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Written ExamsAFCATWhat is AFCAT- Air Force Common Admission Test 2022

What is AFCAT- Air Force Common Admission Test 2022

Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) is a part of the unified selection system to provide adequate opportunities to the candidates eligible for multiple branches of the IAF to apply through a single application.  AFCAT is conducted for the following non-UPSC entries for induction into the Officers’ cadre of the IAF.


Various Entries Through AFCAT

  • Flying branch: Short Service Commission (Men / Women)
  • Technical branch: Permanent Commission (Men) / Short Service Commission (Men / Women)
  • Ground Duty branches: Permanent Commission (Men) / Short Service Commission (Men / Women)

AFCAT has been introduced with effect from courses commencing in Jan 2012. The first AFCAT was held on 27 Mar 2011.  Earlier, a candidate had to fill up separate application forms for induction into Flying, Technical, and Ground Duty branches and participate in the selection process by appearing in different tests. Through AFCAT, the candidates can apply for different branches by filling up one single application form as per eligibility and choice. A common entrance test i.e. AFCAT is conducted for all the branches.  Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) is two hours duration and contains multiple-choice questions on verbal ability, numerical ability, reasoning, general awareness, and aptitude.

Air Force Common Admission Test - AFCAT

Click here to view scheme of syllabus and sample questions of AFCAT. Candidates short-listed on the basis of AFCAT are called for further testing at one of the Air Force Selection Boards. Candidates recommended after Phase – II of SSB interview are administered the following branch specific tests based on their eligibility / choice of branches:-

  • Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) for Flying branch.
  • Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT) 

Medical Examination is conducted at AFCME, New Delhi or IAM, Bengaluru based on the eligibility of the candidate and recommendations at Air Force Selection Board (AFSB). Candidates recommended by the AFSBs and declared medically fit are detailed for training in order of All India Merit List depending on the number of vacancies available in various branches / sub branches.     Advertisement schedule for AFCAT is Dec and Jun every year.

AFCAT released its official notification for AFCAT is going online across various examination centers in India. The exam, which used to be free of cost to apply, would be charged at 250/- INR per application.

Selection system for Officers and Airmen in the IAF has been continuously evolving and sustained efforts are in place to strengthen the testing system. Though the existing system is time tested and well proven, constraints of testing capacity and geographical reach were major limitations in according opportunity to all the deserving and eligible candidates from across the country especially to rural youth.

On the morning of 11th December, MoS for Defence Subhash Bhamre inaugurated the online examination web portal of IAF at Vayusena Bhavan. This contributes towards the vision of ‘Digital India’ of the Prime Minister.

The online examination system is developed in collaboration with Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) thus also following the ‘Make in India’ and ‘Design in India’ philosophy of the Govt of India.

IAF is the first amongst the three services to take up IT enabled Online Testing for induction in Officers and Airmen cadre. The project will be implemented with effect from Jan 2018 for Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) for Officer’s cadre and Scheduled test for Airmen Recruitment (STAR) for Airmen cadre.

Earlier IAF had 100+ centres pan India for Officer cadre exam and 14 centres for Airmen selection exams. Certain states/UTs did not have any testing centre. Consequently, candidates had to spend considerable time and resources on travelling to the testing centres. In the new system, there would be about 760 examination centre’s all over the country and the maximum distance a candidate would be required to travel now will be considerably less from the place of his/her residence. It will enable approximately four lakh candidates for Airmen selection and two lakh candidates for Officer’s selection, to appear in the exam every six months.

Here is how to apply for AFCAT 1/2019, NCC Spl Entry and Met Entry for IAF Jan 2020 courses:

  1. Goto either one of the websites – https://careerindianairforce.cdac.in or https://afcat.cdac.in
  2. The applications will open on 01 Dec 2018 and will close on 30 Dec 2018.
  3. Click on “Officer” button at the end of the page to join as officer or “Airman” button to join as an airman.
  4. Click on “Apply Online”
  5. Register with your valid details and click on “Register”.
  6. Fill up the application form with utmost care with correct details and pay the applicable fee.
  7. Click on “Submit”.

Your application has been submitted successfully.

Contact AFCAT Cell:

For queries regarding AFCAT application, admit card and AFCAT centre, candidates may contact AFCAT Cell:

West Block – VI Air HQs(RKP) RK Puram New Delhi – 110066 Tele: 011 – 26160458, 26160459 E – Mail: [email protected]

Download Previous Papers:

Previous AFCAT papers can be downloaded from the following links:

AFCAT Solved Question Papers: http://shop.ssbcrack.com/afcat-solved-question-papers-download

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  1. sir i just want to know what is the scope of girls in IAF….i mean in terms of vacancies….i got recomended from allahabad fr ssc previously but then was not there in merit…there were 80 of us just in ece branch n only 11 were shortlisted.so i wanted to have an idea about the app merit in and ji issued candidtes here

  2. Sir.i have been called for SSB varanasi on 7th may,2012.its my first time and i have applied for technical branch..i wanted to know whether EKT exam is still conducted for entering the technical branch?if yest then when and where will it be conducted?also will it be after the ssb or on day of reporting itself?plz reply soon as i have very little time nd am still confused..


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