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GuestGuest InterviewInterview with Mr. Ayush Yadav Recommended for Air force and Navy

Interview with Mr. Ayush Yadav Recommended for Air force and Navy

We have got an opportunity to interview Mr. Ayush Yadav, this young boy has cleared SSB interviews back to back for Indian navy and air force. In this interview we have asked few important questions which will help other young aspirants in analyzing their own performance and get prepared for the next. Hope we will find next Mr. Ayush soon.

SSBCrack:Congratulations for your spectacular success. Tell us, was it very hard to clear SSB interview?

Ayush: Thank You very much for giving me this opportunity. The entire SSB experience is a memorable one. All the testing procedures are very interesting. Once you get going, SSB seems more of a fun learning experience rather than being so called tough. I always had it in my mind to Serve My Nation and was well prepared for the SSB.I found it to be a dynamic testing procedure which is easy if you use your brain efficiently and bear those qualities. If sincere efforts are made SSB is not at all hard.

SSBCrack: What motivated you to join the armed forces?

Ayush: Since I belong to a defence background, I’ve seen the life in the armed forces. I was highly motivated seeing my father serving in the uniform. The kind of life that the forces offer is unparallel. It makes you stand out of the crowd and an identity and as my father says, it’s not a job but a Sewa that gives you the kind of satisfaction that no other profession in this country can. Such words and many others incidences have always been motivating.

SSBCrack: How you have prepared for your 1st SSB interview?

Ayush: The first thing I did was I bought an Arihant Publications Book for SSB preparations. I took the guidance of my school seniors in the NDA and also talked to various serving officers .Also attended a couple of lectures on SSB at my school i.e. No.1 Air force School Gwalior. This gave me an initial idea. Then I referred to various blogs and sites and this was when I found SSBCrack for the first time and honestly, it was impressive and very helpful at the same time .I was too much into quizzing since class 9th. So current affairs were not a problem  as I was constantly updating myself through newspapers and internet and that really helped  me  during the interview and GD.I also worked out on  my physical fitness. I practiced reasoning questions from CSR and watched a few videos of GTO tasks of Sainik School (SSBJ) on YouTube which also helped.

SSBCrack: Were you confident about your selection during 1st attempt?

Ayush: I was more focused on performance and wasn’t really thinking of the final result as it was my first SSB. You can never be 100% sure of selection in SSB at any point. But I gained a little confidence after I finished off with my interview that lasted more than an hour and was very healthy and interesting and I just got a feeling that I might get through if I do equally well in GTO. In command task I got a couple of very interesting tasks and I felt like I might make it through. But you can never be sure till the result arrives. It is very uncertain.

SSBCrack: You have cleared your 2nd SSB as well, is it easy to clear SSB if you are recommended candidate already?

Ayush: From my personal experience, 2nd SSB was harder for me comparatively. Every SSB, be It 2nd, 5th or 10th is like the first SSB, the only positive being that you have the idea of the procedure now. Other than that, it’s a totally fresh interaction and they hardly take any previous experiences into account. Rather it requires more efforts as now you are in the group of repeaters where experienced people who have done more hard work than their previous attempt are with you in a group. There are so many cases where previously recommended guys were Conference out. So you got to give your best shot in every attempt. There’s no margin for any errors.

SSBCrack: Do you think SSB coaching help aspirants to clear SSB, have you ever taken any coaching or guidance?

Ayush: I’ve had enough guidance from various sources. Coaching does help. During the initial briefing at NSB we were told “In the present world where competition is so much there’s nothing wrong in taking a coaching. There is coaching for almost everything. Even a model that walks on the ramp is coached. But he only thing to be kept in mind is don’t use the borrowed coaching ideas .Use your own brain “ Coaching gives the candidates a better perspective about the SSB and also at times about the qualities they can work to improve upon. Only thing that one should care for is do not use the coaching language and ideas in the SSB. Be original. Take hints from the coaching and implement it in various tests using your own ideas”

SSBCrack: What you would be if not an officer in Defence forces?

Ayush: I never really imagined being in any other profession. But if not the defence forces I would have been an Aeronautical engineer working with HAL. But on a lighter note, I could have also been a cook in some Hotel LOL.

SSBCrack: What is your message for repeaters and fresher for SSB interview?

Ayush: I’d like to quote a statement here that was given by the Deputy Cmdt. Of NSB during the closing address and somehow I remember it exactly .It says, “Gentlemen, in forces we are not looking for any Extraordinary men. We are looking for ordinary men who will do extraordinary things when the time comes”. Nothing comes easy in life .You got to work hard for it. You got to have a fire in you, a passion that drives you to serve your nation. It is not just a profession but a lot more than that, a way of Life. Have the right kind of approach, be confident, Josh, have a positive body language and Use your Brain. Remain Cheerful. When Life puts you in tough situations, Don’t say WHY ME, say TRY ME.” Good Luck to All. Cheers to Life.

SSBCrack: Thank you for speaking with us.

Ayush: It was indeed a pleasure talking to you. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share my ideas with others. SSBCrack is a website one of its kind and is doing a great job, providing all the necessary guidance to all the defence forces aspirants on a single platform, motivating them, giving them tips and helping everyone in a way that no other site at present can do .You have helped me and so many other people out there like me. Cheers To You Guys,Jai Hind!!!

The Editorial Team at SSBCrack consists of professional writers, journalists and defence aspirants.

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  1. Sir Thank you so much for sharing ur experience with us. …it is really giving us a positive attitude for ssb and is highly motivational….big thanks to this web site …u r really helping me and others people like me….

  2. Outstanding work Ayush Yadav! may you have a bright future .

    Admin, when’s the NDA & NA exam (ii) result likely to come out? Its been damn 3.5 months from exam and there’s still not trace of the results.

  3. I m really inspired so much AYUSH SIR and this makes me somehow thrilled and hopeful and more concentrating towards my defence aspirations but really makes me IMPATIENT since i have been conference out from NDA. Really too much motivating…B-)


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