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SSBCrackNo Claim And Risk Certificate For SSB Interview

No Claim And Risk Certificate For SSB Interview

Here are the samples of risk and no claim certificate you might need at the time of SSB interview, necessity of these application, if required, will be mentioned in your call letter for SSB interview. You may also get the application format in the call letter, but if you have missed your SSB Interview call letter then you can download the application format from here.

You are suggested to follow the format as per your call letter.

No Claim Certificate
I………………………………………………………………………………father/guardian of………………………………………………………… who is a candidate for NDA/ IMA / OTA entry the Army, hereby certify that I fully understand that my son/ daughter/ ward will, if required, attend the Service Selection Board Interview with my full and free consent and at my own risk and that I or my son/daughter/ward shall not be entitled to claim any compensation or other relief from the Government in respect of any injury or disability which my son/daughter/ward may sustain in the course of or as the result of any of the test given to him at the SSB Interview, whether due to his own negligence or the negligence of any other person or otherwise.
Signature of Father/Guardian
Address ………………………………….
Place: …………….                                                
Date: ……………..                                                   

Risk Certificate
I_________________________ father/guardian of (name of candidate) _______________________ who is a candidate for NDA/TES Regular Commission of the Army, hereby certify that I fully understand that my son/ ward will, if required, attend Service Board with my full and free consent and at my own risk and that I or my son/ ward shall not be entitled to claim any compensation or retest for the same course or any other relief from the Government if my son/ward sustains any injury during the course of /as a result of any of the tests administrated to him at the said Service Selection Board or while using military transport due to any reasons.
Date    :                                                                                   (Signature of father / guardian)

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  1. sir for FSB Indian Coast Guard they ask for Character certifiacte.I have one issued by my college.But they ask for the latest one within six months.But i have is one year old.Please advice me on this issue sir…Where could i get a character certificate or from whom??


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