Aspirants those are waiting for Combined Defence Services CDSE (I) 2012 Results which is a non technical entry conducted by UPSC, have to wait for few more months. As mentioned by Army official website , the likely dates of SSB Interview are from Aug to Sep .So the wait is still going on, please keep an eye on this post for the latest updates on Combined Defence Services CDSE (I) 2012 Result .
Result By UPSC: CDSE- 1- 2012 Result
- Center allotment list: Click To Open
- SSB Allahabad: IMA-134th
- SSB Bhopal: IMA-134th
- SSB Bangalore :IMA-134th
- Generate Call letter
How to download call letter for CDSE Navy:1. Open the link provided below2. Select Entry type as CDSE, enter first letter of your name and father’s name , your DOB.3. Enter captcha code .4. Take the printout .
Vacancies Per Course
250 (Twice a year)
Notify in Employment News and leading Daily news Paper
Notified by UPSC under the aegis of CDSE in May/Jun and Nov/Dec
Eligibility Criteria
Age between
19 and 24 yrs as of first day of month in which course is due to commence
Graduation from Recognised University.
Marital Status
Un Married
Likely SSB Date
Jul to Aug and Mar / Apr
Date Commencement of Trg
Jan and Jul
Training Academy
IMA Dehradun
Duration of Trg
18 months
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hello admin!
i have done my graduation in BA honors applied psychology from DU and now pursuing MA psychology form DU only.
i wanna ask if there is any special entry criteria in army for psychology students other than CDSE?
plz let me know
thank you!
when the TGC 117 center alotment list publish…………
sir,i want to know that ,am i elligible for cds exam, i am studing in 6th sem. in ?.
Can you please tell me the probable dates of the merit list of IMA 134?
dear sir,
i got recommended for ima134 with ota as my other,in medical i got declared unfit by review medical board due to post operative swelling for varicocele which will take two more months to subside i am out for ima134 as it will commence in jan 2013 only….now i wanted to ask…can i get a chance to appear before a medical board for ota as it will commence in april.because by january i will be completely fit.
Dear Sir,
my roll no is 087967. I have cleared for IMA SSB as well as for OTA SSB in the CDS-1 2012 exam. I couldn’t go to IMA SSB at Bhopal due to personal issues. I was counting on OTA SSB, but I still HAVE NOT received the call letter at all! Though my roll number appears on the UPSC website of those who have cleared the CDS, but its not found in the candidates list who have been allotted their SSB centres. Sir please tell me as to what I should be doing as the Bhopal SSB centre phone numbers are always unanswered and I have nobody to enquire about.
Dear Sir
When will the UPSC Merit List be declared and how many candidates are likely to qualify.?
sir is there any reservation (based on caste category) for clearing cdse exam?
no,there is no any caste reservation in any entry of defence forces.
I hv been selected for ima but given TR due to vitiligo. So is there any hope for me pls reply i m tensed.
sir i have applied for ncc direct entry scheme for ota in july-aug 2012. i have’nt received my call letter for ssb . so can u please tell me the due dates of ssb . nd tell me also from where i got the call letter plese tell me sir its a request.
I am final year B.Tech student and unknowingly I filled some wrong marks in my UES navy scheme because i didn’t have mark sheet at that time with me.
But the difference is not so huge it is quite minor with in 2 to 5 mark difference so whether I have to attend the interview or not.Is there any problem arises….
I am femal 21year final year B.E. from computer science branch
please guide me for becoming a part of our defense team.
Apply for some defence exams like CDSE,AFCAT.
Why there is no marksheet for cdse exam I
n upsc??????
Why there is no marksheet for cdse exam I
n upsc??????
sir are we supposed to clear all the three papers(english,Gen knowledge,maths)seperately in order to clear CDSE or it is just the aggregate of all the three papers.. need ur guidance very desperately. will be very thankfull to you ..
what is the pass marks to enter into clear CDSE?
sir, i havnt received the ssb call letter for OTA. I cleard cds1 held on 12feb 2012. Still waiting.. And also dont know when it will happen ?? Please reply.
I have cleared the CDS (1) 2012 written exam for OTA Women Non – Technical. But i have received no communication regarding my SSB interview. I believe that the process for the same starts in Nov/Dec.
I need to know whether or not I can give the CDS (2) 2012 written exam as well, in case i am unable to clear my SSB Interview?
I have passed the written portion of the CDS(1) 2012 exam that took place in February. My question is regarding my eyesight. Since it’s in the -4 range, would it pose as a hindrance for short service commission candidates? What should be done at this point?
This comment has been removed by the author.
sir having tattoo on my hand about 5 inches is there any problem during ssb with the tattoo on????
It may create some problem during medicals.
this is really bothering me
i would want to know by when does the ssb for OTA actually happen..
by friends wat i hv come to know is it will be by the ebs of september or so..
please confirm
thank you
Yes, it may come near Nov 2012. It starts after IMA SSB
i have cleared cds 1 2012 exam but i haven’t received call letter for ssb my date for ssb is 21 august since i didn’t have the call letter so i was unable to attend it kindly suggest me what should i do asap
You can download the online list if you did not get the call letter in time.
hello sir,
i have cleared cds-1 2012.
but, according to the physical standards set by the authorities my height is 2 inches less.
till now, i have not got my ssb call letter, but stil i just want to know should i go for the interview or it is just a wastage of time for me as i will not be preferred……..
plz help m really very confused.
You should meet the minimum medical standards as mentioned in the advertisement, you will not face any problem in the SSB but in medicals you may face the problem.
hello Sir,
I am Shafiq Alam I clreared CDS I 2012 but can you please tell me how can I get my address changed as I left the old address after the exam and now I Am i a different city can I get my call letter online also? Also If you could tell me when are the expacted dates for SSB?
my preference is OTA
waiting for your reply sir
sir please could you answer my question i have still not received the call letter
sir plz reply
sir i have cleared cds-1 2012 my roll number is 54539 but due to change of address i am not able to receive ssb call letter
in centre allotment list it is allahabad but date is give on site i.e so plz sir tell me the dates of allahabad ssb centre for ima 134 as soon as possible
please reply soon sir
Online list is yet to come.
sir please reply soon…
sir i have passed the cdse exam and my ssb interview is on 25 august.. my final sem results are not yet announced. if i pass the ssb interview and i doesnt pass in all subjects will i be able to join the force. kindly reply as soon as you can……
Yes you have to pass all the exams and have to submit the docs within time.
for to clear cds exam how much should we get in gk .english and maths
please guide me any sectional cut off is there what
i have submitted my application for SSC technical through online, but i didn’t take print out, now i am unable to take the print out of my application, tell me the ways to take the print out.
no, you can not regenerate it.
Dear Sir,
I have completed my graduation in BBA and I have to appear in SSB in august.
I have got all my certificates and mark sheet from Class 10th till graduation except 5th semester. I also have the provisional certificate on which the CGPA as well as percentage is mentioned.
I have applied for duplicate marksheet which i will receive in a month.
so can i appear for the SSB without any problem?
Thanking you in anticipation
check this
No, i meant i have lost my V Semester Mark sheet and have applied for duplicate.
Other than that i have all the required certificates
You must have attested copy or any application regarding the loss of Vth sem mark sheet.
No I could not get it copied or attested and i also dont have any application as such.
I have applied for duplicate, which i will get in a month. i.e. i will be able to send all the documents by due date if I get recommended.
My Vth Semester GPA can be calculated from the Provisional degree.
You can go with attested photocopy.
sir i had some previous doubts which you cleared regarding my naval academy eligiblity
i have got my call letter for ssb in bhopal navy and i have a doubt
i have cleared bsc and also applied for msc physics caz of which i am not in possesion of my original bsc marksheet.sir my ssb is dated 20 aug
what should i do reply asap…and what documents should i get to compensate
check this
thankx alot sir..realy helpful..
sir i lost my cds admit card and i forgot my cdse 1 roll no.but my full name is there in dehradun AFA LIST but i am not sure that its me or some other person with same name. i tried to call dehradun ssb board and army head quarters but they are not responding.i didnt even got the call letter till now.please help me my full name is RAJESH KUMAR YADAV and my DATE OF BIRTH IS 23SEPT1990 . PLEASE HELP ME as afa interviews are starting from 6 august.
You can only confirm it from AFSB DDoon.
what is the reporting date according to newly published list of I.M.A.134th batch my roll 021639 centre is ALLAHABAD.
I have cleared the CDSE I 2012 in all categories. My roll number is 004199. My preference IMA,NA,AFA and OTA. But my number is not listed in the list provided by IMA for ssb and I have got the SSb call letter for AFA only. Pls help me. I want to join either IMA or OTA.. so what am i supposed to do for that?
Hello sir ,I have two questions please answer:
1).I have got my ssb call letter for INA (cdse) commencing at bhopal on 30 august.i have given my final year graduation exam and my result is pending and will be declared in few days and if i got any ER in any subject then i would be able to give the college exam after 5 i.e. in december again whose result will be declared on januvary 2013.I want to ask if i got ER then will i be eligible to attend this ssb commencing on 30th august ?
2). I have attended SSB through NDA (3 times) for all the entries, navy, airforce. And this is my first attempt through CDSE to attend SSB for navy entry.I want to ask whether i would get the travelling allowance for this CDSE navy SSB ?
1. Yes you can attened CDSE Navy SSB if it is not mentioned in the call letter regarding the backlog.
2. You will TA two times only, one for PC and another for SSC, if you have attended any PC entry earlier then you will not get TA again.
What is PC ? Is SSB or something else ?
ok i understand… Thanks a lot sir.
link for check ssb centre ima 134
sir,cds ima 134 centre announced, they released careless centre allotment.
how it is possible.
i am also the domicile of allahabad and also studying in allahabad university.and centre allotment is also allahabad.
what can i do? quick reply sir..
It happens sometimes, just wait for your call letter, they must have mentioned some required action in such cases, just follow that.
i had applied for the cds1 in feb 2012 for which i appeared and cleared it for the navy..i was shortlisted on the upsc site..
my doubt is that i am a physics graduate from mumbai and also hold a ncc c cert with ‘A’ grading.
am confused whether i am eligible for the navy.being in recent times it is heard tht the navy is recruiting only b.e and
pls clear my doubt soon
i am also under the age limitation (eligible)
Yes you are eligible, Btech BE entries are direct entries, CDSE is a different entry.
sir till when will i get my ssb call letter and does that mean that cds entries still open for bsc graduates??
You will get soon, you have applied and passed it, there is no chance of withdrawing candidates who are eligible. Just keep on checking Navy’s website.
hi sir
i got my ssb interview letter and my document are not ready becouse my city is suffering from karfue nd i m also not medically fit due to thypiod my interview date is 1 augast 2012 can u postpon my interview date
thank u
I can not postpone your interview dates, you have to contact your SSB Board for the same.
hello sir,
why have you removed my post regarding the information of SSB. Are you mad or something else.. I want to ask that i have cleared CDSE -1 2012 exam for OTA, IMA and INA, when will i got my ssb call letter and can i give my ssb exam for more than one entry i.e OTA, IMA or INA. please somebody help me because this site holder is not helping me anymore.
Your post or comments are still here.
Few repeated comments gets blocked automatically, so please avoid repeated comments in different posts, sorry for the inconvenience caused from my side.
IMA dates will come soon by next month, you will get only one SSB according to your preference. If your 1st preference is IMA and you have passed written for IMA then you will get SSB for IMA only.
Let me know if you need more clarification.
thanks a lot sir, i think it enough to clear my doubts.
do you know how much you have scored in cdse 1 written examination
sir ,
i have cleared cds 1 2012 (roll no 115545) written exam ,
sir i am selected for naval academy . when will i get my ssb interview call up .
I want to change my postal address so what is the procedure to change my postal address .Will i get my interview date in my email id which was registered in application form.
so how can i get my ssb interview date ,venue online .
Please sir inform to me,my email id is [email protected]. i will be thankful of you.
You will get the call letter or telegram from Navy, also you can generate the call letter from official Navy website.
hello sir
i want to know that whether i will be allowed to go for ssb interview with my spectacles or they will simply reject my candidature on this ground.i have got my call letter for ssb interview after clearing cds1,2012.please tell me whether i should go for my interview or not.
thank you
Yes you can go, there is no such problem, all the best.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sir I have cleared CDS(I) 2012 for IMA 134 as well as OTA. When will i get Call letter for for the same?
will i have to appear for SSB seperately for IMA as well as OTA
You may get the call letter from Aug onwards, you will get only one SSB call letter i.e. of IMA.
Hello Sir. I have cleared the CDS-I2012 for OTA. Could you please tell me when the board will conduct the SSB for OTA aspirants?
It will take some time. Only after IMA SSBs.
Sir I cleared cds(1) 2012 for OTA (woman) . Plz tell me when will be my ssb schedule ….I did not receive my call letter
It will take more time, OTA SSB comes after IMA, it may come near Dec.
1. what are the tentative dates for ssb w.r.t cdse (I) 2012 cleared candidates .
2. will ota ssb be held later than those of IMA AFA and NA as course starts in may 2013
1. IMA AFA NA may start from Sep-Oct onwards.
2. Yes, its April 2013 for OTA.
Hello Sir,
I have cleared the CDS I, 2012 written examination (Roll no. 124530)and I’ve been waiting for the SSB Call letter. As this is my first time, I don’t know when will I get the Call letter for SSB and what are the dates. As of now I haven’t received it yet, and I fear that SSB may have started because some friend of mine told me that SSB must have started by now.
Kindly, help me sir and give me directions on how to know my SSB dates online if there’s any way of doing that.
It’ll be very helpful of you. Thanking you.
Vijay Rana
Do not worry , you will get call letter in time, if you do not get the call letter on time you will get to know your SSB dates from the online lists published by Army/IAF/Navy
Sir, excuse me for the long post but its kinda troubling me….
i have sent an application to the army headquarters regarding change in my present address along with a self addressed envelope as stated but i have not yet received any confirmation on the same. so how can i confirm that they have changed my address and they will send my SSB letter to the new address. also if you could help me with tentative dates for SSB of CDS 1 2012 and what to do in case i don’t get my call letter for SSB i have qualified for IMA
I can not confirm whether they will give any confirmation to you regarding the same but any how if you go not get original call letter , you can always go with the printout of online list.
SSB may start in Sep.
thanks sir…btw which site should i look for the online list sir???
Official website is , you can also check this blog for latest updates on SSB.
thanks sir…
Sir i have qualified CDS 1 2012 my eyesight is -3.25 and -4 respectively wil that be a hindrance though i can go for LASIK if am selected in SSB….
You can go with LASIK if you gets unfit in Medicals but you can consult the medical officer first before taking further action.
Thanks sir
Hello Sir,
In February this year i applied for SSC(M)-39(technical) entry and completed all the formalities well in time in all respects.
All the three lists for Allahabad, Bangalore and Bhopal have been declared. But my name is not listed in any one.
Kindly, guide what i can possibly do in this situation. I completed all the formalities in all respects and that also well in time. But i sent my form through speed post. This could be a reason for rejection? One should send the form by speed post or simple post?
Speed post and normal post do not matter much, the only thing is your %, also the best way is by calling Army and ask them same.
Still is there any ssb list to be announced for SSC(tech)-39?
Hello sir,
For TGC-116 the ad says to write :
“Online application for TGC – 116 and the Roll No………….“must be
written boldly outside the envelope.
Here boldly means to write it in capital letters or using some marker pen or a highlighter?
Should i write it in small or in capital letters? Please tell how it has to be written exactly?
Just write it in capital letters , with a black pen on the top, it should be visible clearly.
Dear Aamin,
I am waiting for Your Reply.
Please Reply Me as Soon as Possible,
Thank You.
Hi Shashi
I am not sure about the cut off of CDSE, lets wait for the result to come.
All the best.
Sir..on oct 2011 army had conducted ues 22 interview.i and my friend had directly submited our ues form to respective army command.but when army come,he allow others student from the college to sit for interview.result of the interview come after one month . on nov .in which i and my friend was shorlisted.
recently another list was displayed of ues 22 .
me and my freind name was not there in list who direclty applied to command.but rest of student have there name who sat in the interview from the college….sir what might me resons
Actually Army was conducting the preliminary at colleges itself , have you attended that ??
yes sir i had attended …and i also shortlisted in that .but
recently second list came .my nas not in the listme i
Can you give the that link for UES22??
sir there was no such link ..this second list has been displayed in college
Please ask your college management, also confirm it from army HQ, though the list for UES-22 is still not out online, the more efficient way is to contact army.
Hello Sir,
I am filling the form for TGC-116 entry. I am a final year
(VIII th semester) student.
Kindly tell the exact proforma that the final year students need to be written on the certificate by the college principal.
The certificate which i had prepared from my college states that my final year exams will be over by May’2012. Is this certificate ok or i need to get another one. Please tell.
It is certified that _____________________ s/o Shri ______________________ is a bonafide student of __________________________ (School/ College) and is presentlystudying in ___________________. His final board / semester examination will be / wasconducted during ______________ (month and year of exam) and the results are expected to be declared by ___________________________ (month and year of expected date of declaration of exam results).
Place :
(Signature of the Principal/Registrar of the College/University where studying with stamp)
Dear Admin,
you got to help me gain!
i have given CDS 1 in feb
i am getting
Maths -27
is this enough to for IMA ?
plese reply me ASAp..
Thank You,
rr t
when the CDSE I 2012 written result will announce?
sir kindly give me the knowledge about knee knock & tell me at which level it is permit in defense
It can be a reason for TR, though if it is very less can be permitted if the doc says okay after checkup .
hello sir
doctors day i am colorblind
i failed in isharia test of color ! the ratio was- out of 10 i recognized 2-4 plates ! Am i eligible? Though they say i am colorblind but in my day to day today life i can differentiate between colors easily be it green or red !
Once i got my self tested from a doctor who was Lt. Gen (retd) from army he said for army point of view thing are okay but not from IAF or navy!
sir what do you suggest?
since my childhood its my dream to join the forces I just cant leave it !
It is true that IAF is very sensitive regarding the eye problems, but in case of Army you have more chances when compare to IAF.
sir, i wanted to know what is meaning of recognized university, mean for cdse exam??? & also what percentage required in 12th class for this exam??
1. Your university must be registered to gov on India, like for engineering colleges All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is the statutory body and a national-level council for technical education.
2. 12th class % wont matters , you must have science stream in 12th for IMA AFA and Navy.
sir i wanted to ask if interviewer ask me “why didn’t you joined ncc,what should my answer be?
the truth is that i never thought of joining ncc and i was too much induldge in studies but will this make a negative impact of me
No, I do not think IO will ask this question because there is no compulsion. Even though if he asks you then tell the actual reason. It is not necessary that you should be in NCC to join Defence , but you should be eligible by your qualification and OLQs.
sir is it necessary to clear GK and ENglish separately or the overal is considered to clear written cds
Overall marks matters but you shouldn’t have very less marks in one subject.
please do reply sir
sir i wanted to ask
“is whole process of ssb is in english or hindi and if english what about the aspirants who are are fromm rural background how will they express their ideas?”
Yes it is in English, for rural background candidates they may over look but it doesn’t mean that whole SSB go in Hindi, you are free to use Hindi if you feel difficulty in English , but stick to English mostly.