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SSB InterviewTipsSSB Study Material 2017

SSB Study Material 2017

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  1. Tarun , I guess in the Army they want to see your exceptional courage and undying faith in your seniors or CO and in several situations u would be asked to do things which have no explanation . my answer would be that “I would jump sir as there is a soft ground and I completely trust the decision of my instructor , after I land I would buckle my knees , roll and spring up on my feet ” .
    what would u do if u wer a commando , huh ???

    • Yes it is necessary,but it doesn’t mean that you need to be very fluent and good at vocabulary, but it must be good for communication. Also they expect good communication skills from a candidate studied in English medium and comparatively less from Hindi or any other medium.

      So, as you said you have done your education in Village, IO and GTO will keep this thing in mind, every thing will be fair, just be confident and start preparing.

  2. dear friend don’t show national level champion and selfish nature of hero/heroin. u may write that she like mountain climbing as her hobby.
    i think u have written well except this.

  3. hi sir…here i have written a story and want ur comments…
    PICTURE:A boy/girl was doing rock climbing.
    Sonia was a 19 years old girl who was doing her graduation from govt college Dharamsala.She was also an NCC cadet.
    Selections for national level rock climbing competition was going on in her directorate. She cleared up the endurance and physical test for the rock climbing.After this she was taken for the training of rock climbng in Shimla.She very keenly learned whatever was taught in the training and also made herself physically tough and strong.
    After the rigrous training of 2 months, she was all set for the competition.
    The day arrived and she performed really well.Because of her practice and hard work, she grabbed gold medal at national level.

    • i hope watching the news everyday, listening to the discussions on various issues …etc in talk these days( broadcasted generally at weekends) and reading newspaper (the editorial section is a must so that you come to know about views of people on various streaming and hot topics).

      talk to your friends who are going for SSB or interested in defence services about these things ……all these sharing and talking about news, views and analysis will surely boost up your knowledge,confidence and communication skills


  4. yes sir
    this means that the question was asked according to my performance in some task and acordingly i was judged .
    more clearly sir there is no specific correct answer but it depends on person to person .

  5. @Tarun

    Only you have to analyse that, there are many tests in 5 days , but poor performance in one doesn’t say that you will not get recommend also a good performance in one of them doesn’t assure that you will be in.

  6. sir
    in my nda’s ssb conference i was asked by the president
    that if i ask you to jump from a height of 20 feet what would you do gentlemen ?

    i answered ‘ it depends’

    further he said “why won’t it show your courage young man”

    i answered “sir doing it without any purpose is foolishness and not courage “

    dear sir admin
    tell me where did i went wrong in this deal .


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