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GTOLecturettePreparation Of A Lecturette

Preparation Of A Lecturette

An officer of the Armed Forces has to lead or command his men. He is called upon to address at short notice the men he commands and he must be able to inspire confidence in his men-not only by his action but by his word also. His speech must, therefore, be forceful and effective.

ssb interview lecturette

In preparing your lecturette, you have to collect your material from various sources as under:

  1. Note down all ideas about the subject as they occur to you.
  2. Consult reference books, journals, newspapers and take down any new points not covered already.
  3. Discuss the subjects with your colleagues and note down any new points not covered already.
  4. Go through all the above material and select materials of your liking which can fit in the framework of your talk.
  5. Arrange the material selected in a logical order.
  6. Prepare a final draft of your speech.
  7. Divide your speech in three parts as under:
    • Introduction: It is to establish contact with the audience, to arouse their interest so that they get ready for what is going to come by disclosing and clarifying your subject and stating why the subject is important for them. Remember the maxim ” Well begun is half done”.
    • The body: This is the most important part as it carries the main message. Make it as interesting as possible. A dull treatment looses its effectiveness. A touch of humour may be helpful.
    • Summary and conclusion: A summary serves to wrap up the material you have presented. It is not only helpful at the end, but is useful in the beginning and at the end of each phase of your talk.
  8. Rehearse your lecture and limit it to the time allotted.
Lecturette isn’t hard if you go with some preparation, topics in lecturette are very common and general, always choose a convenient topic and prepare well in the given time.
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  1. Resp. sir, i can do this easily but the thing is if i am not able to complete my speech in 3 mins then will they give me some more time to complete off my speech!! if not then! i will have to leave my speech incomplete?

        • You’ll be given instructions by GTO before commencing the whole process of Lecturette !! He rings the bell every 2 minute 30 seconds and 30 seconds. the first bell indicates the candidate(who is speaking) to conclude his topic within 30 sec and the one (who is waiting outside) to get ready within the same time. and after 30 seconds, the other will go out by taking a strip (which displays 4 topics) from GTO and the one who has waited outside starts his speech. This process repeats till all complete their speech

          • Thanks so much santosh for your information
            I have another doubt that I have just read the myths of ssb on this website that language doesn’t matter so if I am not having such english words to describe what I feel then do I explain it in hindi as well ?

          • If you feel something much effective if it is expressed in Hindhi, Then You can !!! Like Quotes (Own or Stated by Others !!) But ASAP You must switch your language to English !!

            Also You can use Hindi When you get stuck in expressing something !! (I recommend not to do this)


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