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MedicalIshihara Test To Check Color Blindness

Ishihara Test To Check Color Blindness

Recently I have faced some questions from a aspirant who has a problem of colour-blindness, he was asking me the chances of his getting into armed forces without any problem. Though the problem of colour blindness is a serious, it may post a rejection during medicals. Some of the candidates are not aware of this problem and they may have colour blindness which they have never felt because they have never faced any problem in their normal life.
Here we are going to talk about what colour blindness is and its effects in medical examination after SSB interview:

Q1: What is colour blindness?

A : It is the inability to differentiate between certain colours, due to absence of colour sensitive pigments in the cone cell of the retina.

Q2 : How can I check the colour blindness?


A : If you face the problem in differentiating certain colours, then you should consult an ophthalmologist. Though I am posting some tests below to check the colour blindness, you can go through it and post the results in comment box below. I am sure majority of you will not face any problem.

Color25                 Color29
Color45                 Color56
Color6                 Color8


1 Normal eye:

Left Right
Top 25 29
Middle 45 56
Bottom 6 8

2. Red- Green Colour Blind:

Left Right
Top 25 Spots
Middle Spots 56
Bottom Spots Spots
Post your results in the comment box, consult an ophthalmologist if you find some problem.
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  2. 14 Dental Points 

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    • Please SSB Crack reply.. what do you think?
      I have heard that color perception problem is not a big deal in Army. IAF and Navy are strict on that! I am able to recognize 20-25% of the isharia chats. is thst enough? Though I don’t face any problem with Green and Red color when i see them in my daily life. Even I don’t have major problem with other shades !

  1. Could U plz Post sumthng Like this for FLAT FOOT Also..As in if a Flat Footed Person does nt have any great prb in long term running..balancing..den does that still affect his chances of getting in2 army..and can MINOR FLAT FOOT be given a green signal my Medical Board?


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