
Anurag Kumar Recommended In TGC-116

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2nd October, 2012 was as usual a very normal day for me till 1400 hours. I reached Bhopal Junction at 1400 hours and was astonished by seeing a huge crowd, around 500 candidates, all having the same dream: TO BE RECOMMENDED. Although I was not a fresher this time, I have given SSB for TGC entry only two times earlier at Allahabad and I was use to witness huge crowd.

Also Read: Recommended In 10th Attempt 

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So the Day 0 begins with proceeding to centre. No bed was available for me at selection centre because all beds were occupied by candidates who reached centre before time just to reserve their bed, and hence I was forced to sleep on ground. After keeping our belongings, we were moved to testing hall where documentation was being held. Around 20 candidates were returned the same day because of their ineligibility with respect to course’s advertisement.

Any how the Day 0 passed and now comes the Day-1. At 0600 hours, we were divided into groups and made to appear on intelligence test. It was not that hard and I completed almost all within time. Then in PPDT, the picture shown was that of 2 ladies, one crying and other old lady consoling her. After writing stories, our group was moved inside a hall. We were 16 and we narrated our stories quite well. Some gentlemen made very surprising stories. But anyhow discussion part was over and to my surprise group nominated me for the common group story. I gave the story and went for lunch. At 1600 hours, result was announced and I along with 49 more candidates were in. 50 got screened-in. Next step was very surprising for all of us, the board officials confiscated our cell phones. After that we were provided with our new chest numbers, mine was 31.

The Day 2 begins with photography sessions and immediate after that we had our Psychology test. This time I made very simple stories. For the blank story, I wrote my life’s story up till now only. WAT words were very easy and I attempted all 60. In SRT, I did 56 situations and I did my SD quite well. There is a fair advice to all my colleagues and aspirants, don’t write anything after the psychologist says, “GENTLEMEN, PENS DOWN”. In SSB, quantity never matters, it is the quality that matters. I was having interview on the same day, hence I groomed myself and reached interview venue. My interview officer was Captain Joseph (Naval Board). I entered the room and he pointed that I was suppose to pull the door, but I pushed it. I said sorry and he indicates me to sit. He asked my day to day routine and educational background, I answered them all. Then he asked me few general knowledge questions, which i couldn’t answer, but I said, “Sir, I will get back to you”. He repeated the same questions in conference also; thank god I prepared them and could answer it correctly. He asked me about my weakness and few technical questions, I answered him smartly. My interview lasts for 40 minutes.

Then comes the very exciting Day 3 and Day 4, the GTO day. Our group’s GTO was Lt. Commander Sumeet Shrivastav (naval pilot of Dornier aircraft). What a pleasant personality he was having. GTO starts with GD and we all did very well in our GD. GTO was impressed and he gave GPE according to that. GPE was easy but group solution was not agreeable to our GTO. He made a few modifications and disperses our group for PGT. In PGT, we could complete only first two obstacles, the third one was a bit tricky, what I felt. The GTO scolded us so badly and gave our group a name, “NO BRAIN PEOPLE”. He didn’t let us complete next obstacle and we were moved to GOR ground. This task is always a fun. Friends, in GOR GTO will never let anyone win or lose, just help your team members, show co-operation. In my group, one guy’s weight was around 100 kg. He was not able to climb 7ft wall. I helped him to climb and GTO noted that. IN HGT, easy obstacle was placed. Your HGT obstacle is directly proportional to PGT performance. Last task of that day was Lecturette, my fear factor.

Friends, chose the simplest topic as topic doesn’t matters and present it in a very lucid manner. Try to speak for at least 2 mins. Now the next day of GTO begins with IO. I really love this task. I completed 9 out of 10. Friends, some of you might have height phobia, but on tiger leap, commando walk and double ditch, don’t hesitate for a second over the obstacle. In case you fall, sand is there on ground to protect you from external injury. Just jump. In Command Task, try to be subordinate atleast once. Be friendly with the group. When you are the commander, make your subordinates understands the plan quite well and then move ahead. If GTO is scolding you, it means he is really interested in you. Show him yours leadership skills. Last task of SSB is FGT which I don’t think plays even a minute role as our GTO has closed his copy of records at FGT. Next day was conference and to my surprise, seven of we 50 were recommended, out of which 3 were from our group.

Also ReadRecommended In 10th Attempt 

Piece Of Advice:

  • GTO is the sharpest key in whole SSB. Never try to fool him. Show him your qualities, help and cheer your team members.
  • You never know who is keeping a strict vigil over you, so follow all instructions and rules strictly.
  • Update your current affairs and have adequate knowledge of yourself.
  • Give natural responses to any problem don’t try to be a superhuman.


photo Author: Anurag Kumar: He has got recommended in TGC-116th from SSB Bhopal and also cleared his medical tests. He has cleared TGC entry in his 3rd attempt.
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45 thoughts on “Anurag Kumar Recommended In TGC-116”

  1. gentleman congrats>>
    i was screened out in tgc 116 sep27 batch at bhopal 20ssb..
    eventough our repeaters group did well..all we r mutually co operated in gd..but dono wat wents worng only the pre-recomended candidateds by diff board were screened in..can u give me any tips while working with reapeters..

    • There is no such tips.. You are also repeater now. Just remember 2-3 key points to clear screening:

      1) Your intelligence test should be good. (OIR should be 2 or 3).
      2) Your narration plays a pivotal role. Narrate like a leader.
      3) Be 2-4 speaker, and speak for 3-4 times. Take whole group with you, don’t focus on your story. Try to make a common story.

      And remove this misconception that repeaters/freshers or recommended candidates are given special privileges. Its your overall performance which matters. You must hv seen that in GD of screening, 3 different assessors are writing something, sitting separately. Your OIR depends on your screening result. For eg: you hv scored OIR 2, then out of 3, if any one assessor says YES, then you are in. If 2, then two assessors and if 3 then all 3. If you hv OIR 4 then, all three strongly favor with good story written. Army generally don’t take person having OIR 1 or 5.

      Keep the hope alive and go ahead…..

  2. you missed a few things anurag…you gave the group story in screening and turned our story into rape story and the group was known as rapist group in the entire ssb.. need i mention more???

    • You can mention whatever you want. Actually it was not me who raped the PPDT, it was chest number 125. He made story on that and throughout the GD he was focusing on common story to be on rape of women. At the end, when you all nominated me for common theme, I said RAPE…. because that was only running in mind at that time.

      By the way, I couldn’t get you…. Your chest number after screening?

    • GD topics:
      1) Should UNCLE SAM be allowed to interfere in all international matters which it keeps on doing since World War 2?

      2) What could be done to stop crime against women?

      Lecturette :
      1) The book I love the most.
      2) Women Empowerment.
      3) US-India Relationship
      4) Reverse brain drain.

  3. HI ANURAG007 first of best wishes for your career…
    i would like to have few queries sorted out
    i was recommeded for coastguard technical branch for july 2012 course .
    medical was held at BASE HOSPITAL NEW DELHI ..i was given temporary unfit due to sinusitis .and underwent endoscopic surgery in june… as i had very few days for my medical i went for remedical.. but they had a look in my nasal cavity and said my wound are not properly healed.. now i am appearing for tgc 116 ans ssc 40 ssb
    now my question is do they check in nose caVITY by endoscope or by mere nose widener …. as my surgery hasnet completed 6 months pse entertain my query

    • IN army SSB medicals, they just check your nose by looking at it. But different ENT has different perception. Mine was in hurry so she don’t even checked nose and throat, just did the audiometry and said FIT. So, it depends on doctor to doctor. But 95% chances are there that nose will be checked by viewing only and no such endoscopy will be done.

  4. well thank u 4 everything whatever u told me i always keep that in my mind
    i m really thank full from my heart that u explained my query THANK YOU BROTHER……..bye and make our country proud i hope i can crack ssb when i make it i will sure tell u first ………


      There is a saying in INDIAN ARMY about fish:


      If you are ambitious to become a true soldier, want to be a part of Indian Army, follow this instruction carefully. I hope you got my point.

    • The book won’t help you to crack ssb… Its ultimately you who wud crack it.. So take any reference, but use your mind on field there. Mark my words, to crack GTO, understand the concept of cantilever properly. No book would tell you this. This is the sure-shot formula to crack GTO part.

    • Your height and equivalent weight, dental, eyes, ear, nose, throat, knock knees, flat foot, Ultrasound, Chest X rays , piles, Sexual diseases… Overall, after getting recommended, for next 5-7 days, you will be made naked daily in front of all your friends. You will really enjoy that.

  5. sir…. i’m saravanan from chennai basically finished mechanical 2012 passed out i have to attend TGC nov 4th… i’m a body builder as every bodybuilders i have also using medicines… is that going to affect my medical examination “after medical results they depict that i have used dope so you was disqualified”

    • Medicals are based on your internal fault. If in your blood test/urine test its been found that due to drugs, your harmones are not proactive, it may cause prblm. But if u feel u r best in stamina, then there is no prblm. And army medicals r nt tough at all. u will clear it.


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