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Written ExamsAFCATInstructions To The candidates Writing AFCAT 2016

Instructions To The candidates Writing AFCAT 2016

To all candidates who are going to face AFCAT- Air Force Common Admission Test written examination, please keep following instructions in your mind. After downloading the AFCAT admit card/ hall ticket, you need to obey following instructions for written as well as for AFSB interview.


Instructions for AFCAT candidates:

  1. In case the candidates are awarded grades/CGPA instead of marks, the conversion of grades/CGPA to percentage of marks would be based on the procedure certified by the University from where they have obtained the degree. In case the University does not have any scheme for converting CGPA to percentage conversion certificate, CGPA will be converted into 10 points scale and multiplied by 10 to get equivalent percentage.
  2. Candidates are required to maintain their unique E-Mail ID active throughout the selection process.
  3. Candidates below 25 years of age must be unmarried (term unmarried excludes widower and divorcee even though without encumbrances). Marriage is not permitted during training. Married candidates above 25 years of age are eligible to apply but during training period they will neither be provided married accommodationnorcantheyliveoutwithfamily.
  4. Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearm i.e. from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm/ back (dorsal) side of hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body are not acceptable. Tribes with tattoo marks on the face or body as per their existing custom and traditions will be permitted on a case to case basis.
  5. Candidate should not have been arrested, convicted or prosecuted on criminal charges.
  6. Candidates must carry Admit Card and a valid photo identity card such as passport, driving licence, voteridentitycard,collegeidentitycardoranyothervalidphotoidentityproofwhilereportingforAirForce Common Admission Test and for SSB Interview at Air Force Selection Board. The admit card which is attested at the AFCAT centre is to be carried for the SSB interview.
  7. The candidature for the courses commencing in July 2017 will be valid only if the proof of meeting eligibility criteria is submitted latest by 15 June 2017.
  8. Women candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria are encouraged to apply in response to this advertisement.
  9. Candidates who have been withdrawn / suspended from Defence Training Establishments on grounds of discipline are not eligible to apply.
  10. One year ante date seniority will be granted to the candidates joining Technical Branch Courses.
  11. PAN Card is a mandatory requirement to join AFA.
  12. Online modification of submitted applications may be carried out for name (spelling) and address only on 01 and 02 Jul 16. Please note that information filled up by the candidates in online applicationformwillbeconsideredfinalandnoamendmentswillbeallowedsubsequently.
  13. Use of mobile phone inside AFSBs is prohibited.
  14. After admission to Air Force Academy, candidates will not be considered for any other commission. They will also not be permitted to appear for any interview or examination after they have been finally selectedfortrainingintheAirForceAcademy.
  15. Terms and conditions given in the advertisement are guidelines only and are subject to change without notice.
  16. Physical Conditioning: Prospective candidates are advised to keep themselves in good physical condition to adapt to physical training at AFA which encompasses running, swimming, rope climbing and other forms of physical training / conditioning in which they would undergo mandatory tests during training. 40. Disclaimer: Information given in the advertisement and on the website are guidelines only. In case of anyambiguity,theexistingpolicies,rulesandregulationsofIAF/Govt.ofIndiawillbefinal.
  17. Statutory Warning: Selection in the Indian Air Force is free, fair and merit based. Any attempt to influence the selection process detected at any stage is liable to lead to termination of candidature or service and legal action against the concerned individual will be initiated.

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  1. Sir iam regular viewer of your website. sir i want to say that you should post some stories of PPDT so that candidates can get through it and have good and directioned way to write a good story.

    thank you

  2. my AFSB interview and university exam dates are clashing,if i dont give my exam,my degree will be withheld.so plz tell how to request for change in the slot of AFSB inteview in such exception case.

  3. Hi admin.
    I am Raghav Today i saw the call up of TGC 117. Unfortunately my name was not there i have already tried 5 times in SSB,3 times conference-out,2 time screen-out.this time my name was not in TGC 117 i am trying this from last 2 year 1st time in oct 18 2011 i gave my 1st SSB in 18ssb allahabad. my percent in class 12 is 53,10 is 59,b-tech is 60.40.i had given 1 ssb in 1AFSB dehradun for Indian Air Force that time i get screened out.

    i had wasted my 2 years for Indian army the thing is i am still standing in same place from where i has started.My dreams are shattered.i just want 2 ask whether this marks is enough for me to get recommend in Indian Air Force.
    plz do rpy

  4. I’m very sorry to post my comment here. Actually, i’m daily reader of your website and it provides a plenty of useful information of my use.
    I got selected in CDSE-(II) 2012. But i’m facing a sort of problem. Due to transfer of my father, we had moved to another place. The new address in different from the address which i had filled in CDSE admission form. According to rules, they will sent my SSB call letter on the previous address. Is their any way to change the address?
    Or do UPSC allow us to download SSB call letter from their official website.
    Please help me…
    My email id is [email protected], please mail your valuable answer to my Email Id. It’ll a great help for me from your side.
    Thanks a ton

    • Call letter address doesn’t matter at all…….. You should know your name, roll number, D.O.B etc. In the personal information form you can write your new address as correspondence address. you cannot download SSB letter form any website till date. About change of address in UPSC records………..you can easily do it by sending application to them as mentioned in the advertisement.


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