Hello friends
Hope all the eligible candidates had applied for AFCAT (Air force common admission test).
Now most of us are preparing for it , some of us are already gone through EKT and AFCAT.Please do not get confused between EKT and AFCAT, EKT is engineering knowlege test which is only for Engineering student who opt for technical branch on the other hand AFCAT is a common test which is common for all student irrespective to the educational qualification .
If you pass AFCAT on 28 Aug 2011 you will get SSB call letter from IAF for JUL 2012 batch and if you get recommended (whoo) then you will be going through test according to your choice of course.
1. Technical : If you are a engineering student and applied for Technical then you have to pass EKT, also you can apply for Flying and GDOC if you are in age limit.Age limit for Technical is 27-28 years.
2 Flying : A normal graduate can opt for flying but he shouldn’t be more then 23years .
3 GDOC: A normal graduate can opt for GDOC but he shouldn’t be more then 23 years.
Ok friends ill tell something about AFCAT .
AFCAT is a very simple exam consist of every subject like maths , GK , aptitude , English ..blah blah …:)
Now my tip to pass AFCAT , but before that let me tell you what comes in AFCAT:
(a) General Awareness – History, Sports, Geography, Environment, Civics, Basic Science, Defence, Art, Culture, Current Affairs, Politics etc.
(b) Verbal Ability in English – Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Completion, Synonyms, Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary.
(c) Numerical Ability – Decimal Fraction, Simplification, Average, Profit & loss, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion and Simple interest.
(d) Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test – Verbal Skills and Spatial Ability
In GK you will get common history questions ( I am bad in History) so just go through internet and search for common history questions , now come to sports… I remember last time they have asked “Usain bolt belongs to which country ” so it tells that GK will be common and from recent events …
Also GK will have 1-2 questions from DEFENCE …like Highest Gallantry award in peace time (AVSM)..last time this question came…hmmm also remember that -ve marking will be there so do not pen down blindly …
Verbal english is the simplest part and marks for free ..so I suggest you to do it 100% correct…
Numerical Ability : Yeah here comes the real challenge …but I also used to think that its very difficult to solve numerical problems ..no its easy if you prepare for it…I swear it required 30 mins of preparation….and you will be able to solve 10-14 questions …..HOW?
What I did is I went through Google and typed “Decimal Fraction, Simplification, Average, Profit & loss, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion and Simple interest ” one by one ..you will get simple questions and solution … it was so easy when I saw the AFCAT…but only because I was prepared for it….I was getting correct answers…except few problems i wasn’t able to solve…I tell you please go through question related to them and you will be able to solve them easily… and yes this part is time consuming and need lots of concentration while solving…
reasoning and Military aptitude :
Q1. MAN is to BOY as WOMAN is to
Answer – D
yeah such kind of stuff…its simple go for it…
also check the above link from IAF to get some idea about AFCAT… I wish you all the best do well and please do comment friends…
Jai Hind
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hy..i m shyam..i m studying BE Ece 3rd yr at present…i like to join airforce…bt i hav cnfused abt the xams n post….so nybdy plzzz help me by saying….wht r the exams tht i hav to prepare for?and wht r the jobs there for ECE students in airforce? i dont hav nybdy to guide me…so help me brothers ….
So approaching afcat is seems to b clear thanq for tat sir…what abt ssb how many ll get selected?,is it all abt talent or recommendation required..!..how can I prepare for ssb sir..plz help,I’m appearing afcat for the second time and now waiting for Aug 2012..
I have thrice written afcat exam in march 2011,aug 2011,feb 2012 out of which I have cleared exam twice and got an opportunity to attend ssb at 1 AFSB dehradun in may 2012. For all the aspirants i want to just say that got through quantitative book,verbal and non verbal reasoning by RS Aggarwal.For the gk part you can refer to the ncert books below class 10 and any gk book which cost less than 50 RS.I have also applied for the afcat aug 2012 too.
All the best Gagan.
Is this a regular course , with btech you can apply in Flying , GDOC and Technical, but it also depends on your age. Apply for AFCAT.
Sir,currently i’am pursuing Btech(cs) + Mba(dual degree 5 year course) …. which are the fields in IAF for which i’am eligible….. and which MBA branch should i opt????
Thank you sir
@Chandan Did you go for any AFSB recently??
or did you see any recent AFSB call letter?
they haven’t mentioned about EKT like earlier.
for more info contact IAF
Yes,agree with jtajay.As far as i know,clearing AFCAT,EKT is mandatory for technical graduates.
please provide the correct info sir.
@ADMIN:EKT is removed ….r u sure?….isn’t it like first we have to clear AFCAT then if we r applying for technical branches then we are supposed to go through EKT also.
@Shubham EKT is removed now, apply for AFCAT and pass it.
is it necessary to clear AFCAT for technical entry..i mean what i ve to clear EKT or AFCAT..m a b.tech student
tank u gentle man