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SSBCrackSSC-40th Tech Men Cut Off 2012

SSC-40th Tech Men Cut Off 2012

ssc tech cut off
Surprisingly, Indian army has kept, cut off percentage this time for technical entries like TGC and SSC-tech. Both entries are form Indian army for technical graduates ( B.E. and B.tech). TGC and SSC-tech notification comes twice every year for IMA and OTA respectively. 


This time army has kept some cut off percentage for SSC-40th tech, which is 63% till 6th semester. Candidates with 63% aggregate till 6th semester is eligible for SSC-40th tech. Army is not considering overall percentage this time.

Also check:  List of candidates eligible for SSC-40th Tech Men

This is shocking for some candidates those who have more than 70% overall, but they do not have 63% till 6th semester. This happened earlier also when army has kept 75% and 66% cut off for SSC-10th tech Women and SSC-39th tech Men respectively. But later from few appeals and mails from disturbed candidates, army had removed the cut off and issued the call letters to all candidates, those who have applied.

OTA Chennai

Reason for implementing cut off in tech entries !

  • To avoid huge crowd during SSB interview for technical entries.
  • Change in vacancies.
  • Raising standard of tech entries. 
Tech entries are like a free ticket for SSB interview, which brings huge crowed during interviews. Also the level of tech entries and the way SSB board handles it is going down. Allahabad is allotted with 10,000+ candidates in SSC-40th tech entry, apparently they call around 800-1000 candidates in one batch and takes 50-80 candidates in for five days. 
This shows the condition of SSB boards and the way army handling these entries. All this force them to put some benchmark and increase the standard of technical entries. 

Why 63% till 6th Semester?

Though many candidates with more than 63% overall, are not able to find their name in the list. This clears that army has taken aggregate percentage till 6th semester that is 63% till 6th semester. Candidates with less than 63% till 6th semester may not be eligible, irrespective to total %. 
The only possible reason can be, removing the percentage of final year which fetch good % in practical and internships. So overall  real % is considered till 6th semester, with this rule nearly 15-20% candidates may loose their chance, even though they have more than 63% overall. 

What about TGC-117 cut off ?

Yes, there is no much difference in SSC(T) and TGC, if army is carrying same cut off  rule for SSC-40th tech, then TGC-117th also have the cut off system. 
It was mentioned in SSC-40th Tech Notification “Shortlisted candidates will be detailed to undergo SSB interview from Jan 2013 onwards

What do you think about this move of Indian army for technical entries. Post your thoughts in the comment box below.  

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  1. it can’t be clubbed to CDSE as it is technical entry and candidates should posses technical knowledge but they can conduct written exams for technical entry also like CDSE to shortlist candidates

  2. Academic % doesn’t mean that a person is a true aspirant. so army should consider those who are real aspirants. even for standard improvement cutoff fixing is an unfair method because different universities have different grading pattern. so army can conduct written test for tech entry also like cdse. otherwise this % cutoff system will curb many aspirant’s dream who have real OLQ’s and who are real aspirants. so please remove % cutoff and conduct written test.

  3. SUBJECT: Removal of Cut-off Criteria
    Dear Friends,

    I think the criteria of B.tech. percentage cut-off to select the aspirants to appear before SSB is not right.
    The need to remove this cut-off criteria ( or to introduce a common test) is of Supreme Importance to us.
    I appeal to all my friends to take this matter on high priority as IF NOT NOW, NEXT CHANCE WILL NEVER COME.

    we can do following things:

    1. Humbly request Recruiting Directorate by informing them about our concerns and zeal and josh to join Indian Army.
    2. In gentlemen way, we can further appeal to Defense Ministry to look into the matter ( as it a matter of thousands of genuine candidates aspiring to join Indian Defense Forces).
    3. We can also move the Supreme Court to suggest the introduction of common entrance exam for this.

    We can discuss further our action plan regarding this.
    My email id is [email protected]

    Expecting thoughtful and quick reply from you all.


  4. Sir, I’ve 83% in diploma and in B.tech 71.7%. so I didn’t go through
    1st yr in B.Tech started Engg from 2nd yr and
    below is the score of each Sem.

    3rd Sem 5.97
    4th Sem 7.40
    5th Sem 6.69
    6th Sem 7.59
    7th Sem 7.30
    8th Sem 7.69

    Can you please tell me if I’ll clear the cutoff of TGC-117 ??


  5. if army continue to fix the cut percentage means, they r not giving opportunity for every students while they are having adequate qualities to get inside, otherwise army should conduct a common exam for all students without any cut off…….

  6. sir i am from pune university.iam three time conference out continuosly.i have overall percentage of 53%.pune university is the toughest one in which toppers hardly get 60%.it means that we r incapable.i think so army needs olq’s rather than marks.if somebody really wish to serve army these marks criteria curb out their dream.but rules r rules what to say.

  7. DEAR SIR,


  8. i belive a written test is one way as percentage cannot say that you dont have the olq’s.special attention should be given to repeaters they should not be left out bcz of percentage criterion.a serious thought should be given to this matter.

  9. Dear admin… I have a doubt regarding this SSC TECH-40 BANGLORE list… the ssb dates are going to start from 7th december and it is ending by 25th december… there are 5 batches in banglore list and in each batch they are calling 1000 candidates everyday…even the same case is with the SSC WOMEN TECH -11 COURSE..in their banglore list their are only 2 dates given for them ..DEC 30th and JAN 1st ..thats it the dates are finished…..These courses are going to commence from April 2013 and usually the ssb’s for these SSC TECH starts always by end of December and ends by febuary last week and merit list comes by March 3rd week…this is the usual procedure that goes evrytime…but my doubt is now in this SSC TECH 40 wen the ssb dates are ending up by DEC 25th and still there are 3 months left for the course to commence… So why these people are finishing this ssb this much fastly ???? and are there any chances for getting a new list for the other aspirants to give their ssb’s in jan and feb ,who dint find their names in the list now?????? please help me if u have any idea and freinds if any1 have any views regarding this matter please let us know….it will b helpful to all the aspirants who dint find their name in the list…awaiting for your responses..! thanx in adavance…!

  10. perhaps you dont know that getting 63% in pune university is like climbing on rope with the help of your strong fingure.(not hand…..mind it).so better u keep a written test for TGC & SSC.myself kd.

  11. I am in the 7th Semester of My Engg. degree, i have got my name in SSB-Interview list of SSS(TECH)-40 and received the email too….will am i eligible for SSB since i am in the Final year….Plz reply…and help me

  12. I am in the 7th Semester of My Engg. degree, i have got my name in the SSB-Interview list of SSC(TECH)-40 and received the email too…will am i eligible for SSB since i am in the Final Year of BE…Plz reply abd help me..

  13. I am in the 7th Semester of My Engg. degree, i have got my name in SSB-Interview list of SSS(TECH)-40 and received the email too….will am i eligible for SSB since i am in the Final year….Plz reply…and help me

  14. got myself operated for next ssb attempt…..4 nov , TGC 116…already have my call up letter…and now this….if dey apply d same criteria…its really gonna hurt bad….ny news about such criteria for TGC 116 entry???

  15. Appeal to my beloved Indian Army.many of us couldn’t get the desired higher percentages because of some mishap or life threatening illness at some point of our time during our degree course.that doesn’t mean that we have got a lesser potential than others who have got higher percentages owing to more lenient marking systems.If you feel that the level of engineering potential is going down then you’ve got to organize a written qualifying exam before the interview.that would be a level playing field to assess the true potential of an Engineer.

  16. Respected Admin Please clarify my opinion..In my Opinion this step is not up to the mark, because in my experience those students who had cleared SSB interviews, many of them are below 63%.
    how SSB BOARD can decide that a candidate having having less % doesn’t have OFFICERS LIKE QUALITIES…IF SSB board are not able to handle this much crowd then they can take competatives like AFCAT so that every one will get chance..

  17. highly unjustice … m nt on d list feeling very vry sad … they hv also applied 63% system @ biotech/food tech entry…they should knw biotechnlogy and other life science students rarely apply for defense forces …if someone is applying then der is would be a strong motive behind that and they should atleast call him/her for SSB even he/she is secured 55% cause our marking system is very diff.

  18. We can do one thing, we should Email the concerned authorities and request them to remove the cut off barrier. The email id is ([email protected]), but friends don’t use slang or dis repectfull language i should say, as we are requesting them to do us this favour. Earlier also they had set cut off for ssc-39th but on recieving large no. Of requests thrgh emails they removed it and issued call letters of interview to all. So do it as early as possible.

  19. Offcourse not only Army but also Air Force & NAvy should also decrease their cutoff upto 55% because many universities is having very strict marking scheme & even companies in the colleges are coming for 55% bcoz they knw the marking sceme of universites…Student studies in this type of universities who wan to persue their carrier in defence feild cant apply bcoz of strong marking scheme..So its my humble request for our respectable defence authority to reduce cutoff of AFS & Navy so that more Engg grad who wann to persue their carrier in AFS & Navy can join our respectable Armed forces….

  20. owing to varient marking standard adopted by differnt universities, it is unfair and unjust on part of army to set 63% cut off for ssc 40 tech course upto 6th sem. Even u.p.s.c who conduct presitigious civil services exam and cds exam has not fixed any cut off percentage. Hence, all the exams such as ssc tech entry, TGC entry may be clubbed into CDSE to short list candidates for ssb.

    • totally agree with u . but just like to add to ur point ..rather den clubbing with cdse ( since age factor is dere) , TGC should conduct it’s own entrance exam ………
      but if u give another thought ..” do we really need any entrance ” or any cutoff …half the crowd gets eliminated very 1st day it self ….besides candidates go on various dates .. i heard army is coming up with new selection center …in Chandigarh….


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