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SSBCrackIts All About Being Yourself In SSB Interview

Its All About Being Yourself In SSB Interview


Yes SSB is one of the very challenging and unique interview, its stressful for someone and on the other hand few enjoys it ( probably the freshers ). Yes it unique because it judge you on different level unlike common interviews which just go with your academics and personality even without judging it properly. But this is not the case with SSB interview, we always listen from others specially from the recommended one that ” just be yourself in SSB interview ” so what is it ??


What do you mean by being yourself, its simple, perform more than your ability but without changing your “unique” way to do the things, do not hold a mask.
What is the job of SSB Board:
1. They should provide the best men in the forces, and there is no scope for error. So they are very selective and they have unique methods to find the ” right fit “.
2 Also they should select the one who can utilize his/her ability in the Organization, and do not feel that he/she is in wrong place.
“One wrong person selected for a given job can cause a host of problems in an organization. Therefore, an rganization should ensure that suitable people are recruited, even if it involves some investment. There is a difference between the selection system between the corporate / private enterprise and the Armed Forces. The selection at the entry level in the private world is done on â€˜as required basis’ and has the ‘best fit’ philosophy,meaning that the best of the lot is selected. The Armed Forces has a ‘right fit’ philosophy, wherein the Selection Centres are not aware of the vacancies and they recommend aspirants for selection, whom they find fit for the services.”
” If you are in uniform and someone says that you are not a good officer, how will you feel, it will be a very bad feeling , that’s the reason why SSB board tells you earlier that you are no meant for this organization and you may do wonders somewhere else” 
But again it gives you chances to comeback and prove yourself again !! Hardly you will get such chances in other sectors. Yes you can develop certain qualities with time which are required in a person to become an officer. Remember as I said there is no scope for error, if they find any doubt regarding you; they will not gonna select you, so do not hold a mask until unless you know how to hold it properly.
Also SSB needs a person who is good in his attitude , the way he/she act and react to the situations , someone is gentle and clever . Because you can change someone physically but its hard to change the mentality and attitude of someone in the training duration, that it the reason Psychology test hold so much of importance in SSB.
So practice hard for your SSB, don’t think much , behave in your normal way, think with a free mind , put your best effort , and you will be in sooner or later. 

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  1. Gentlemen , I think there no tips one can give for any interview conducted on earth. For any interview what exactly matters is your confidence and your way to express may it be a question from history , civics geography ,science or from your own life. For SSB Interview the most important thing is to present yourself whatever you are remember every human being on earth has +ives and -ives in his personality. Showcase what you are in life , with friends , with family. By telling a lie you cannot escape from assessor’s eye so why not to speak truth , but don’t become emotional. Remember you have selected for Stage II to showcase yourself in an open manner so what is there to become emotional , no assessor would give sympathy to you , they are selected from best of the best. One Funda which you can apply in an interview is “DON”T BE FRANK BUT BE SMART WHILE ANSWERING”……..
    For eg : If you are telling your weakness make sure that you have a solution to cover it up which you will be doing or doing presently to improve upon…………DON”T BLUFF otherwise SSB is over there only , this is one of the exam in India which holds simple constraint but Respectful Job so prepare yourself accordingly friends…………I hope all of us will serve the Nation with pride and Honor………:-))

  2. but what r d basic qualities ,should have/should not have,,,,,as u said be yourself,,,behave in normal way,,,but may b there is possibilities that we already hav some unwanted quality,,,and even we didnt know about them,then how can we generate and rectify the qualities to become hero??

  3. Sir; i have my ssb on 4 may in bhopal for army tes and i am appearing for 4 time and 2 times conf out and1 time screen out.. My interviews are not good. Plz help me


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