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NotificationSSC-TechSSC-38th Tech Men Notification

SSC-38th Tech Men Notification

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Applications are invited from Male Engineering Graduate for 38th Short Service Commission for (Technical) course Commencing in April 2012 at Chennai.

Eligibility: BE/B.Tech(Aeronautical / Avionics / Aerospace Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Food Technology, Industrial Engineering, Information Science/Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical /Materials Engineering, Mineral / Mining Engineering, Rubber /Plastic /Polymer Engineering)


Last Date: 26 October 11

Qualification: B.E/ B.Tech (Civil/ Electrical/Mining/Automobile/Mechanical/ Production/Rubber Technology/Communication/Architecture/Food Tech./Computer Science & Engineering. Final year students can also apply.
Qualification Vacancies ( 38th SSC (T) Men Total-50
Civil (including Mining/Construction) 08
Electrical (including Electrical & Electronics) 06
Mechanical (including Industrial/Industrial Engg. & Management) 07
Automobile Engg./Workshop Technology 01
Satellite Communication/Aerospace/
ballistics/Laser Technology
Production (including Manufacturing/ Metallurgical/Metallurgy Explosives 03
Rubber Technology/Plastic/Textiles 01
Electronics (including Electronics & Instrumentation/Micro Electronics & Microwave/Opt Electronics) 04
Telecommunication (including ECE/Electronics & Communications)
Architecture 01
Food Tech./Bio Tech 01
Computer Science & Engg/Computer Science 04
IT 04

Age: 20 to 27 years. Born Between 02 April 1985 and not later than 01 April 1992
Physical Standard : (a) Min. height & Weight: For men: 157.5 cm  with correlated weight, 0(b) Eye Sight: The minimum acceptable vision standard for distant vision  6/6 and worst eye sight 6/18.

Method of Selection : Only selected candidates will be called for SSB interview.

Click here to apply online:  SSC(Tech)- 38

Candidates should Apply On-line at Indian Army Web Site www.joinindianarmy.nic.in. Take a printout of the system generated to Additional Directorate General of Recruiting (Rgt-6),TES Selection, West Block-3,RK Puram, New Delhi-110066 to reach by 26th October 2011. Candidates should write in capital letter Online Application SSC (T)-38 And The Roll No…. on the envelop. 

(Ref: Malayala Manorama Thozhilveedhi dated 01st October 2011)

After applying online candidates are requested to take a print out of online application, paste his/her photograph in the space provided duly attested by gazetted officer. Sign the application in blue ink at the space provided and sent it along attested copies of educational/required certificates to Recruiting Directorate by post on the address mentioned in the advertisement published for the entry “ADG Rtg (Rtg-6), TGC/SSC(T)/SSCW(T)/10+2 TES Section(As relevant to the entry), West Block 3, R K Puram, New Delhi-110066. Please write “Online Application, the name of your selected course and the roll No allotted to you” in bold letters, on top of the envelope, when sending the documents by post. For e.g. ONLINE APPLICATION, COURSE Ser TGC-114, ROLL No 500091.applications should be forwarded at the following address:-

Candidates are also required to carry one more ink signed copy of the application without fail along with the attested photograph pasted on it, original certificates and WITH a valid proof of identity to the Selection Centre when called for the interview. Candidature of a candidate will be cancelled:-

(a) If candidate does not send the said documents by post to Recruiting Directorate.

(b) Does not carry the copy of online application & said documents to the Selection Centre for interview.

(c) Applying second time on line or by post will also lead to cancellation of candidate.

(d) Any incorrect details filled in online applications will lead to cancellation of candidature and suitable action will be taken against the candidate.

TES/TGC/SSCW(TECH) SECTION(whichever section is applicable)
NEW DELHI -110066

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  1. hi admin
    needed the soft copy of notifications of SSC (Tech) -37 and SS (Non Tech)-94.
    can you please help me out. I request if yo can send it on [email protected]. i wud also be grateful if yo reply with a simple NO in case you are unable to provide the notification, which i trust will not be the case

  2. Dear Sir/Ma’am

    I have received a letter to attend the interview for the SSB, but i don’t have the application printout, would you please guide me.

    with regards,
    Manu Aggarwal.

  3. sir i have misfortunately didnt taken out the print out of application form i have filled up for tgc-116 online but i know my roll no. can u help me out… how could i get that application form…

  4. Dear Sir,
    I’ve received the SSB letter for SSC(T)-38, Its in Bhopal and Date of SSB is 24th Feb.2012, but I have applied for AFCAT also, it’s on 26th Feb.2012. As this is being my first attempt, for SSB.

    Will Call Up Officer in Bhopal consider my this request of postponing SSB? Till now I haven’t received the HALL TICKET of AFCAT exam. I think it is required to provide the proof as documents supporting for Delay of SSB date. I hope I will receive it very soon. Is there any formalities, that I need to complete to postpone the SSB date?

    I’ve completed my B.E. 2 years before. So, while forwarding the letter which constraint shall I consider as a cause of enumerating the circumstances:- a) Educational /Health constraint
    b) Social/Administration constraints ?
    For option a) I’ve to get the letter with authorizing signature of Pricipal/Head of Institute
    {I’m looking to get this letter as time required to get this letter will be much less}

    For option b) I’ve to get the letter with authorizing signatures of i)Village Sarpanch ii)Town(ADM/SP) iii)City(DM/SSP) iv)Commissioner/IGP/Mayor.
    {For this option b) I’ve to get invest my at least 4-5 days }
    So, please help me..What Shall I do?
    Shall I attend the SSB?
    or Shall I postpone it?

  5. sir i have applied for 32nd ncc spl entry scheme but have not recieved call letter yet and later when i checked website i found my name in the list but till that both the dates were over and i cud not attend interview.plz help me sir wat can i do now.

  6. Sir i attended tgc114 and was conf out from allahabad. After that I again filled the online form for ssc38 and today only i got my call up letter for this entry. My ssb is on 18th feb again in allahabad.
    If I go again they will allow me or not to attend this ssb..??

  7. sir i received the call letter for SSC(T) 38 th course,i have interview on feb 17th they mentioned bring online application with roll no.but i did not having that one sir.please help me to attend that interview sir.but i made a call to bangaloure ssb interview centre sir.they told don’t come with out online application form like that sir.what can i do sir.please tell me the favor answer for me sir.

    • Why didn you take the print out ? have a habit of reading the instructions , I have seen many candidates doing lazy stuffs like this.

      Anyways this thing doesn’t matter , you can attend the interview with all other necessary docs.

  8. sir,
    i have seen the TGC 115th course short list candidates name list.in that my name also there but i didn’t receive any message or call letter regarding that sir.what can i do sir. my s.no:9578
    roll no:540446
    state:TAMIL NADU
    selection center:ALLAHABAD

  9. sir,
    i got msg like report for ssb at bhopal on 21 feb 2012 but i didn’t got any call letter till now and i forgot to take application print out……..can u suggest me they wil allow me attend interview ….plz….is there any chance to getting call letter r to take application print out…….

  10. Yes sir i got a message on my mobile that i have to report at 6am in allahabad railway station on 5/2/12.
    When i search on internet i found a list of candidates selected for ssb(t) 38 and my name was there in the list.
    Yesterday i got my call ltter.
    There are 3 reporting dates 5/2/12(primary regular), 23/2/12(secondary regular), 2/3/12(absentees).
    I dont have the prnt out of application form.
    I have another problem sir tha i have exam of fci on 5/2/12 and afcat on 26/2/12 and i dnt knw wat to do please guide me sir.

  11. Sir,
    i have been selected for ssb(t) 38 my name is in the list but i didn’t receive my call letter and i also forgot to take another print of application form. Please suggest me what should i do?

  12. sir i received the call letter for SSC(T) 38 th course,i have interview on feb 17th they mentioned bring online application with roll no.but i did not having that one sir.please help me to attend that interview sir.

  13. sir i got the call letter from ssb in that they mentioned bring online application along with roll no. actually i don’t have my online application form. plz help me. i have interview on 18th of january plz…what can i do..??? they will accept me..??

  14. Hello sir
    I am in a very confusing state. I had applied for SSC(T) 38 but could not take a print out and send it because my system crashed. now i have received a call letter and i am supposed take a print out of the online application that i submitted. i dont have it now.. what can i do.. any sugesstions on what to do.. Please help

  15. sir i have applied for TGC 114 AND SSC(T)-38 but i did not attended for TGC-114 the reason for not attending TGC is i did not entered correct marks details and i did not sent printout application but i got my interview letter so i have posted a mail but they did not gave response i have completed my B.TECH(IT) with 57.35%.AND i got inteview letter for ssc(t)-38 at bangolore now i have to attend interview or please give response for me

  16. sir,I have applied for 38th SSC tech course.I have graduated in June this year.but I have forgotten to send my SSC n HSC marksheets.I sent only the Engineering marksheets.Will I Be considered for SSB Call?When are the call letters sent to the candidates?

  17. @Saurabh… Forget the screen out , be confident in your next attempts, don’t think about past attempts, just deliver a good PPDT.

    @Hirak How did you apply again for SSC 38th ?? Did the system accepte your application with the same details ?

  18. dear admin,
    sir i have attended ssb call for 114th tgc as my first choice and also 38th ssc as my second choice.i have again apllied for 38th ssc when the advertisement was published.after applying online, i have sended the online application form along with the required documents to delhi office.can you tell me when i will be getting the ssb call for the same.

  19. @ admin….
    sir i have attended SSB 4 times but couldn’t make it.
    1) NDA – 118 (2007) – 19ssb ald screened out.
    2) TES – 17 (2007) – 11ssb ald conference out.
    3) UES -19 (PFY)(2010) – 19ssb ald screen out.
    4) CDS (IMA-132) (2011) – 19 ssb ald screen out.
    i have filled 38 SSC (T) and appeared in CDS(2) 2011 that is my last attempt for IMA.sir i am unable to understand what is going wrong with me. and where i am lagging behind. plz help me sir.

  20. @ admin …Gud morning sir, i am saurabh completed b.tech in IT with 64% in 2011 but i have 3 papers due in 6th sem. I have appeared in back exam but result will come in jan . I filled the ssc 38 form with my present result ie fail of 6th sem. And in the coloumn completion of degree i wrote the date on which my 8th sem result was declare ie 20 jul 2011 and one more thing inspite of IE i filled the forn in chrome. Will these things are going to affect my candidature.

  21. Sir, I am B.Tech in CSE. I have applied for 38 ssc for April 2012 batch. What will be the tentative period for SSB and how much is the cut off for the call for SSB?

  22. i didn’t got my call letter for tgc 114 but my name was there on army site &i missed it, so plz tell me wether i will get call letter for 38th ssc(t)

  23. Dear Sir,

    i have applied for TGC-114 and got a call for SSB, but unfortunately couldn’t get selected. Please tell me that for SSC Tech 38, do i have to fill the form again or i will get a call automatically?

  24. sir, iam in final year and have an reappear in 5 and 6 sem .sir i want to know iam eligible for 38 ssc or not and also what is the minimum cutoff for tgc entry approximately.

  25. i am an Engg. Graduate,but i have an arrear paper in my final semester, and apply for the ssc38 but i am not sure about the marks in the 8th semester should i fill approx. marks or should i fill upto 7th semester in the online form.
    Plez reply waiting for your valuble suggestions.

  26. Dear Administrator :
    i am an Engg. Graduate,but i have an arrear paper in my final semester, my next attempt to clear this paper will be this november(2011). Am i eligible to apply the TGC114 and SSC38 ?

  27. @Chetak

    Yes you will get TGC 114 call and it has SSC 38 already so you cant fill it again. .

    @Shanu Poddar

    Please fill the 38th SSC and the course will be in July not in Jan.

    Jan 2012 is TGC114 and SSC 38 is July 2012.

  28. respected admin, i want to fill this 38th ssc technical form. final year students can apply but the date of completion of course according to them shoud be on or before 1 jan 2012… then how can fina year students apply because our date of completion is june 2012.. plz reply..

  29. sir i fill tgc 114 ………. now when i fill this , it show u name & id already registered…… now if we doesn’t fill the form they call for ssb or not…..


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