As per the notice following branches may not be considered for 10th SSC(tech) Women.
1. Electrical and Electronics
2. Mining/Construction
3. Industrial Engg & Management/Automobile
4. Electronics and Instrumentation
5. Micro Electronics & Microwave/ Opt Electronics
Some of the candidates started receiving notice related to their cancellation for the particular entry, though the things are not very clear now. Also the above mentioned branches are not eligible for 11th SSC(tech) Women, as per the official notification of 11th SSC (tech). Hope for the best, and wish luck to all recommended candidates.
Check the official Notification here
Do Check: Merit List 10th SSC Tech Women
Do you think this is fair step from Indian Army, what’s your opinion on this move, please comment below.
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How are they going to select 2 out of 45 in computer science? When and with what changes does the revised list come out? Can thr be an increase in d vacancie ? Please reply.
they are going to select two out of forty five depending upon the merit list. Top two performers will be selected. It is very simple to understand. For example, so many candidates clear CAT exam but IIMs can’t take all, so they make merit. 😛 Very rare chances of revised merit list for women, it never happened in the past. you can check previous merit list by searching in google.
I know a girl who got recommended for army five times, but she never made to the merit list and finally, her age got over. 😛
What to say to these ssc(women entries). Men aspirants are suffering as IT branch is removed from ssc and tgc entries!
I dnt know how Indian Army can be technologically strong if they dont want roots of IT in their communication system.!!!
Can anyone tell me?
hope…for the best, rules must be followed and those suffering from this….don’t give up…many other entries r there…try n get it….JAI HIND
IT branch is no more required coz in past few courses they had selected more candidates compared to vacancy. . . Let us hope that things eases up soon
Wah ROD saab gal vadiya kiti ayyyyyy let us all hope that IT must come back after all army needs real man…..
ROD its not about vacancies any more.U will not see IT in any of the future notification..Really unfortunate for us..My candidature has been cancelled just becoz f some stupid logics that IT & CS are different but no one knows the difference (Funny part is..they say programming is more in CS..haha but truth is jst opposite to it)
yuvraj tun badi fuddu gal kiti hain
@yuvraj: if there is no difference between IT and CS then why there are two separate branches??? And what is the big deal if there is not IT, there are several other branches whose vacancy is not der in TGC. Dude you have CDS, give the exam clear it. If you have potential then no one can stop joining army. You need to choose the path. . .
most importantly the corrigendum is the ammendment to the official notification kindly read thet properly
i am one of the recommend candidate yaar bfrom ythe same course . i got the letter of my cancellation .me too from eee branch . electrical nad electroiucs no more includedd in electrical .and shruti dear hw u can b so sure ?
hey….are they going to make this change in mens or not……..
hey wt this….I.T branch in this..hw they are going 2 fill IT Brah Seat even they didn’t Call IT Student In SSB….please rply Ssbcrack
they don’t need engineers from IT branch for time being. . .
bt bro the notification give above …there is a need of it branch
guys, those who are from electrical and electronics branch, are eligible for B.Tech electrical. . . electronics and instrumentation are eligible for electronics branch. . .
The above post is written incorrectly, mining and construction and industrial engineering is no more required. Kindly refer the official notification. . . The author of the post seems to be confused.
hmmm am one of the candidate sufeering.indian army am sorry to say but u itself have nothng to do with disciplin and other things wat u gonna teach us.