The air of 1st SSB is still fresh to me…in spite of being there for 7th attempt.
1st attempt at Bhopal: SO
2nd attempt at Bhopal: CO
3rd attempt at Bhopal: SO
4th attempt at Allahabad: SO
5th attempt at Bhopal: CO
6th attempt at Allahabad: SO
7th attempt at Allahabad: “R” “+1”
One failure leading to another…it’s been a tough tide all this time. Rough patches that need to be attended were out numbering the capability of patience. In that dark time…I would ask these lines “DO YOU HAVE IT IN YOU”. These words always kept us inspired towards our Goal. It’s your fight which needs to be won among Gentlemen through Gentlemen’s way. Being RECOMMEND is a great feeling in its own way!!! And it’s incomplete unless I thank the people who were there in my struggle for “DO YOU HAVE IT IN YOU”
And through these fights the winning is owed to my Parents & Sis who supported me all this time
To my uncle Retd. Lt. Col BD SINGH
To my close big bro Raj’s lines to keep trying & never let go.
My friend PRASANTH KUMAR from Visakhapatnam & AKANKSHA CHATURVEDI from Indore who helped me in all the aspect to improve my weaknesses & so to perform better in many manner.
Every SSB have been a learning period in its own way with common denominator of OFFICERS LIKE QUALITY. No wonder why we become more determined toward joining the INDIAN ARMED FORCES. As it’s a Different New life all together. It can’t be bought…only be earned through your PRIDE for Nation & Determination to be worth for it. We become so conscious about the competition that we end up asking the entire query related to performing well & getting selected, that we forget our own “Self evaluation”. Rather it’s the key to our success in this arena from beginning to the end.
Thus Beginning was getting a Book & reading it through. About what does it all involve!!! Still ideas & lines were not clear to me…
SCREENING TEST (2 Intelligence Test, 1 PPDT, 1GD)
GTO (GD, Lecturrete, Snake R, PGT, HGT, CT, IO, GPE, FGT)
May be those content explaining these terminologies were not enough to satisfy me like everyone else.
So Visited a Retd. Lt.Col to know more.
“Got insight knowledge & attributes which play an important role to be through” that’s what I believed.
With all that reached Bhopal with pretty excitement & confidence.
1300Hrs reporting time: was waiting at station. Call letter mentioned “PERSON WILL BE THERE TO ESCORT YOU”. Waited & waited…1430Hrs. To the amusement there was none. So enquire the Coolie about SSB bus & other related queries. Rushed to platform 4 to catch the bus. After reaching the spot found that bus left already. Army Persons were there approached.
them & asked “If any bus will be coming soon”. Their positive response made me relaxed & comfortable.
Reaching Bhopal SSB. Beds were provided with evening tea & snacks. It was all wow to me. Old memories of “RASHTRIYA MILITARY SCHOOL BANGALORE” were getting fresh again.
Document verification started & words like FREHSRES, SCREEN OUT, CONFERENCE OUT/REPEATERS, RECOMMEND…sounded alien to me. Soon the FRESHER tag stamped upon us. Following briefing made clear what all the words refer to. Meeting new friends, dining together, were waking up early…kicking the asses to wake them up…still preserved in memories. Events one after another be serious or silly, had a deep meaning of controversies to our own belief. No wonder why Army Life style is different from the so called Civilian life.
Ladies & Gentlemen sharing my Journey from the BHOPAL FREHSER to ALLAHABAD RECOMMEND. It has been a great journey which will last forever. Met faces with brilliant personality & individuality of their own. Distinguish ideas from optimistic behavior adhering to glorious goal.
DAY 01. SCREENING TEST (2 Intelligence Test, 1 PPDT, 1GD)
(As a FRESHER) Intelligence Test were easy & did all. (Experience) Booklets have changed & new pattern of series have arrived. Don’t allow the witty & easy question to deceive your intelligence. (*Tips: Be fast while attending the Qs).
PPDT: On projector a hazy picture was shown & had to write a story. (As a FRESHER) We can make a movie just finance us. Here need to write a story…no big deal. (Experience) Write a story which is natural in its own way. Don’t use words to describe the character like DISCIPLINED, SINCERE, HARD WORKING, PUNTUAL, LEADER, BRAVE etc. Just mention his/her actions involving these characteristics. Don’t give a problem rather create an event, which is carried out precisely as required.
PPDT to GD: Group members can vary from 16 to 26 (As a FRESHER) Just need to go out there & speak, I am good with my communication. I am good in English as well. Wow this is so easy. My friends know me as a good speaker after all. (Experience) The 1 minute really plays an important role. So do prepare your narration very carefully about what you want to speak & how you will deliver it to the group. Never look to assessors. When GD starts: Give your views when discussion is going healthy, but when it become a fish market @ that time lead the team & put every effort to make them calm down, generate the discipline with understanding decorum. Because it’s obvious: We can’t expect others to listen our views when everyone is shouting. At that time someone need to take command…& that’s your catch.
(As a FRESHER) Prepared to many words & stories. Knew how to response to situations. I know myself very fairly. Will represent SD in so manner that, they’ll take me in.
(Experience) TAT, WAT & SD come in one column and SRT in other.
TAT: Name your character from different religion like Abhimanyu, Salim, James & Jasdeep. Describe your character in 1-2 lines. As said in Day01 PPDT, create event in the story. Don’t run after ideas to make a problem thus solving it. Event needs co-ordination, group planning, team leader, flexibility, result, effort the so called OLQs. But when it comes to problem: We solve them. Problem then Solution “THE END”
Event then Process to handle “CONTINUES” Never conclude a story. For example…Hero joined engineering in CSE branch in AAA College. From his 1st yr He saw events organized by other departments. When he came in 2nd yr he discussed with his friends about starting a club of CSE. Then they approached the seniors & they supported the view. Together they met the HOD & staff members & laid down there idea. Appreciated By Staff & a go green signal were given. Notice was issued & technical events were organized. Work was divided among the club members. Event was well co-ordinate & gave a technical hub of competition. Hero carried this out till final year. After wards his junior carried out these club activities.
WAT: make positive sentence that come to your mind. Some words can be answered showing your GK or Current Affair knowledge. Words must show your awareness about the nation & international affairs as well. Words show your social aspect & natural habits in day to day life. If words are repeated then give the same response. Now the question comes “WHY???”
Example: Your are given an order-you follow it today
& same order is given tomorrow-you might not follow
SD: Very important & a pivotal part to judge you by being in your shoes. Here need to complete 5 Para in 15 minutes.
What your parents think about you?
What your teachers (If Not in Job) think about you or what your colleague/superior (Is doing Job) think about you?
What your friends think about you?
What person you are?
Finally what person you want to become?
SD is correlated with your PIQ. So take necessary measures about your mentioning to each query asked in PIQ.
Like: You got good* academic record mentioned & not much on your extra* or co-curricular* activity in PIQ. But in SD you are stating that you are average in studies* & good in outdoor activities*. You got a good hand writing (your writing shows that) but you will say “I want to improve my hand writing”. For all these years we learnt how to manage our self with the time provided, but we say “I want to improve my time management”. I take time to dress up; c’mon give it a break. Do you need more of 2 decades to
get these things done? And if you are a REPEATER like me…then BINGO!!! Try to minimize on aspect that shows you haven’t improved since last attempt.
ARMED FORCES need smart people. Who can learn fast & easily!!! Who can adapt to situations with their flexible nature.
There you have the distorted parts which unlink your parameters on presenting yourself. So take measures to treat your wounded statements, such to make them neat & tidy.
DAY 03-04. GTO (GD, Lecturrete, Snake R, PGT, HGT, CT, IO, GPE, FGT)
(As a FRESHER) Again I got GD no worries. It’s the same that I have been doing since the day I arrived. 3 minute to prepare then delivering my speech (from 3-4 topics on slip of paper) is so easy. Snake sounds reptile to me…ok will run my race leading others. Will shout like my crazy engineers day during strikes. Will pass the helping materials & will carry on the task in just a swift. They will see me as a leader & potential dependent person. Individual tasks OK will do all, guess will repeat them. Command OK give me 2 person & I’ll complete my task as well as others also.
(Experience) We are smart enough to say what will come after A,B,C…that’s D. Similar with every familiarity of instructions. But listen to every instruction keenly when GTO tells them. Focus your sharp mind & undivided concentration to grasp the atmosphere created by GTO to perform at very best level. Matter of fact, for repeaters the instructions are like printed in our memory. Still pay priority to the GTO for 2 days on GTO ground.
GTO gives 2 topics & we are the boss on 1st part (we believe that). As we get the chance to choose. But we forget that these 2 come from GTO’s mind only. Once again in next GD topic will be GTO’s choice only.
Share your ideas in a healthy manner. When healthy discussions walk its path in GD do participate with sharp ideas. In due course of discussion the fish market scenario will arise. At that moment neither give any suggestion nor will people listen to you. Here is your chance to show your Leadership Quality.
For example: You must have seen a football match. When game is going smooth, everyone is participating in a fair manner. Suddenly a player is hit by the opponent’s team member & small fight starts. What happens at that moment??? Are players continuing the match…Hell NO!!! Someone will make the call, ask them to calm down, tries to co-ordinate the sportive behavior. So that match can start again with discipline & fair play.
Do the same in the occurrence of fish market. Take charge & try to gain control over the crowded ideas. Give others a chance & bring back the necessity condition for discussion.
Slip of paper embedded with 3-4 topics. This Lecturrete decide your command over your tongue. Choose your topic wisely. Speak for 3 min & do conclude your speech before time. *Note: Speak slowly with modulating the voice with high & low pitch. This will make your talks different than your competitors.
Snake Race is the favorite of many & for GTO it has a unique importance. Shout from the starting point till the finish line. Keep
motivating team members. Help the team members while crossing the obstacles.
GTO is designed to test out group dynamics. In simple term our social behavior to perform as par exchanging the ideas & implementing the best. Participate in the task by giving ideas & performing by converting the idea into physical terms with PLANK, BALLI and ROPE & LOAD. Don’t forget your men behind Officer.
At the start of task coming across three ways to start the task, at that moments choose the tough or complex start point. Because reaching at the midpoint of task you’ll find the next level pretty easy. And most of the time easy way leads you to a difficult level. And finding an exit becomes quite difficult.
Completing the task matters less compared to your performance & adaptability to perform with your team member.
Command Task is meant to judge your tuning in between resource management & conveying instructions (which need to be clear & precise). How you use your helping materials & guiding your sub-ordinates to understand your idea thus transferring them into physical work to get across the task. You can say…YOU are the mind & YOUR SUB-ORDINATES are your body parts.
And next phase determines you as one body & mind.
That is Individual Obstacles. Completing the entire task is not important. Rather how you plan or comprehend your strategy to collect maximum points. A task can be performed by many, but one thing that rules them all is smartness. Be smart & strategic to win this part of individuality.
Last but not the least where Army is concerned w.r.t SSB then the GPE plays a vital role to say.
“At 18 you become an adult, Do 5 years in the ARMY & become a man. Lead brave men from front”
These lines sound familiar & to test them upon us SSB lives. And among them GPE is one of the most important edge judging your OLQs. If you like, you can follow these steps 3 steps to complete your GPE.
1st: what is my aim/objective.
2nd: what does it involve. (Example: 8 members, 1 van & cycle etc)
3rd: how far I can plan now.
Divide your man power as needed by situation. Priority is to save life … say most of it. Attend your initial work also. Stick to limitations & utilize the resources in best of means.
PERSONAL INTERVIEW (Can take place from Day 02 to Day 04)
(As a FRESHER) Ok I will be facing series of questions. I am smart in all manners to represent myself. I know my technicalities & a bit of GK & Current affairs. I can pass this with my flair of wittiness. RPQ can answer them all.
(Experience) IO accesses you personally on PIQ ground. You will be delivering your personal & professional life to him. But in the end its you who decide about your flow of interview to be it PERSONAL, TECHNICAL or GK. If your answers satisfy IO in personal aspect then he will carry out the interview on personal ground only. If IO finds your un-comfort ability or low confidence towards personal answers then IO will switch to Technical or GK stuff.
If you don’t know the answer & still want to try (You can Say): Sir, I have a bit/rough/little idea. With your permission I would like to answer or state my point/view. It’s better than “Sorry Sir I don’t know”
If IO says your answer is somewhat correct or wrong then you can say: Sir, I’ll find out!!!
Avoid answering in one word. Try to answer in sentences.
Whatever you say to IO, he may note down those on your PIQ. So to discuss the same with Psychologist. Do not bluff it’ll land you nowhere.
On my part interview went for 50-60minutes. I loved it all along. It went smoothly. Apart from PIQ, the IO asked me about
What’s new between INDIA & PAKISTAN?
What do you mean by Naxalism & how many districts and states are affected?
What is ASCII?
What is peer to peer & client to server?
What was the GD topic in GTO & group views?
What was Lecturrete topic & how it was represented?
Face every question with confidence, which can be summarized from the way of your speed of speech (which you must keep slow &
clear) & modulation (high & low). It’s hard to follow the mantra of “Think before you speak & why this question is being asked”. If tamed, this wildness will surely make you on priority list of PERFORMER.
Yes you have the OLQs no doubt in that. And board wants you in the forces. But to ensure in the end, whether they are selecting the right candidate with right aptitude or not…Your answer to this question justifies a lot. So if this question comes be ready (That they like you & you have the potential which is required) with the right answer of your life time ambition.
We can handle multiple tasks & perform well. We have the potential to perform under severe pressure. But when it comes to our future we have one saying “I WILL WORK/LOOK-AFTER/IMPROVE MY LACKINGS/WEAKNESSES & COME AGAIN”. Where is the multi tasking aspect when we want to make our future bright? Does this answer satisfy your IO or CONFERENCE BOARD…NO!!! Need to be prepared for better future competition. Represent your potential to IO & board, share your short term plans.
If not recommended: preparing for higher studies (GATE, CAT, Competitive Exams—Justify your answer why these parameter will suit you), working with consistent effort to raise my position high in job…Be practical in your way of answer, which you are in real life of day to day event.
In the Ending session of INTERVIEW: was asked
Where will you go after everything finishes?
Sir, at the moment I am having nice time with you. Tomorrow I have conference. Then after that I will be going for medicals which will last for about 4-5 days. After the medical result I will head back to my dad i.e. my native place.
What if you turn out to be medically unfit?
Sir, if the condition is such that it can’t be treated then no worries. I am preparing for CAT. And it suits my nature of work. Like HR & Marketing. Will crack CAT & will join IIM & live up to the expectations of my parents & carrying along the responsibility as a responsible son & brother.
Still where will you go, apart from you native place?
Sir, in that respect it’ll be “RASHTRIYA MILITARY SCHOOL BANGALORE” where “Lessons of Valour & Leadership never End” my path finder with my Dad & Sis.
(As a FRESHER) wow will be facing the brave officers in uniform. Let’s see if they can get better of me. I am not scared (I doubt it). I am dressed well & feel fresh.
(Experience) Prepared to the questions which were asked by IO and could not answer (As said to IO “Sir I will find out”). When bell rings take deep breath & enter the room by asking permission & wish
them with loud confident voice. Carry your smile with eye to eye contact. Give your best!!!
3 Questions were asked…
How was your Stay?
Sir, it was comfortable & nice.
How was the food?
Sir, I loved it!!!
Any suggestions fast?
No Sir…
Ok, thank you. That’s all.
Thank you Sir, Have a good day!!!
10th December 2012 Reported Allahabad & got 11 SSB Board
During Screening Test: Chest No 85, 113 Gentlemen Reported
After Screening Test: Chest No 28
14th December 2012 Got RECOMMEND: Got Chest No “+1”
The journey was really great. Waiting for Merit List which will be coming in 3rd week of March 2013 for OFFICERS TRAINING ACADEMY, CHENNAI. Long cherished dream to wear the OLIVE GREEN UNIFORM is 3 months away!!!
Hope GWGC helps you to get your Goal.
My well wishes to all of you. Perform well & get recommend & join us all on this side of life. Wish You all happy New Year 2013
Jai Hind

He has tasted success in his 7th attempt, got recommended for SSC-40 Technical Course commencing in April 2013
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congrates bro….its really inspiring story of ur’s.
confidence plays very important role in our life…if our confidence is high we can do anything.
one failure is not the end of our journey to success.
its the real beginning of our journey in which we are more confident and having some experience.
if we get “NO” at first time then that means not NO, it means NEXT OPPOURTUNITY.
Congratulations once again….go and serve for indian army.
Congrats bhaiya..
I m ur junior from Nehru House..
7 times repeater.. going 2 bhopal on 02 april 2013 again 😉
But the spirit is still high.. i hope 2 make it this time.
i was 2 class junior to u..
congrats once again n all d best
I missed my SSB for OTA for some unavoidable reasons.All these circumstances lowered my confidence.But after reading your very personal and motivating experience ,my confidence is at heights.And now will face my next SSB with more confidence,more practice and perfect execution.
A lots of thanks to you and I congratulate you for your dream success.
You have Nicely written your ssb adventure. I’m inspired reading it. I also went for ssb afcat 2012 first time. I was conference out but didn’t know why ?? I didn’t try it second time. But I think after reading this now I can try it again till I achieve it.
chest no 28 congrats.
Hi Sujeet, firstly accept my heartiest congratulations on getting recommended..
Sujeet, i have a rather low vision and eyesight,
My eyesight being almost -5.0 in both the eyes.
Will -5.0 be allowed, which i think will not be the case,
and can i get a LASIK done , is that allowed??
Congratulating u once again my dear friend and do reply..
dont get it done,-5.50 is allowed,lasik will create problem,as it is creating for me.
Hi Sujeet, firstly accept my heartiest congratulations on getting recommended..
Sujeet, i have a rather low vision and eyesight,
My eyesight being almost -5.0 in both the eyes.
Will -5.0 be allowed, which i think will not be the case,
and can i get a LASIK done , is that allowed??
Congratulating u once again my dear friend and do reply..
dont get it done,for ssc -5.50 is allowed,
lasic will create problems,as it is creating for me
Are you sure Sushant, the advertisement mentions a criteria of -3.5 only.. i am talking about the one that has recently come..
thanks for sharing ..indeed it is very helpful .
congratulation and all the best
Thank U …
congrats buddy..mine ssb was also at allahabad for sscw(t)-11 bt unfortunately i was screened out. it was my first attmpt. i got vry upset bt still having faith that i m having that desire and courage to became army officer.after reading ur article i get vry inspired. I really appreciate ur determination. once again heartly congratulations.
All the best Buddy…U ll make it next time. Get RECOMMEND SOON!!!
Congratulations on your achievement!
Impressive account. Should be very helpful to many. Thanks for sharing.
U r Welcome buddy…if it helps, i ll b happy!!!