My reporting date was 7th Jan 2013 6.45 @ Mysore. I started from Bangalore to Mysore at 11.55 PM,In the compartment where ever you see SSB Aspirants. The train dropped us by 4’o clock. When I was in waiting hall ,it was all SSB Aspirants. Made few friends over there.
- SSB Bhopal- SO
- AFSB Mysore- SO
- AFSB Mysore- Rec
The Air Force Bus came and picked us up by 7’o clock and we were all assembled in the Testing Hall(Total :150 Aspirants)
Initial Form fillings were done and we are given a chest number, mine was 121.
Then started the Phase-1 of testing with OIR(a set of two exams each has 40bits need to be completed in 17 mins) my suggestion start the OIR from reverse order and followed by PPDT(Picture Perception and Discussion Test).A Hazy Picture was shown and we need to write a story and it is followed by discussion from which a common story must emerge.
In our PPDT,for me it appeared like a Youngster and middle aged person-so I wrote like youngster is student and middle aged person was professor and youngster find some difficulties in his course so he approached his professor and got guidance and excelled in his course.
Then started the discussion (the most messing part). As I already screened out twice I decided firmly to make it this time, most of my team members are repeaters so I thought they will go in a cool manner, but as soon as the discussion started everything turned hot, all of them were arguing. I didn’t get any chance to speak they were not coming to any common point so finally with deep breath I said EXCUSE ME I WOULD TO LIKE SPEAK A POINT…..Finally they allowed me to speak…my point was MOST OF OUR STORIES HAS TWO PERSONS SO LETS MAKE OUR STORY WITH TWO PERSONS, that’s it again they grabbed the chance and started to quarrel finally we chose a person to narrate a common story all this happened in 3 mins for the total discussion.
Now finally it’s the results time and I am quite sure I will be screened out chest number was called and along with others are asked to wait other side…then the rest of the guys was told that they were screened out and we were selected. Felt relieved that I am finally screened In and felt bad that few of my friends didn’t make it.
I didn’t have a good sleep for two days ( Travelling from Hyderabad to Bangalore and Bangalore to Mysore), thought that finally we will be relieved testing procedure was done for that day, but it was only a dream, a lot about to come the psyche tests started immediately after filling some forms….
It was hectic…then started the TAT as usual 12 pictures(11 Pictures + 1 Blank),as usual we need to write stories like PPDT,as usual make a ready made story for the blank slide. I wrote totally good stories in TAT.
Then WAT a total of sixty words, 15 secs for each need to write a sentence, could not complete all of them I nearly left 15 words blank. Then SRT where a booklet of 60 situations will be given and need to complete them,this was much worst than WAT, In this I left 24 situations blank, then the self description it was OK same questions that will be repeated again. Then its over for the day,had a fine dinner and went to our respective blocks after noting whats coming next….. 🙂
This time my chest number was 33,and they grouped from chest no 26 to 33 as team D.
The selection board scheduled everything and for our group the next day was Interview day. My Interview got scheduled @1200 Hrs. After reaching there and waited for 45 mins then some personnel came and said that interview is postponed to 1.45PM and I was requested to have my lunch. I really enjoyed the lunch, because I am not much worried about the interview. My interview started by 0200 Hrs and lasted for 45 mins. Most of the questions are related to my personal life and no different questions.
I too got the two routine question which were asked in most of the interviews i.e. State some news, state some thing u know about IAF. I was prepared for that and answered both to my best (Thanks to SSBCrack where many aspirants shared their exp. Through which I got an Idea of these two questions).
The Next Day was totally off for us we enjoyed our stay..and went to ZOO.
The next day was our GTO..First Indoor followed by Outdoor activities.
First started with Choice GD(From two we need to select One) for us the First topic was Rural development which Factors play a keen role. Factors:Education,Alternative Farming,Small Scale Industry
Our team was not concerned about the second topic all of us voted for the first one..the discussion went so cool and calm it was nice GD then again one more GD with no choice the topic was about ISRO space program the same happened with this GD also..everyone was discussing politely no arguing nothing…then GTO came into action and started opposing our points ,we didn’t give up we supported and gave points to the best of our knowledge..Then MPE(Military planning Exercise) he explained a set of 4 problems asked us to write individual plan first and then discussion and common plan must emerge..
We messed up MPE this time its hot discussion few arguments then finally GTO asked for our solution and chest no .26 rose so we decided that he will present our solution,when he finished I was not satisfied with his solution so with GTO’s permission I gave my solution which had few points from team discussions.
Then Outdoor Task PGT,HGT,Snake Race and Command Task.
Our team was so good we crossed to obstacle in PGT in just 4-5 mins then got stuck in 3 rd one. We started with correct way but a lot of ideas deviated us from easy solution then GTO suggested to go with the initial try ,we tried and successfully completed the PGT then same with HGT.
In HGT while crossing the obstacle whole team crossed and I stayed back ,now I need to cross and helping material should also we don’t have any idea how to that then suddenly I gave an idea of making bridge with rope and plank that worked we completed the HGT too..My suggestion is when team is discussing try to give ur ideas ,if there is no idea from anyone try to give one ..
Then Snake Race(The most funniest and interesting) After getting penalty of 35 secs(20sec,10secs and 5 secs) we won the race as a team…seriously with the GTO tests I had observed with good team effort we can proceed further handling anything..
Then Command Task.. I was called 5 times as subordinate because of Height weight thing,, whenever I was called I was ordered to stand on plank and balance it so that others can cross..As I called 5 times I got a chance to perform all three command task(4 people got one CT and 2 got one CT and 2 got Other CT),my CT was a table is place in center of circle I need to get out of the circle ,finished it within time…A lot of workout then we were taken to tour visited Mysore palace,Philomena church and Brindavan Gardens.
The next day the remaining GTO tasks the FGT, Lecturrete ,and Individual Obstacle Race.
We finished the FGT in the specified time and the lecturrete out of 4 topics ,one topic must be picked and we must speak for 3 mins….my topics are Reservation for women,Arab Offspring,Hijacking..
I spoke about Reservation for women. then IOR where a set 10 obstacles need to be completed in 3 mins (55 points)Obstacles are : Log jump,High Jump ,Wall jump,Balance Beam,Monkey Crawl,Tire Jump,Double Jump,Tiger Jump Rope Climbing and Burma Bridge.I completed 9 obstacles and tried for rope climbing twice and didn’t make it..with that All our GTO tasks 9.30 PM and we all got ready and reported by 10.30 at testing hall for conference.
Finally my turn to attend the conference,we were given instructions to find some flag on the table and told that all assessing officers will be present. I thought 8 to 10 will be present,when I entered the hall there are nearly 20-25 officers in uniforms it’s a Huge U shaped Table. They asked the routine question how was your stay? how is your performance? any suggestions? Thank you may leave,thats it.
Now finally everyone is waiting eagerly for results,I am confident that I will be selected but I am also praying …then finally results announced a total of 6 candidates from 67 were selected, out of 6, 3 candidates are from my team D. Felt a mixed feeling again(happiness and sadness).
Finally Recommended and need to attend medicals on 18-Feb-2013…I prepared myself referring the experience of several aspirants and information available in various websites, I would like to thank those materials available in those websites
ALL THE BEST for future aspirants…everyone says it will be the best experience of life in SSB,If you enjoy the SSB Interview it will become one of your best experiences in life…I just had mine..
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congrat s …What about the merit list? U were merit in? .
Congrats Gopi.
Well done gentleman.. Great article. You are a motivating factor for many aspirants. Best of luck for your training.
Thank you for sharing your experience 🙂
All the best 😉