The Psychological Testing is a priceless tool designed for the observation of human beings responding to a variety of controlled conditions, conditions which resemble as nearly as possible those of everyday life, and of course, some unusual conditions. It helps ¡n recording various emotional and behavioral reactions, what previous experiences determined them, to what degree and what manner.
SSB Interview Preparation Material [ 100% Recommended]
- Let’s Crack SSB Interview [Book]
- SSB Psychological Tests – Deep Dive [Book]
There is also Self-Description (SD) through which the individual projects his attitude towards himself, other’s attitude towards him and his capacity for objective self-estimation. This is interpreted in the light of other data presented in TAT, WAT and SRT. The rating achieved in the intelligence test is also referred to by the psychologist as a valuable input. These techniques help in finding out the individual’s inner feelings, fears, hopes, attitudes and goal: his adjustment to work and people and his sense of responsibility, the impact he creates on others by his intellectual, social, emotional, and moral qualities and also his leadership potential. The psychologist goes about interpreting the individual’s reactions to various stimuli presented ¡n different tests and then goes on to make a mental picture of various traits of the individual’s personality and their relevance various OLQ’s.
- Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
- Word Association Test (WAT)
- Situation Reaction Test (SRT)
- Self-Description (SD)
SSB Interview Preparation Material [ 100% Recommended]
hello admin,
I will be appearing for FSb for coastal guard in Noida, What all should I study and prepare myself for???
let me knowat [email protected] .4
@koushik yes practice reading good and inspiring writings.
Dear Sir,
Is it possible to change our psychology?
Sir this is my first attempt to AFSB, earlier I twice attempted for NCC special entry and twice I got screened out so I want to ask that would it will effect my AFSB. Another thing I want to ask in application form I did one mistake that in Maths I got 65 but by mistakenly I wrote 68 ………… so Iam bit in tension will it effect my Airforce SSB …. ………….
It wont affect AFSB, but make sure you do necessary corrections after reaching AFSB. AFSB takes more candidates in, so this time you have a good chance of getting in. Narrate confidently and take part in GD actively.
sir, my name is raghu and iam a serving person in the Indian Army Corps of Signals iad applied for SCO commision iam about to go for SSB interview sir, can u plz give me any tips for the SSB interview about the questions asked for the serving persons and the topic which disscussed.
Another question is sir was the interview for civilians and serving persons will be mixed up or will be seperate for the both
Go for some professional coaching if you are not aware of the process. Interview will be separate for the entry you a going.
i have my first ssb in two days but i dont have any id card as specified in the call letter. though, i have aadhar card and also my name is written in my father’s ration card. i had applied for a pan card on 13th of july but i cant track it either. i m very confused regarding this please help.
Dear Sir,
what should be wear on first day ?
I suggest formal dressing.
ok..thanks sir
sir, i was merit out(technical entry) in the first attempt…
how shud i assess myself…is there any problem in my pshyc..?
but m not getting as m following the same steps in the psych as in my first attempt…the interview i can say was not gud…i fumbled in sum gk questions which i need to work on…nd 1 more question sir writing a bit lengthy sentences in wat gives a bad impact..?
wat shud we exactly write in the self descriptiopn ques “what do you want to be in future”..pls reply
Be confident during PI, don’t get nervous when you are unable to answer any GK , but make sure you answer question perfectly about yourself. Write short SRT answers , one line mostly. Write good things in Self description, IO may cross check your SD and your answers.
sir, i was recommended in the very first attempt but after that i was conferenced out in next 3 attempts…..don’t know where i am lacking…i don’t think that i was not good in psycho but interview was not that gud as expected by me…i want to improve me and want to get recommend this time… me out
Why didn’t you join after first attempt, this might be a crucial question for you.
Just be confident and try to perform well in all tests.
all the best.
sure sir and i have heard that they would ask questions from the candidates’ names if they are different. well,mine is Jedidiah Benhur Margoschis. Is that gonna be so in my case? Is that advantageous by any means?
I am not getting your point ??
I have completed my engineering. I have my provisional and my consolidated mark sheet but not the marksheets for every semester. Is that a problem.Please reply soon sir. I am waiting
Have a custodian certificates and attested photocopy for those mark sheets.
do they mean the current bAcklog or previos ones???plz help
No Backlog history means that you should not have any backlog in your graduation no matter you cleared it or not. Please go by rules.
sir i have a ssb for indian navy for general service in june but in the call letter it is written that those who even had a backlog in BTECH in history should not come for the ssb???because in the advertisement it was written that you should not have any current backlog or you should not have a year back??you must be knowing people who are attending ssb with history of backlog but cleared presently so plz help me???please help
Sir i have good communication skills. I can speak very good english. I can deliver good stage speeches. Could all these be an advantage for me ? please reply for my former mail also sir. Please
Yes , good communication skills are very advantageous in SSB, but you should use it wisely.
Thank you sir. Please give me an idea about the screening tests. How should i prepare? How many questions should i answer and what type of questions would they be and how much should i score to get into the next day?
Mostly work on PPDT and Narration .
Sir this is my first and would be my last attempt to become an officer. I am trying OTA entry sir. I have good English but my hand writing isn’t neat. Is that much of a problem? And one more thing. I have only my provisional and consolidated certificates. My degree certificate hasn’t been issued yet. Please give suggestions
1. Writing must be legible , if you writing is not making any sense then how will the next person judge you.
2. Its okay, you can submit that certificate later.
all the best.
Thanks a lot sir. Sir, i am 6 ft tall. So as per the BMI chart i should weigh only 67 but i am 72 now. Is this a problem? What should i do? pl reply
Loose your weight, simple.
I can try loosing weight but that isn’t as easy as it seems right sir? So please tell me if its really a problem to weigh 72 when i am supposed to weigh 67? Pl
It may create problem in SSB medicals , if you say loosing weight is hard for you then you might never reduce your weight ever.
okay sir i understand. Having a good physique can be an advantage sir?
It may help you in outdoor task , but mental power is more important.
SIR by mistake I COULD NOT SENd my passing certificate of 10 th class so i sent the marksheet of 10 th class.will i get a ssb percentage is above the cutoff so percentage is not a problem.
Please tell me for which entry you are asking ?
Dhroov I try hard to get more study materials , I will put some more asap. All the best for your upcoming SSBs
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1)blood-banks play vital role in saving life’s
2) behavior-speak politely with people
3)bravery-lies in saving lifes
4)big-be modest
5)bring-education bring development
6)crime-regular patrolling reduces the crime
7)cool-temper takes good decison
8)confidence-show prepaidness
9)believe-in actions
10)desire-to wear the uniform
11)duty-karam is dharam
12)disagree-using proper words
13)dream-actions fullfill it
14)clear-in expression
15)cry-war cry in GTO task inspires
16)criticism-is for improvement
17)dedication-to the work given as orders
18)dispose-dustbin keep places clean
19)disobey-leads to punishment
20)excellence-lies in perfection
21)revenge-mutual talks resolve fights
22)idea-open new ways
23)imagination-give new ideas
24)leader-clears the objective to his men
25)Light-CFL saves environment and power
26)logic-saves time
27)fool-throwing surprise birthday party for friend
28)machine-reduces human effort
29)nuclear-power reduces carbon emission
30)protect-Cloth bags are biodegradable
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@sunil : Dost tumne mujhe bahut inspire kiya hai(is post k zariye).tumhara dedication mujhe josh dilata hai.main is website pe naya hun to plz apne experience mujhse share karo.n mujhe english SAHI karne k liye kya karna padega.mujhe bhi guide karo plzzzz….mera email:[email protected].
thanku buddy … very dedicated to get recommendation …eagerly waiting !!
sir , i want to know from u that what can be Technical question in PI for TGC entry , i am from “ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION BRANCH” ….plz provide me needful details and topics to study …
Basics of electronics, you better know that 🙂
this is my First n last chance for IMA
ssb at Bhopal.
I m not able to gv lecturrt.
In PI wt he can ask.?
He can ask anything under the sun, just be confident, PI is just a normal talk.
My name is Ashish Rawat
my Qs .is like my Weekness is Retaliation pwr., ..Writng. n its speed, my communication skill.Gk..
Then, work on it.
Sir,I have attended SSB once & didnt got recommended.It was in the year 2010.but after that i joined MBA and again iam trying for Airforce.Sir will it give a negative impression on interviewer regarding my efforts.I thought to again attempt for SSB when i feel Confident to go for it.please suggest be the better way to tackle this situation.
Not at all, every attempt is a new attempt.
1. No
2. Whatever you are doing just justify it there, and be confident.
3. Field area, players , teams , football size weight anything .
Sir ,please clarify my doubts i have few question .i am very confuse what to do .plzz guide me and help ….
(1) WIll Father and Mother Education also plays important role in selecting a candidate in SSB… my father did BA but my mother is uneducated …so did i will not be selected by the board members !!!!
(2)will a temporary job also plays imp role in getting through out in SSB ?? I am doing part time job just to remain to have a proper routine and to improve financial constraints of family till getting selected in SSB ?
(3)what can be interview question related to FOOTBALL and VOLLYBALL ??
Sir please answers me,very interested in joining armed forces as officer.. i have given 3 times ssb but did not got recommendation …plzzz help and guide….
Hello sir , my question is : Soon after completion of my B.TECh last year JUNE 2011 , i didn’t join any job becoz i am only interested in Defense services and fully concentrating only on SSB to get recommendation till today . So will there be any effect when the interviewer ask me relevant question regarding the same. Do the chances of getting recommendation become less overall in SSB ??
plzzzzz replyyyy sir ..eagerly waiting….
Yes, you must have a proper plan, if not Defence then what ?? suppose you are not medically fit for Defence then what ?? What is your plan ?
i have a query related to NCC.i am not holding any certificate of NCC orNSS…is it a drawback for me…because my engineering college is a private institute….and hence is not affiliated with any social organisation….. please answer…….:)
Not at all, 95% of selected candidates are/were not in NCC. It matters only in NCC Special entry, but having it gives a added advantage.
Not being in NCC is not a drawback.
sir how the PI interviewer will get to know regarding this weakness ? because i don’t think so that the PI interviewer will have my PSYCHOLOGY BOOKLET with him. So please clarify sir…. How it will be judge…..plzzzz reply soon as possible……
He will have the Self description(SDT) of yours with him 🙂
Hey buddy , thanks 4 ur previous suggestion… i have doubt regarding , What to write for the weakness in self description…. can i write that “Whenever I bother about my result, I am not able to give my 100% effort, I become nervous and excited at the same time.BUT to resolve this weakness I controls the strength of the mind by doing meditation,spending time with nature & family, friends members. “
This what i feel about my weakness…. Please tell me what to write with justification……
plzzzz clarify …. reply as soon as possible….
Yes you can write that if you do so, because in PI interviewer will cross check you on this 🙂
Sir , i want to know from u, for getting recommendation is it absolute necessary to do well in all stories …or if 1 or 2 stories are not very good then , will is their is chances of getting recommendation ? plzzzzz clarify sir … 3 times i didn’t got recommendation ….plzzz reply as soon as possible….
No, it overall how you do in psychology test , 1 or 2 stories can be average but not negative .