
How To Select Venue For AFCAT AFSB Interviews

By SSBCrack

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Kudos to all candidates those who have cleared the written test of AFCAT. AFSB or SSB Interviews for AFCAT 01/2013 would start after one month, but it is very important for qualified candidates to select one AFSB as a venue for their AFSB interview. If you haven’t checked your AFCAT 01/2013 result, you can check it here AFCAT written test result. You can also check AFCAT cut off marks declared official by Indian Air Force.

How to select Venue for AFSB interview

1. Log into http://careerairforce.nic.in/auth/candidate/index.asp

AFCAT 2013
2. Enter your login details
AFCAT 2013
3. Go to “View Marks” on left side panel
4. Select Centre.

If you haven’t cleared it this time then you can try your best in AFCAT 2015 – 2016. Notification of AFCAT 2016 would come soon. You can also read a post on how to pass AFCAT written exam, this will help you for sure.

Shortlisted candidates who fail to select their AFSB venues on or before would be allotted their AFSB batches by the IAF and intimated through their registered E Mail ID. On receipt of E Mail, candidates are required to login and print the call up letter from the website. They would then report at their selected venue along with Call Up letter, AFCAT Admit Card and other documents as listed in the Call Up letter.

Olive Squad Mugs


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37 thoughts on “How To Select Venue For AFCAT AFSB Interviews”

  1. when i go to print my call letter, the candidate section says login to website not allowed, I am facing the same problem..what i do

  2. when i go to print my call letter, the candidate section says login to website not allowed, I am facing the same problem…is there any other document that can be shown? like selection list after afcat? or afcat marksheet to show cut off has been cleared?

  3. i did not download my afcat ssb call letter……and now site for this can’t be open……what should i do???plz someone kindly help

  4. Sir
    I had a doubt regarding one of the documents asked for during the AFSB testing
    They have asked for a Provisional Degree but my University people say that there is no such thing as that.Although I have my Provisional Certificate, but the instructions specify that they will not accept a provisional certificate

    What should I do?

  5. Sir
    I had a doubt regarding one of the documents asked for during the AFSB testing
    They have asked for a Provisional Degree but my University people say that there is no such thing as that.Although I have my Provisional Certificate, but the instructions specify that they will not accept a provisional certificate

    What should I do?

  6. hello sir

    I have selected 12th April as my afsb interview date.
    There is a possibility that i might not get a 5 day leave from work.
    Is there a way to reappear for afsb after that or again as in a second chance for absentees.

    thank you.

  7. My problem is tht, i have entered wrong percentage for 12 maths(it has to be 75 but i have entered 81).
    Will it become a problem , please do reply.

  8. @vidhit bhatia:-thanks for your reply
    what is the minimum criteria for selecting afsb centre??
    actualluy ahmedabad and gandhinagar both are different city and both have diffrent municipality
    but still m anxious and how to contact afsb centre for this?

    reply plz

  9. @thunderbird – Go book ur slot for Varanasi. That rule is applicable only for d candidates staying in the same city.
    @narayana – no u cannot change
    @aravind – no buddy no 2nd list

  10. i live in bhopal ,MP..can i choose afsb varanasi ?? it’s the closest from my city..they have mentioned not to choose an afsb that lies within your residential city’s municipal limits.varanasi,UP ..is not violating this rule..

  11. hey if i just don’t select the venue upto 15th apr..the date then given by afsb..would it be after sept or lies within the specified dates????
    coz i have to give a re-appear exm in last week of june…and d univ wud probably declare result in mid-october..
    plz help me out..shud i select a date or skip it..


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