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Merit ListUES-21 Merit List Army

UES-21 Merit List Army


UES-21 Merit list for July 2012 course is published by Joinindianarmy.nic.in , candidates who have made into this list are going to report to IMA Dehradun on 03 Jul 2012 but joining Instructions  (JIs) will be issued on the basis of merit position subject to medical status  and educational qualification.

Click to Open UES-21 Merit List {1st List}


Important Note:

Candidates are advised to submitt attested photocopies of Mark sheet of 1st to 7th Semister of Engg degree Course and furnished Certificate as mentioned below by 15 Jun 2012 positively, if not already done so, otherwise candidature would be cancelled. These docus should be forwarded by speed post to Addl Dte Gen of Rtg (UES Entry), West Block 3, RK Puram, New Delhi, Pin -110066, with envelope marked as “UES-21 Edn Qual”. OR BY FAX NO. 011-26196205

Click to Open UES-20 Merit List 

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  1. Sir this is nagarjun, UES21,merit no 8 in IT branch…
    can u please give me contact of higher authority if u have because the HQ give irrelevant replies to our mails and they never pick calls…

    atleast they should tell properly if we are merit out or still have chance.. dey dont do that even… they have fixed replies like “Wait”, “4 IT candidates joined”,”IT has no chance at present” etc etc.. but question is are we merit out?? if yes dan we can go for some other option, instead of hoping from dez hopeless ppl sitting at HQ…we even asked y comp n y not IT but no reply.. dey dont reply for valid questions..

    so i request you, can u give me a proper contact or email of the personnel who’s related to recruiting other than that clerk who just sits on PC and forwards all of us the same saved emails…
    if contact cant be given here than you can mail to [email protected]

    i apologize if i said something wrong but its really frustrating..we waited for 2 yrs for this and dis is wat we getting..

    thanking you


    • I can understand your situation, unfortunately HQ is the highest authority, I suggest you not try for something else instead of waiting for the merit list, you will come to know the result as soon as the correct time comes.

  2. sir please tell me why it so happen??? last time i applied for ssc-38 , i got shortlisted but SELECTION CENTER has mentioned in call up letterthat that TGC-114 candidate cannot attend the interview , so i didn’t went… and now this time i didn’t applied for SSC-39 , so they have not mentioned anything like u cannot attend if u have attended TGC-115 … because of all these i even not applied for SSC-39, unfortunately now every1 going for attending SSC-39 who have already gone through TGC-115 ….. so what does mean ??? no consistency and no correct recuritment procedure… please explain sir… i missed this golden chance of SSC-39 ???

    • Are you sure one who applied for TGC-115 will be considered for SSC-39th also ?? They might face some problem in the later stage.

      You have not lost any chance, apply TGC-116 and do your best in it.

      all the best


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