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MedicalMedical Examination Procedure at Services Selection Board

Medical Examination Procedure at Services Selection Board [SSB]

Recommended candidates appear before the medical board for carrying out their medical board after the SSB results.  It takes 4 to 5 days time for the concerned Military Hospital to complete the medical board and after that the candidates are dispersed.  NDA candidates are examined both for Army and Navy unless otherwise instructed and endorsement of fitness status will be made accordingly.  

President of the medical board will guide the candidates for Appeal/Review Medical Board procedures.  Candidates may seek the advice of President Special Medical Board for review/appeal in case they have been declared unfit.

Procedure of Appeal Medical Board

The Appeal Medical Board will be held at one of the following hospitals
  1. Base Hospital, Delhi Cantt.
  2. Command Hospital, Southern Command, Pune.
  3. Command Hospital, Eastern Command, Kolkata.
  4. Command Hospital, Central Command, Lucknow.
  5. Command Hospital, Western Command, Chandimandir.
  6. Command Hospital, Air Force, Bangalore.
  7. Command Hospital, Northern Command, C/o 56 APO.
  8. INHS, Ashvini, Mumbai.
The candidates will report for medical examination within the stipulated period i.e., 42 days from the date last examined by the Special Medical Board for re-examination along with the receipted copy of the MRO/TR as directed by the President Medical Board.  The Endeavour will be to complete the Medical Board in one day.

Review Medical Board

In case of candidate being declared unfit by the Appeal Medical Board, he/she may challenge the proceedings and may be granted review of medical proceedings based on the merit of the case.  Any candidate desiring for a review should address the request to Recruiting Directorate (Personnel & Coord), Army Headquarters, West Block III, RK Puram, New Delhi with a copy to the President of Appeal Medical Board within one day of the holding of Appeal Medical Board. The application for RMB are routed through DG AFMS. The decision for grant of RMB is with DG AFMS, and is not a matter of right. RMBs are conducted at R&R Hospital  Delhi Cantt and AFMC, Pune.

Stay During the Medical Examination

The recommended candidates after the declaration of SSB results will stay in the Selection Centres in the lines earmarked for the recommended candidates for their medical examination by the Military Hospital.  The candidates will be allotted fresh medical chest numbers for the purpose.
Candidates who go for Appeal Medical Board or have to get their medical examination done at a later date due to some unavoidable reasons will do so under their own arrangements.

Discipline during Medical Examination

It is utmost important that recommended candidates maintain proper discipline during their stay in Selection Centres during their conduct of medical examination.  The candidates are required to put on their medical Chest Number (with Red Cross) whenever they are present in the campus of Selection Centres.
  • Running : 2.4 KM in 15 minutes
  • Push ups: 13 Nos
  • Sit ups: 25 Nos
  • Chin ups:  6 Nos
  • Rope climbing: 3-4 metres
Candidates are advised to build themselves up by physical training, sports, running, swimming etc, so that they meet the training goals successfully.
Ideal Age, Height and Weight for Male:   It should be within permissible limits (+ or – 10%) of the ideal weight as per correlation table between age, height and average weight given below in recording fraction  lower than 0.5 kg will be noted and 0.5 kg above will be recorded as 1 kg:

Height and Weight Standards for Men:-

 Height in Cm
           Weight in KG (Age Range in Years)
Age 15-17
152 – 158
46 – 49
47 – 50
50 – 54
54 – 58
159 – 165
50 – 53
51 – 55
55 – 59
59 – 63
166 – 171
54 – 56
56 – 59
60 – 64
 63 – 66 
172 – 178
57 – 60
59 – 63
64 – 69
67 – 71
179 – 183
 61 – 63 
64 – 66
 69 – 72 
72 – 74
184 – 185
67 – 68
73 – 74

Height and Weight Standards for Women

Height in Cm
Weight in KG (Age Range in Years)
Age 20-25
148 – 151
43 – 45
46 – 48
152 – 155
46 – 48
49 – 51
156 – 160
49 – 51
52 – 55
161 – 165
52 – 54
55 – 58
166 – 171
55 – 58
59 – 62
172 – 176
59 – 61
63 – 66
177 – 178
62 – 63
Note : A 10% variation on either side of average is acceptable

Medical Standards

  • The candidate should be free from wax (EARS), DNS, Hyrocele/Phimosis. Defective Colour Vision, LASIK Surgery, Over/Under Weight, Under Chest, Piles, Gynecomastia, Tonsillitis, Veri-Cocele And Aids.
  • You should be able to read 6/6 in a Distant Vision Chart
  • Colour Vision Standard should be CP-III
  • Minimum 14 Dental Points With Sound Teeth
Physical standards
Minimum Height
Minimum Weight
152 CM
42 KG
NDA & 10+2 TES
(Under Graduate
Entry Men)
(Graduate Entry Men)
152 CM
157 CM
43 KG
45 KG

Also Read

  1. Indian Air Force Vision Standards
  2. Height and Weight Ratio 
  3. Medical Examination After AFSB Interview
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  1. Sir,
    I have a tattoo on my right hand.i want to join c.i.s.f.
    Could i rejected in the time of physical standard & efficiency test.
    Pls suggest me..

  2. Hi sir..!I have applied for Indian Army through NCC special entry.I am girl cadet.My height is 168 cms and weight is 64 kgs. According to the standards it should be 58 kgs.Is this a problem in SSB medical test? Kindly do reply

  3. sir I have DNS (deviated nasal septum ) but there is no problem I have faced due to it so far . sir should I undergo surgery for this problem . please reply soon .thankyou

  4. Sir, even i have the same problem with glasses.
    I have myopia -2.25 for both the eyes and i have 6/6 vision with specs. Can I put on glasses during afsb or can I opt for lens? and Can I have a laser for retina (which is not lasik) to remove weak spots in retina?

  5. I am not sure where I read about this, but is it true that if you are having a great score at the SSB, then maybe you will have relaxations in matters of being over-weight and won’t be given a TR if that’s your only medical defect?
    I am 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighing around 75kgs. Never had that urgency to reduce weight but am sure, can reduce my weight to around 68. Kindly clarify on the above if anyone has the info.

  6. I have a myopia (-3.5D and -4.5D).I have applied for TGC 117 Entry going to held at Bhopal from 8thMay 13.
    Could you please tell what are my chances in medical test being having this nearsightedness problem?

  7. Sir
    i got a TR for my eye with condition Cataract(operated) with pseudophakia. I had a cataract operation 2 years back and now my eye is fit with healthy retina and cornea an 6/6 vision. My appeal is in 15 days. How are my chances

  8. sir its been four year i got a rod in my left leg below my knee but there is no problem i can run , do push ups, all other excersises and even if u see the bone in x-ray it appears to b clearly fine as its properly joined as same as it was earlier so please do tell me will the accept or will i clear the medical by having rod in my leg i mean is rod a issue sir, or shall i get it removed please reply asap

  9. Sir, what should be the minimum distance between the knees?? cause i have knock knees. when i stand straight they wont touch.. but when i make an angle of V the knees will touch just a bit.. i play almost all sports including skating at national level, I’ve done rappelling and rock climbing as well n the knees never created a problem to me.. will i be rejected in the medical exam?? i am asking this cause i wanna get into the flying branch of Indian air force through NDA.

  10. I need help with a certain concern. I have chronic tonsillitis and if I have it removed, would it be a medical problem? Would I be rejected if I remove it or again would I be rejected if I do not have it removed? Please advice.

  11. hi,
    my height is 6’6″ and weight is 110 kg
    as per army standards it should be 80kg.
    My ssb is on 30th dec n today it is 3rd i have a good body this weight is because of my heavy bones i guess.
    Also my knees join with each other while i stand straight with feets making a V angle.
    Please suggest me that should i go for SSB or not?
    As my classes in Canada wl start from 11 jan and they wont allow me late.
    If i got rejected over here i will be in a big trouble

    • Hi, if your bone density is more then they will clear you for weight. Your knees joins when you stand then it is ok, they have some tolerance level plus girls do have that knock knee. Tolerance level is more in case of girls.

      Confidently appear in the SSB and clear it 🙂 best of luck

  12. sir ,i hve hyperopia in my both eyes with power is -4.5D. i am applying in the Indian Army officer(Technical).bt due 2 such i want 2 go fr lasik surgry in eyes. so i wnt 2 know that lasik surgery is permissable in both Army(technical) and Airforce technical branch.
    please help me because i only want 2 survive fr my country…
    please help me Admin.am i go fr lasik surgry or nt.

    Deepak Rathore

    • minimum one year of recovery time is needed to clear medical after Lasik surgery. . . so after Lasik surgery you have to wait for 12 months.

      Minimum power in both the eyes is -3.5D. . .

  13. sir, i am a real aspirant for the ssb interview but i am suffering from HYPERHIDROSIS i.e sweating of palms and feets. so i want to ask will be i able to crack the medical procedure…………suggest me the solutions to this problem

    • yes frnd it might be a cause for rejection…my bro got permanent rejection due to this…the only way to clear this is “be patient make urself calm and cool during HYPERHYDROSIS checkup”….this prob arises due to unnecessary confusion in mind & unstable mind….DONT BE NERVOUS…go ahead soldier

  14. Hi I had operated piles about 4 years ago.
    I still have the symptoms of it.
    Should i undergo another operation or any other go?
    Please let me know the possible ways to get out of it.

  15. sir, when i straighten my finhers tightly there are gaps in middle part, but no problem in doing any kind of vigrous or soft excercises with them, normally no problem. will it cause problem in medicals?

  16. sir , i have varicocel , and evidence of DVT is found in lower part of my both limbs doctor suggested me surgery for both problems …… my doubt is if i will go for surgery in that case after surgery i will become unfit for joining defense or if after surgery i am fine then i will be declared fit i want to join in iaf as a technical officer i am doing b.tec … so suggest me i should go for surgery or not ?? dose surgery a man unfit or after surgery also we can join defense

  17. How many times we can attend for the ssb exams,
    Am asking because currently am working as software engineer. Till 4 years I cant leave the company. Till that time I want to appear for all the exams for the healthy preparartion. Is this possible????

  18. Sir,
    i am a girl and my height is 149 cm only. will i be rejected in ssb medical test examination in ssb?please reply its urgent. i am a girl and had applied under TES Scheme.(electrical engineer) age 22 years

    • shivendra, that reply wasn’t for you, it was for shreya.

      and gynecosmastia is not a problem which will create issue in your training. . . you will not get rejected and if you join academy then within one month you will get rid of the excessive fat stored in your chest. . . If you go for surgery then you may get rejected, so appear for medicals confidently.

  19. Sir, i have myopia -6.25. i wish to apply for the technical branch in IAF. i plan to undergo LASIK surgery. Would it be permissible because my myopia is quite high… please help me

    • After the surgery you need to wait for one year, as candidates with LASIK surgery done within one year of period from the day of medical examination are rejected. . . Also, after one year do carry the LASIK surgery documents with you as it will be a proof that you get it done a year before. . .

      Best of luck

    • hello sir, I have same problem as shreya,,,,
      as in the Indian Airforce, they said in the advertisement in the tech branch that all the medical criteria is evaluated at the time of medical exam.so lasik surgery is applicable in the defence forces.

      in the advertisement of the indian army(TGC-117),they said clearly that the person who did lasik surgery for improvement of refractive errors are rejected.
      so means lasik surgery is nt applicable in the Army.

      Please sir reply for my this problems.

    • Yes, you can easily lose it. . . Workout hard, eat less but take gulucose. . . If you are doing this for the medicals then it is fine, but if you are doing it to just appear in SSB then it is not recommended. . . Clear the SSB, appear for medicals, you will get temporary rejection and forty two days time period to reduce the wait, you can lose it at that point of time.

      Best of luck

  20. hello sir,I have myopia and wear specs of -5.0D ..however with specs my vision is even better than 6/6 (i.e. 6/5)…am I eligible for the technical branch post through AFCAT..there is nothing especially mentioned about it in the notification .
    Plz reply ASAP…so I could decide whether to appear for AFCAT or not.

    • start building biceps and triceps by dumbels. . . eat lot of proetien rich food. . . If you are appearing for flying branch then sixteen is a problem, otherwise you will easily clear it for army and navy. . . you may get temporary rejection in medicals but if you appeal then they will clear you. . . Also do lot of push ups. . .

      Plz don’t give appeal medical board center as command hospital air force, Bangalore. . . If you want to get it cleared then give command hospital pune. . .

  21. Sir, today i went for my Dental check up n found tat one tooth needs an RCT(Root Canal Treatment)… n i hav done one more RCT b4… so wil it b a matter of rejection… can u plz xplain Sir…

  22. Hi,
    need your help a li’l bit. How is knock knees examined in Medical. When i join both my ankles, my knees touch and so the thighs. Is that s sure shot cause of rejection coz going by the definition of knock knees, knees touch but ankles do not. Please suggest. Thanks

    • in knock knees, knees touches when you join your heels in such a fashion that your feet makes a V shape. . .

      Generally it is tolerable in medicals for say four centimeter. So don’t worry about that, appear for SSB and go through the medicals. I hope your knock knees is not severe.


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