i cant see the link anywhr on website
can any1 gv me the link 4 online application… i cant see the link anywhr on website
i am also having the same prob its showing application recieved
Someone applied???????? Seems like something wrong in the website..Cant see the apply now button…
i am a final year engg student and am interested in applying for the post of pilot in the indian navy. but as per the advt. i cannot since it is clearly mentioned. So, how can i apply for the same?
thank you.
Now the fight is for getting into SSB procedure, earlier it was for getting recommended… cutoff will be 80% by next year..
Which coaching institute is best for SSB training.
Please reply…
I have MSc (Electronics & Communications). Am i eligible to apply above mentioned Electrical (L) branch? Please answer me
sir please do notify whenever there are openings for women in naval architecture branch…
But we would have cleared our Semesters by the time Course Starts .. then why is it so ??
FINAL YEAR STUDENTS {8th sem} can apply for this notification??
I want to apply from eee branch only,not from any discipline,is it eligible?
we can apply to entry but the problem here is … CUTOFF
Hello admin! Last time i had appeared for the campus interview of Indian Navy and i was sent out before commencing of the process as i have previous backlog in third semester which was cleared later on… so what about this entry ?? is there have any impact of this backlog story ?? plz clear this up soon….
jay hind
yes , u hv to clear all ur backlogs at the time for ssb interview
has anyone filled the form for GS ele indian navy short service commission?? i have tried but when preview option comes it show in NCC C CERTIFICATION “YES” option but i have filled “NO” dere…tried twice but having same pro….plzz tell if anybody filled the form???