In this post, we will discuss about what to do and what not to do while attending SSB Interviews. SSB Interview is not as strict or tough as any other interview, candidate may find is difficult just because the success rate at SSB interview is very less, it doesn’t mean that all other who do not make it once can not apply or eligible for SSB interview. There are certain things one must remember while entering in Services Selection Board.
Do’s and Don’ts at SSB Interview
- On arrival introduce your self to the reception staff and show your documents.
- Make as many friends as possible at the reception center itself.
- Remember you are being judged by your own batch mates right from the word go. Behave like a perfect Gentleman.
- Keep a record of all the Bio data, for you will need this to fill up your arrival info form.
- Do not give any false statement.
- Always dress up neatly and appear smart. Before you leave your room spend a minute in front of the mirror. A man / woman is judged by others, by what he wears and what he speaks.
- At the railway station itself buy a city guide it will help you to know about the city and its places of importance, bus route, train timings etc.,
- Always address the group as Gentlemen, or friends. His/her chest number allotted by the board, should be used. (During Discussion and test only.)
- Know each individual of your group by name his qualification; this will help you during GTOs Task. Try and become popular with them.
- Take initiative, be co-operative. Listen to others. As the time is at premium during discussions, speak up. Be bold and express your self clearly be brief and do not repeat what others have said. It is better to speak either first or second, so that you will have an opportunity to put forward your points.
- During Psychological tests, Always write positive sentences/story it should bring out the officer like qualities (of which you have been taught.)
- During interview if you do not know any answer politely say “I am sorry Sir, I don’t Know.”
- Be calm, cool and attentive. Smile while you enter the interviewing room and also say thank you, at the time of departure. Your handshake should be firm.
- The interviewing officer is a qualified gentleman, never bluff, you will get caught and spoil you chances of success.
- Be confident, rehearse some favorite questions.
- No lies/false hood please.
- You have no bad points except to over work to get perfection in any task under taken.
- Do not waste your time unnecessarily read some magazines.
- Don’t be tense take it easy, always think before you answer.
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